Registry of 'Flag' objects.
View aliases
Compat aliases for migration
See Migration guide for more details.
*args, **kwargs
A 'FlagValues' can then scan command line arguments, passing flag arguments through to the 'Flag' objects that it owns. It also provides easy access to the flag values. Typically only one 'FlagValues' object is needed by an application: flags.FLAGS
This class is heavily overloaded:
'Flag' objects are registered via setitem: FLAGS['longname'] = x # register a new flag
The .value attribute of the registered 'Flag' objects can be accessed as attributes of this 'FlagValues' object, through getattr. Both the long and short name of the original 'Flag' objects can be used to access its value: FLAGS.longname # parsed flag value FLAGS.x # parsed flag value (short name)
Command line arguments are scanned and passed to the registered 'Flag' objects through the call method. Unparsed arguments, including argv0 are returned. argv = FLAGS(sys.argv) # scan command line arguments
The original registered Flag objects can be retrieved through the use of the dictionary-like operator, getitem: x = FLAGS['longname'] # access the registered Flag object
The str() operator of a 'FlagValues' object provides help for all of the registered 'Flag' objects.