
Vectorized differentially private subclass of given class tf.keras.optimizers.Adagrad.

You can use this as a differentially private replacement for tf.keras.optimizers.Adagrad. This optimizer implements DP-SGD using the standard Gaussian mechanism. It differs from DPKerasAdagrad in that it attempts to vectorize the gradient computation and clipping of microbatches.

When instantiating this optimizer, you need to supply several DP-related arguments followed by the standard arguments for Adagrad.


# Create optimizer.
opt = VectorizedDPKerasAdagrad(l2_norm_clip=1.0, noise_multiplier=0.5, num_microbatches=1,
        <standard arguments>)

When using the optimizer, be sure to pass in the loss as a rank-one tensor with one entry for each example.

The optimizer can be used directly via its minimize method, or through a Keras Model.

# Compute loss as a tensor by using tf.losses.Reduction.NONE.
# Compute vector of per-example loss rather than its mean over a minibatch.
# (Side note: Always verify that the output shape when using
# tf.losses.Reduction.NONE-- it can sometimes be surprising.
loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(
    from_logits=True, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE)

# Use optimizer in a Keras model.
opt.minimize(loss, var_list=[var])
# Compute loss as a tensor by using tf.losses.Reduction.NONE.
# Compute vector of per-example loss rather than its mean over a minibatch.
loss = tf.keras.losses.CategoricalCrossentropy(
    from_logits=True, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.NONE)

# Use optimizer in a Keras model.
model = tf.keras.Sequential(...)
model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss=loss, metrics=['accuracy'])

l2_norm_clip Clipping norm (max L2 norm of per microbatch gradients).
noise_multiplier Ratio of the standard deviation to the clipping norm.
num_microbatches Number of microbatches into which each minibatch is split.
unconnected_gradients_to_zero The Jacobian is used to compute the microbatch losses. If a node in the graph is deliberately not connected, then the Jacobian computation will return a None for that node. Set this flag to True to treat these Jacobians as zero.
*args These will be passed on to the base class __init__ method.
**kwargs These will be passed on to the base class __init__ method.

clipnorm float or None. If set, clips gradients to a maximum norm.
clipvalue float or None. If set, clips gradients to a maximum value.
global_clipnorm float or None.

If set, clips gradients to a maximum norm.

Check tf.clip_by_global_norm for more details.

iterations Variable. The number of training steps this Optimizer has run.
weights Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created.



Add a new slot variable for var.

A slot variable is an additional variable associated with var to train. It is allocated and managed by optimizers, e.g. Adam.

var a Variable object.
slot_name name of the slot variable.
initializer initializer of the slot variable
shape (Optional) shape of the slot variable. If not set, it will default to the shape of var.

A slot variable.



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DP-SGD version of base class method.


Creates an optimizer from its config.

This method is the reverse of get_config, capable of instantiating the same optimizer from the config dictionary.

config A Python dictionary, typically the output of get_config.
custom_objects A Python dictionary mapping names to additional Python objects used to create this optimizer, such as a function used for a hyperparameter.

An optimizer instance.


Returns the config of the optimizer.

An optimizer config is a Python dictionary (serializable) containing the configuration of an optimizer. The same optimizer can be reinstantiated later (without any saved state) from this configuration.

Python dictionary.


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DP-SGD version of base class method.



A list of names for this optimizer's slots.



Returns the current weights of the optimizer.

The weights of an optimizer are its state (ie, variables). This function returns the weight values associated with this optimizer as a list of Numpy arrays. The first value is always the iterations count of the optimizer, followed by the optimizer's state variables in the order they were created. The returned list can in turn be used to load state into similarly parameterized optimizers.

For example, the RMSprop optimizer for this simple model returns a list of three values-- the iteration count, followed by the root-mean-square value of the kernel and bias of the single Dense layer:

opt = tf.keras.optimizers.legacy.RMSprop()
m = tf.keras.models.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)])
m.compile(opt, loss=&#x27;mse')
data = np.arange(100).reshape(5, 20)
labels = np.zeros(5)
results =, labels)  # Training.

Weights values as a list of numpy arrays.


Minimize loss by updating var_list.

This method simply computes gradient using tf.GradientTape and calls apply_gradients(). If you want to process the gradient before applying then call tf.GradientTape and apply_gradients() explicitly instead of using this function.

loss Tensor or callable. If a callable, loss should take no arguments and return the value to minimize. If a Tensor, the tape argument must be passed.
var_list list or tuple of Variable objects to update to minimize loss, or a callable returning the list or tuple of Variable objects. Use callable when the variable list would otherwise be incomplete before minimize since the variables are created at the first time loss is called.
grad_loss (Optional). A Tensor holding the gradient computed for loss.
name (Optional) str. Name for the returned operation.
tape (Optional) tf.GradientTape. If loss is provided as a Tensor, the tape that computed the loss must be provided.

An Operation that updates the variables in var_list. The iterations will be automatically increased by 1.

ValueError If some of the variables are not Variable objects.


Set the weights of the optimizer.

The weights of an optimizer are its state (ie, variables). This function takes the weight values associated with this optimizer as a list of Numpy arrays. The first value is always the iterations count of the optimizer, followed by the optimizer's state variables in the order they are created. The passed values are used to set the new state of the optimizer.

For example, the RMSprop optimizer for this simple model takes a list of three values-- the iteration count, followed by the root-mean-square value of the kernel and bias of the single Dense layer:

opt = tf.keras.optimizers.legacy.RMSprop()
m = tf.keras.models.Sequential([tf.keras.layers.Dense(10)])
m.compile(opt, loss=&#x27;mse')
data = np.arange(100).reshape(5, 20)
labels = np.zeros(5)
results =, labels)  # Training.
new_weights = [np.array(10), np.ones([20, 10]), np.zeros([10])]
<tf.Variable &#x27;RMSprop/iter:0' shape=() dtype=int64, numpy=10>

weights weight values as a list of numpy arrays.


Returns variables of this Optimizer based on the order created.