Module: tf.keras

Public API for tf.keras namespace.


activations module: Public API for tf.keras.activations namespace.

applications module: Public API for tf.keras.applications namespace.

backend module: Public API for tf.keras.backend namespace.

callbacks module: Public API for tf.keras.callbacks namespace.

constraints module: Public API for tf.keras.constraints namespace.

datasets module: Public API for tf.keras.datasets namespace.

estimator module: Public API for tf.keras.estimator namespace.

experimental module: Public API for tf.keras.experimental namespace.

initializers module: Public API for tf.keras.initializers namespace.

layers module: Public API for tf.keras.layers namespace.

losses module: Public API for tf.keras.losses namespace.

metrics module: Public API for tf.keras.metrics namespace.

mixed_precision module: Public API for tf.keras.mixed_precision namespace.

models module: Public API for tf.keras.models namespace.

optimizers module: Public API for tf.keras.optimizers namespace.

preprocessing module: Public API for tf.keras.preprocessing namespace.

regularizers module: Public API for tf.keras.regularizers namespace.

utils module: Public API for tf.keras.utils namespace.


class Model: Model groups layers into an object with training and inference features.

class Sequential: Sequential groups a linear stack of layers into a tf.keras.Model.


Input(...): Input() is used to instantiate a Keras tensor.

version '2.7.0'