Compiles a function into a callable TensorFlow graph. (deprecated arguments)
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See Migration guide for more details.
) -> tf.types.experimental.GenericFunction
constructs a tf.types.experimental.GenericFunction
executes a TensorFlow graph (tf.Graph
) created by trace-compiling the
TensorFlow operations in func
. More information on the topic can be found
in Introduction to Graphs and tf.function.
See Better Performance with tf.function for tips on performance and known limitations.
Example usage:
def f(x, y):
return x ** 2 + y
x = tf.constant([2, 3])
y = tf.constant([3, -2])
f(x, y)
<tf.Tensor: ... numpy=array([7, 7], ...)>
The trace-compilation allows non-TensorFlow operations to execute, but under
special conditions. In general, only TensorFlow operations are guaranteed to
run and create fresh results whenever the GenericFunction
is called.
may use data-dependent control flow, including if
, for
, while
, continue
and return
def f(x):
if tf.reduce_sum(x) > 0:
return x * x
return -x // 2
<tf.Tensor: ... numpy=1>
's closure may include tf.Tensor
and tf.Variable
def f():
return x ** 2 + y
x = tf.constant([-2, -3])
y = tf.Variable([3, -2])
<tf.Tensor: ... numpy=array([7, 7], ...)>
may also use ops with side effects, such as tf.print
, tf.Variable
and others:
v = tf.Variable(1)
def f(x):
for i in tf.range(x):
<tf.Variable ... numpy=4>
l = []
def f(x):
for i in x:
l.append(i + 1) # Caution! Will only happen once when tracing
f(tf.constant([1, 2, 3]))
[<tf.Tensor ...>]
Instead, use TensorFlow collections like tf.TensorArray
def f(x):
ta = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True)
for i in range(len(x)):
ta = ta.write(i, x[i] + 1)
return ta.stack()
f(tf.constant([1, 2, 3]))
<tf.Tensor: ..., numpy=array([2, 3, 4], ...)>
creates polymorphic callables
Internally, tf.types.experimental.GenericFunction
may contain multiple
s, each specialized to arguments with
different data types or shapes, since TensorFlow can perform more
optimizations on graphs of specific shapes, dtypes and values of constant
arguments. tf.function
treats any pure Python values as opaque objects (best
thought of as compile-time constants), and builds a separate tf.Graph
each set of Python arguments that it encounters.
For more information, see the
tf.function guide
Executing a GenericFunction
will select and execute the appropriate
based on the argument types and values.
To obtain an individual ConcreteFunction
, use the
method. It can be called with the
same arguments as func
and returns a
. ConcreteFunction
s are backed by a
single tf.Graph
def f(x):
return x + 1
isinstance(f.get_concrete_function(1).graph, tf.Graph)
s can be executed just like GenericFunction
s, but their
input is resticted to the types to which they're specialized.
are built (traced) on the fly, as the GenericFunction
called with new TensorFlow types or shapes, or with new Python values as
arguments. When GenericFunction
builds a new trace, it is said that func
is retraced. Retracing is a frequent performance concern for tf.function
it can be considerably slower than executing a graph that's already been
traced. It is ideal to minimize the amount of retracing in your code.
def f(x):
return tf.abs(x)
f1 = f.get_concrete_function(1)
f2 = f.get_concrete_function(2) # Slow - compiles new graph
f1 is f2
f1 = f.get_concrete_function(tf.constant(1))
f2 = f.get_concrete_function(tf.constant(2)) # Fast - reuses f1
f1 is f2
Python numerical arguments should only be used when they take few distinct values, such as hyperparameters like the number of layers in a neural network.
Input signatures
For Tensor arguments, GenericFunction
creates a new ConcreteFunction
every unique set of input shapes and datatypes. The example below creates two
separate ConcreteFunction
s, each specialized to a different shape:
def f(x):
return x + 1
vector = tf.constant([1.0, 1.0])
matrix = tf.constant([[3.0]])
f.get_concrete_function(vector) is f.get_concrete_function(matrix)
An "input signature" can be optionally provided to tf.function
to control
this process. The input signature specifies the shape and type of each
Tensor argument to the function using a tf.TensorSpec
object. More general
shapes can be used. This ensures only one ConcreteFunction
is created, and
restricts the GenericFunction
to the specified shapes and types. It is
an effective way to limit retracing when Tensors have dynamic shapes.
input_signature=[tf.TensorSpec(shape=None, dtype=tf.float32)])
def f(x):
return x + 1
vector = tf.constant([1.0, 1.0])
matrix = tf.constant([[3.0]])
f.get_concrete_function(vector) is f.get_concrete_function(matrix)
Variables may only be created once
only allows creating new tf.Variable
objects when it is called
for the first time:
class MyModule(tf.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.v = None
def __call__(self, x):
if self.v is None:
self.v = tf.Variable(tf.ones_like(x))
return self.v * x
In general, it is recommended to create tf.Variable
s outside of
In simple cases, persisting state across tf.function
boundaries may be
implemented using a pure functional style in which state is represented by
s passed as arguments and returned as return values.
Contrast the two styles below:
state = tf.Variable(1)
def f(x):
f(tf.constant(2)) # Non-pure functional style
<tf.Variable ... numpy=3>
state = tf.constant(1)
def f(state, x):
state += x
return state
state = f(state, tf.constant(2)) # Pure functional style
<tf.Tensor: ... numpy=3>
Python operations execute only once per trace
may contain TensorFlow operations mixed with pure Python operations.
However, when the function is executed, only the TensorFlow operations will
run. The Python operations run only once, at trace time. If TensorFlow
operations depend on results from Pyhton operations, those results will be
frozen into the graph.
def f(a, b):
print('this runs at trace time; a is', a, 'and b is', b)
return b
f(1, tf.constant(1))
this runs at trace time; a is 1 and b is Tensor("...", shape=(), dtype=int32)
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=1>
f(1, tf.constant(2))
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=2>
f(2, tf.constant(1))
this runs at trace time; a is 2 and b is Tensor("...", shape=(), dtype=int32)
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=1>
f(2, tf.constant(2))
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=2>
Using type annotations to improve performance
'experimental_follow_type_hints` can be used along with type annotations to
reduce retracing by automatically casting any Python values to tf.Tensor
(something that is not done by default, unless you use input signatures).
def f_with_hints(x: tf.Tensor):
return x
def f_no_hints(x: tf.Tensor):
return x
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=1>
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=2>
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=1>
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=int32, numpy=2>
Args | |
the function to be compiled. If func is None, tf.function returns
a decorator that can be invoked with a single argument - func . In other
words, tf.function(input_signature=...)(func) is equivalent to
tf.function(func, input_signature=...) . The former can be used as
A possibly nested sequence of tf.TensorSpec objects
specifying the shapes and dtypes of the Tensors that will be supplied to
this function. If None , a separate function is instantiated for each
inferred input signature. If input_signature is specified, every input to
func must be a Tensor , and func cannot accept **kwargs .
Whether autograph should be applied on func before tracing a
graph. Data-dependent control flow requires autograph=True . For more
information, see the tf.function and AutoGraph guide.
If True , compiles the function using
XLA. XLA performs compiler optimizations,
such as fusion, and attempts to emit more efficient code. This may
drastically improve the performance. If set to True ,
the whole function needs to be compilable by XLA, or an
errors.InvalidArgumentError is thrown.
If None (default), compiles the function with XLA when running on TPU
and goes through the regular function execution path when running on
other devices.
If False , executes the function without XLA compilation. Set this value
to False when directly running a multi-device function on TPUs (e.g. two
TPU cores, one TPU core and its host CPU).
Not all functions are compilable, see a list of
sharp corners.
If provided, contains a name of a "known" function
this implements. For example "mycompany.my_recurrent_cell".
This is stored as an attribute in inference function,
which can then be detected when processing serialized function.
See standardizing composite ops for details. For an example of utilizing this attribute see this example The code above automatically detects and substitutes function that implements "embedded_matmul" and allows TFLite to substitute its own implementations. For instance, a tensorflow user can use this attribute to mark that their function also implements embedded_matmul (perhaps more efficiently!)
by specifying it using this parameter:
This can either be specified as just the string name of the function or
a NameAttrList corresponding to a list of key-value attributes associated
with the function name. The name of the function will be in the 'name'
field of the NameAttrList. To define a formal TF op for this function
implements, try the experimental composite TF
Optional tuple of
tf.autograph.experimental.Feature values.
When True, tf.function may generate fewer,
graphs that are less specialized on input shapes.
Deprecated alias to 'jit_compile'. |
When True, the function may use type
annotations from func to optimize the tracing performance. For example,
arguments annotated with tf.Tensor will automatically be converted
to a Tensor.
Returns | |
If func is not None, returns a tf.types.experimental.GenericFunction .
If func is None, returns a decorator that, when invoked with a single
func argument, returns a tf.types.experimental.GenericFunction .
Raises | |
ValueError when attempting to use jit_compile=True , but XLA support is
not available.