Run-specific items such as arguments to the test / benchmark.Protobuf 型
RunConfiguration.Builder | addAllArgument (Iterable<String> 値) repeated string argument = 1; |
RunConfiguration.Builder | addArgument (文字列値) repeated string argument = 1; |
RunConfiguration.Builder | addArgumentBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 値) repeated string argument = 1; |
RunConfiguration.Builder | addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、オブジェクト値) |
実行構成 | 建てる() |
実行構成 | buildPartial () |
RunConfiguration.Builder | クリア() |
RunConfiguration.Builder | クリア引数() repeated string argument = 1; |
RunConfiguration.Builder | ClearEnvVars () |
RunConfiguration.Builder | clearField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド) |
RunConfiguration.Builder | clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
RunConfiguration.Builder | クローン() |
ブール値 | containsEnvVars (文字列キー) Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark. |
弦 | getArgument (int インデックス) repeated string argument = 1; |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getArgumentBytes (int インデックス) repeated string argument = 1; |
整数 | getArgumentCount () repeated string argument = 1; |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | getArgumentList () repeated string argument = 1; |
実行構成 | |
最終的な静的 com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
マップ<文字列, 文字列> | getEnvVars () 代わりに getEnvVarsMap() を使用してください。 |
整数 | getEnvVarsCount () Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark. |
マップ<文字列, 文字列> | getEnvVarsMap () Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark. |
弦 | getEnvVarsOrDefault (文字列キー、文字列defaultValue) Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark. |
弦 | getEnvVarsOrThrow (文字列キー) Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark. |
マップ<文字列, 文字列> | getMutableEnvVars () 代わりに代替の突然変異アクセサーを使用してください。 |
最終ブール値 | |
RunConfiguration.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream 入力、com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
RunConfiguration.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other) |
最終的なRunConfiguration.Builder | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet 不明フィールド) |
RunConfiguration.Builder | putAllEnvVars (Map<String, String> 値) Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark. |
RunConfiguration.Builder | putEnvVars (文字列キー、文字列値) Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark. |
RunConfiguration.Builder | RemoveEnvVars (文字列キー) Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark. |
RunConfiguration.Builder | setArgument (int インデックス、文字列値) repeated string argument = 1; |
RunConfiguration.Builder | setField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、オブジェクト値) |
RunConfiguration.Builder | setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、int インデックス、オブジェクト値) |
最終的なRunConfiguration.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields) |
public RunConfiguration.Builder addArgumentBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 値)
repeated string argument = 1;
public RunConfiguration.Builder addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor フィールド、オブジェクト値)
public boolean containsEnvVars (文字列キー)
Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark.
map<string, string> env_vars = 2;
public String getArgument (int インデックス)
repeated string argument = 1;
public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getArgumentBytes (int インデックス)
repeated string argument = 1;
public int getArgumentCount ()
repeated string argument = 1;
public com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getArgumentList ()
repeated string argument = 1;
public static Final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
public int getEnvVarsCount ()
Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark.
map<string, string> env_vars = 2;
public Map<String, String> getEnvVarsMap ()
Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark.
map<string, string> env_vars = 2;
public String getEnvVarsOrDefault (文字列キー、文字列defaultValue)
Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark.
map<string, string> env_vars = 2;
public String getEnvVarsOrThrow (文字列キー)
Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark.
map<string, string> env_vars = 2;
public Map<String, String> getMutableEnvVars ()
パブリック最終ブール値isInitialized ()
public RunConfiguration.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream 入力、com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
IO例外 |
public Final RunConfiguration.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)
public RunConfiguration.Builder putAllEnvVars (Map<String, String> 値)
Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark.
map<string, string> env_vars = 2;
public RunConfiguration.Builder putEnvVars (文字列キー、文字列値)
Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark.
map<string, string> env_vars = 2;
public RunConfiguration.Builder deleteEnvVars (文字列キー)
Environment variables used to run the test/benchmark.
map<string, string> env_vars = 2;