
A function decorator for defining a multi-flag validator.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


Registers the decorated function as a validator for flag_names, e.g.::

@flags.multi_flags_validator(['foo', 'bar'])
def _CheckFooBar(flags_dict):

See :func:register_multi_flags_validator for the specification of checker function.

flag_names [str | FlagHolder], a list of the flag names or holders to be checked. Positional-only parameter.
message str, error text to be shown to the user if checker returns False. If checker raises flags.ValidationError, message from the raised error will be shown.
flag_values flags.FlagValues, optional FlagValues instance to validate against.

A function decorator that registers its function argument as a validator.

AttributeError Raised when a flag is not registered as a valid flag name.