
공용 인터페이스 TestResultsOrBuilder
알려진 간접 하위 클래스

공개 방법

추상 TestResults.BenchmarkType
getBenchmarkType ()
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
추상 정수
getBenchmarkTypeValue ()
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
추상 빌드 구성
getBuildConfiguration ()
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
추상 BuildConfigurationOrBuilder
getBuildConfigurationOrBuilder ()
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
추상 커밋 ID
getCommitId ()
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
추상 CommitIdOrBuilder
getCommitIdOrBuilder ()
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
추상 벤치마크 항목
getEntry ()
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
추상 BenchmarkEntriesOrBuilder
getEntriesOrBuilder ()
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
추상 기계 구성
getMachineConfiguration ()
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
추상 MachineConfigurationOrBuilder
getMachineConfigurationOrBuilder ()
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
추상 문자열
getName ()
 Benchmark target identifier.
추상 com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getNameBytes ()
 Benchmark target identifier.
추상 실행 구성
getRun구성 ()
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
추상 RunConfigurationOrBuilder
getRunConfigurationOrBuilder ()
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
추상 문자열
getRunMode ()
 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
추상 com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getRunModeBytes ()
 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
추상 이중
getRunTime ()
 The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;
추상적인 긴
getStartTime ()
 The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;
추상 문자열
getTarget ()
 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;
추상 com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getTargetBytes ()
 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;
추상 문자열
getTf버전 ()
 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
추상 com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getTfVersionBytes ()
 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
추상 부울
hasBuildConfiguration ()
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
추상 부울
hasCommitId ()
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
추상 부울
hasEntries ()
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
추상 부울
hasMachineConfiguration ()
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
추상 부울
hasRun구성 ()
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

공개 방법

공개 추상 TestResults.BenchmarkType getBenchmarkType ()

.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;

공개 추상 int getBenchmarkTypeValue ()

.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;

공개 추상 BuildConfiguration getBuildConfiguration ()

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

공개 추상 BuildConfigurationOrBuilder getBuildConfigurationOrBuilder ()

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

공개 추상 CommitId getCommitId ()

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

공개 추상 CommitIdOrBuilder getCommitIdOrBuilder ()

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

공개 추상 BenchmarkEntries getEntries ()

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

공개 추상 BenchmarkEntriesOrBuilder getEntriesOrBuilder ()

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

공개 추상 MachineConfiguration getMachineConfiguration ()

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

공개 추상 MachineConfigurationOrBuilder getMachineConfigurationOrBuilder ()

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

공개 추상 문자열 getName ()

 Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;

공개 추상 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()

 Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;

공개 추상 RunConfiguration getRunConfiguration ()

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

공개 추상 RunConfigurationOrBuilder getRunConfigurationOrBuilder ()

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

공개 추상 문자열 getRunMode ()

 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
 Must be one of:
 * cbuild: results from continuous build.
 * presubmit: results from oneshot requests.
 * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;

공개 추상 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getRunModeBytes ()

 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
 Must be one of:
 * cbuild: results from continuous build.
 * presubmit: results from oneshot requests.
 * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;

공개 추상 이중 getRunTime ()

 The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;

공개 추상 긴 getStartTime ()

 The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;

공개 추상 문자열 getTarget ()

 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;

공개 추상 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getTargetBytes ()

 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;

공개 추상 문자열 getTfVersion ()

 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
 This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;

공개 추상 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getTfVersionBytes ()

 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
 This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;

공개 추상 부울 hasBuildConfiguration ()

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

공개 추상 부울 hasCommitId ()

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

공개 추상 부울 hasEntries ()

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

공개 추상 부울 hasMachineConfiguration ()

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

공개 추상 부울 hasRunConfiguration ()

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;