
A SequenceExample is a format for representing one or more sequences and some context.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


The context contains features which apply to the entire example. The feature_lists contain a key, value map where each key is associated with a repeated set of tf.train.Features (a tf.train.FeatureList). A FeatureList represents the values of a feature identified by its key over time / frames.

Below is a SequenceExample for a movie recommendation application recording a sequence of ratings by a user. The time-independent features ("locale", "age", "favorites") describing the user are part of the context. The sequence of movies the user rated are part of the feature_lists. For each movie in the sequence we have information on its name and actors and the user's rating. This information is recorded in three separate feature_lists. In the example below there are only two movies. All three feature_lists, namely "movie_ratings", "movie_names", and "actors" have a feature value for both movies. Note, that "actors" is itself a bytes_list with multiple strings per movie.

  context: {
    feature: {
      key  : "locale"
      value: {
        bytes_list: {
          value: [ "pt_BR" ]
    feature: {
      key  : "age"
      value: {
        float_list: {
          value: [ 19.0 ]
    feature: {
      key  : "favorites"
      value: {
        bytes_list: {
          value: [ "Majesty Rose", "Savannah Outen", "One Direction" ]
  feature_lists: {
    feature_list: {
      key  : "movie_ratings"
      value: {
        feature: {
          float_list: {
            value: [ 4.5 ]
        feature: {
          float_list: {
            value: [ 5.0 ]
    feature_list: {
      key  : "movie_names"
      value: {
        feature: {
          bytes_list: {
            value: [ "The Shawshank Redemption" ]
        feature: {
          bytes_list: {
            value: [ "Fight Club" ]
    feature_list: {
      key  : "actors"
      value: {
        feature: {
          bytes_list: {
            value: [ "Tim Robbins", "Morgan Freeman" ]
        feature: {
          bytes_list: {
            value: [ "Brad Pitt", "Edward Norton", "Helena Bonham Carter" ]

A conformant SequenceExample data set obeys the following conventions:


  • All conformant context features K must obey the same conventions as a conformant Example's features (see above).


  • A FeatureList L may be missing in an example; it is up to the parser configuration to determine if this is allowed or considered an empty list (zero length).
  • If a FeatureList L exists, it may be empty (zero length).
  • If a FeatureList L is non-empty, all features within the FeatureList must have the same data type T. Even across SequenceExamples, the type T of the FeatureList identified by the same key must be the same. An entry without any values may serve as an empty feature.
  • If a FeatureList L is non-empty, it is up to the parser configuration to determine if all features within the FeatureList must have the same size. The same holds for this FeatureList across multiple examples.
  • For sequence modeling (example), the feature lists represent a sequence of frames. In this scenario, all FeatureLists in a SequenceExample have the same number of Feature messages, so that the i-th element in each FeatureList is part of the i-th frame (or time step).

Examples of conformant and non-conformant examples' FeatureLists:

Conformant FeatureLists:

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0 ] } } }
    } }

Non-conformant FeatureLists (mismatched types):

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { int64_list: { value: [ 5 ] } } }
    } }

Conditionally conformant FeatureLists, the parser configuration determines if the feature sizes must match:

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0, 6.0 ] } } }
    } }

Examples of conformant and non-conformant SequenceExamples:

Conformant pair of SequenceExample:

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0 ] } } }
     } }

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 2.0 ] } } }
     } }

Conformant pair of SequenceExamples:

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0 ] } } }
     } }

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { }
     } }

Conditionally conformant pair of SequenceExamples, the parser configuration determines if the second feature_lists is consistent (zero-length) or invalid (missing "movie_ratings"):

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0 ] } } }
     } }

   feature_lists: { }

Non-conformant pair of SequenceExamples (mismatched types):

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0 ] } } }
     } }

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { int64_list: { value: [ 4 ] } }
               feature: { int64_list: { value: [ 5 ] } }
               feature: { int64_list: { value: [ 2 ] } } }
     } }

Conditionally conformant pair of SequenceExamples; the parser configuration determines if the feature sizes must match:

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.5 ] } }
               feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0 ] } } }
    } }

    feature_lists: { feature_list: {
      key: "movie_ratings"
      value: { feature: { float_list: { value: [ 4.0 ] } }
              feature: { float_list: { value: [ 5.0, 3.0 ] } }
    } }

context Features context
feature_lists FeatureLists feature_lists