Module: tf.compat.v1.keras.callbacks


class BaseLogger: Callback that accumulates epoch averages of metrics.

class CSVLogger: Callback that streams epoch results to a CSV file.

class Callback: Abstract base class used to build new callbacks.

class CallbackList: Container abstracting a list of callbacks.

class EarlyStopping: Stop training when a monitored metric has stopped improving.

class History: Callback that records events into a History object.

class LambdaCallback: Callback for creating simple, custom callbacks on-the-fly.

class LearningRateScheduler: Learning rate scheduler.

class ModelCheckpoint: Callback to save the Keras model or model weights at some frequency.

class ProgbarLogger: Callback that prints metrics to stdout.

class ReduceLROnPlateau: Reduce learning rate when a metric has stopped improving.

class RemoteMonitor: Callback used to stream events to a server.

class SidecarEvaluatorModelExport: Callback to save the best Keras model.

class TensorBoard: Enable visualizations for TensorBoard.

class TerminateOnNaN: Callback that terminates training when a NaN loss is encountered.