Produces a privacy report summarizing the DP guarantee.
number_of_examples: int,
batch_size: int,
num_epochs: float,
noise_multiplier: float,
delta: float,
used_microbatching: bool = True,
max_examples_per_user: Optional[int] = None,
accountant_type: AccountantType = AccountantType.RDP
) -> str
Args |
Total number of examples in the dataset. For DP-SGD, an
"example" corresponds to one row in a minibatch. E.g., for sequence models
this would be a sequence of maximum length.
The number of examples in a batch. This should be the number of
examples in a batch, regardless of whether/how they are grouped into
The number of epochs of training. May be fractional.
The ratio of the Gaussian noise stddev to the l2 clip norm
at each round. It is assumed that the noise_multiplier is constant
although the clip norm may be variable if, for example, adaptive clipping
is used.
The target delta.
Whether microbatching was used (with microbatch size
greater than one). Microbatching inflates sensitivity by a factor of two
in add-or-remove-one adjacency DP. (See "How to DP-fy ML: A Practical
Guide to Machine Learning with Differential Privacy",, Sec 5.6.)
If the data set is constructed to cap the maximum
number of examples each user contributes, provide this argument to also
print a user-level DP guarantee.
The privacy accountant for computing epsilon. Since the
current approach for computing user-level privacy when using PLD
accountant can sometimes be overly pessimistic, this method does not
provide user-level privacy guarantee for PLD accountant_type. This remains
to be investigated and fixed (b/271341062).
Returns |
A str precisely articulating the privacy guarantee.