BfcMemoryMapProtos | |
BinSummary | tensorflow.BinSummary tipe protobuf.BinSummary |
BinSummary.Builder | tensorflow.BinSummary tipe protobuf.BinSummary |
BundleEntryProto | Describes the metadata related to a checkpointed tensor. |
BundleEntryProto.Builder | Describes the metadata related to a checkpointed tensor. |
BundleHeaderProto | Special header that is associated with a bundle. |
BundleHeaderProto.Builder | Special header that is associated with a bundle. |
Lokasi Kode | Code location information: A stack trace with host-name information. |
CodeLocation.Builder | Code location information: A stack trace with host-name information. |
Acara Debug | An Event related to the debugging of a TensorFlow program. |
DebugEvent.Builder | An Event related to the debugging of a TensorFlow program. |
DebugEventProtos | |
Perangkat yang Di-debug | A device on which ops and/or tensors are instrumented by the debugger. |
DebuggedDevice.Builder | A device on which ops and/or tensors are instrumented by the debugger. |
Grafik Debug | A debugger-instrumented graph. |
DebuggedGraph.Builder | A debugger-instrumented graph. |
DebugMetadata | Metadata about the debugger and the debugged TensorFlow program. |
DebugMetadata.Builder | Metadata about the debugger and the debugged TensorFlow program. |
Peristiwa | Protocol buffer representing an event that happened during the execution of a Brain model. |
Acara.Pembangun | Protocol buffer representing an event that happened during the execution of a Brain model. |
AcaraProtos | |
Eksekusi | Data relating to the eager execution of an op or a Graph. |
Eksekusi.Pembangun | Data relating to the eager execution of an op or a Graph. |
GraphExecutionTrace | Data relating to an execution of a Graph (e.g., an eager execution of a FuncGraph). |
GraphExecutionTrace.Builder | Data relating to an execution of a Graph (e.g., an eager execution of a FuncGraph). |
Penciptaan Grafik | The creation of an op in a TensorFlow Graph (e.g., FuncGraph in TF2). |
GraphOpCreation.Pembangun | The creation of an op in a TensorFlow Graph (e.g., FuncGraph in TF2). |
Pesan Log | Protocol buffer used for logging messages to the events file. |
LogMessage.Builder | Protocol buffer used for logging messages to the events file. |
MemAllocatorStats | Some of the data from AllocatorStats tensorflow.MemAllocatorStats |
MemAllocatorStats.Builder | Some of the data from AllocatorStats tensorflow.MemAllocatorStats |
MemChunk | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.MemChunk |
MemChunk.Builder | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.MemChunk |
MemmappedFileSystemDirectory | A directory of regions in a memmapped file. |
MemmappedFileSystemDirectory.Builder | A directory of regions in a memmapped file. |
MemmappedFileSystemDirectoryElement | A message that describes one region of memmapped file. |
MemmappedFileSystemDirectoryElement.Builder | A message that describes one region of memmapped file. |
MemmappedFileSystemProtos | |
MemoriDump | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.MemoryDump |
MemoryDump.Pembangun | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.MemoryDump |
Kode Keluar yang Diminta | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.RequestedExitCode |
DimintaExitCode.Builder | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.RequestedExitCode |
Irisan Tersimpan | Saved tensor slice: it stores the name of the tensors, the slice, and the raw data. |
SavedSlice.Builder | Saved tensor slice: it stores the name of the tensors, the slice, and the raw data. |
SliceMeta yang Disimpan | Metadata describing the set of slices of the same tensor saved in a checkpoint file. |
DisimpanSliceMeta.Builder | Metadata describing the set of slices of the same tensor saved in a checkpoint file. |
TensorSliceMeta yang Disimpan | Metadata describing the set of tensor slices saved in a checkpoint file. |
TersimpanTensorSliceMeta.Builder | Metadata describing the set of tensor slices saved in a checkpoint file. |
TensorSliceProtos Tersimpan | |
Irisan Tensor Tersimpan | Each record in a v3 checkpoint file is a serialized SavedTensorSlices message. |
TensorSlices.Builder Tersimpan | Each record in a v3 checkpoint file is a serialized SavedTensorSlices message. |
SaverDef | Protocol buffer representing the configuration of a Saver. |
SaverDef.Builder | Protocol buffer representing the configuration of a Saver. |
SaverProtos | |
Log Sesi | Protocol buffer used for logging session state. |
SessionLog.Builder | Protocol buffer used for logging session state. |
Foto | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.SnapShot |
SnapShot.Builder | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.SnapShot |
File Sumber | Content of a source file involved in the execution of the debugged TensorFlow program. |
SourceFile.Builder | Content of a source file involved in the execution of the debugged TensorFlow program. |
StackFrameDenganId | A stack frame with ID. |
StackFrameWithId.Builder | A stack frame with ID. |
DitandaiRunMetadata | For logging the metadata output for a single call. |
DitandaiRunMetadata.Builder | For logging the metadata output for a single call. |
TensorBundleProtos | |
Konfigurasi Pengawas | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.WatchdogConfig |
WatchdogConfig.Builder | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.WatchdogConfig |
Permintaan Detak Jantung Pekerja | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.WorkerHeartbeatRequest |
WorkerHeartbeatRequest.Builder | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.WorkerHeartbeatRequest |
Respon Detak Jantung Pekerja | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.WorkerHeartbeatResponse |
WorkerHeartbeatResponse.Builder | Tipe protobuf tensorflow.WorkerHeartbeatResponse |
BundleHeaderProto.Endianness | An enum indicating the endianness of the platform that produced this bundle. |
DebugEvent.WhatCase | |
Acara.WhatCase | |
Pesan Log.Level | Protobuf enum tensorflow.LogMessage.Level |
SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion | A version number that identifies a different on-disk checkpoint format. |
SessionLog.SessionStatus | Protobuf termasuk tensorflow.SessionLog.SessionStatus |
TensorDebugMode | Available modes for extracting debugging information from a Tensor. |
Kesehatan Pekerja | Current health status of a worker. |
Mode Shutdown Pekerja | Indicates the behavior of the worker when an internal error or shutdown signal is received. |