
publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa SaverDef.Builder

 Protocol buffer representing the configuration of a Saver.
Protobuf typu tensorflow.SaverDef

Metody publiczne

Konstruktor SaverDef
addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)
Konstruktor SaverDef
jasne ()
Konstruktor SaverDef
clearField (pole
Konstruktor SaverDef
wyczyśćNazwaPlikuNazwaTensora ()
 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
wyczyśćKeepCheckpointEveryNHours ()
 How often to keep an additional checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
wyczyśćMaxToKeep ()
 Maximum number of checkpoints to keep.
Konstruktor SaverDef
clearOneof ( oneof)
Konstruktor SaverDef
wyczyśćRestoreOpName ()
 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
wyczyśćZapiszNazwęTensora ()
 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
wyczyśćSharded ()
 Shard the save files, one per device that has Variable nodes.
Konstruktor SaverDef
wyczyść wersję ()
.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;
Konstruktor SaverDef
klon ()
końcowy statyczny
getFilenameTensorName ()
 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
getFilenameTensorNameBytes ()
 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
getKeepCheckpointEveryNHours ()
 How often to keep an additional checkpoint.
getMaxToKeep ()
 Maximum number of checkpoints to keep.
getRestoreOpName ()
 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
getRestoreOpNameBytes ()
 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
getSaveTensorName ()
 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
getSaveTensorNameBytes ()
 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
wartość logiczna
getSharded ()
 Shard the save files, one per device that has Variable nodes.
pobierz wersję ()
.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;
getVersionValue ()
.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;
końcowa wartość logiczna
Konstruktor SaverDef
mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry)
Konstruktor SaverDef
mergeFrom (ść inna)
końcowy SaverDef.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( nieznane pola)
Konstruktor SaverDef
setField (pole, wartość obiektu)
Konstruktor SaverDef
setFilenameTensorName (wartość ciągu)
 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
setFilenameTensorNameBytes (wartość
 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
setKeepCheckpointEveryNHours (wartość zmiennoprzecinkowa)
 How often to keep an additional checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
setMaxToKeep (wartość int)
 Maximum number of checkpoints to keep.
Konstruktor SaverDef
setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
Konstruktor SaverDef
setRestoreOpName (wartość ciągu)
 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
setRestoreOpNameBytes (wartość
 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
setSaveTensorName (wartość ciągu)
 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
setSaveTensorNameBytes (wartość
 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
Konstruktor SaverDef
setSharded (wartość logiczna)
 Shard the save files, one per device that has Variable nodes.
końcowy SaverDef.Builder
setUnknownFields ( nieznane pola)
Konstruktor SaverDef
setVersion (wartość SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion )
.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;
Konstruktor SaverDef
setVersionValue (wartość int)
.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;

Metody dziedziczone

Metody publiczne

public SaverDef.Builder addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)

publiczna kompilacja SaverDef ()

publiczna kompilacja SaverDefPartial ()

publiczny SaverDef.Builder wyczyść ()

public SaverDef.Builder clearField (pole

public SaverDef.Builder clearFilenameTensorName ()

 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
string filename_tensor_name = 1;

public SaverDef.Builder wyczyśćUtrzymuj punkt kontrolnyCo NHours ()

 How often to keep an additional checkpoint. If not specified, only the last
 "max_to_keep" checkpoints are kept; if specified, in addition to keeping
 the last "max_to_keep" checkpoints, an additional checkpoint will be kept
 for every n hours of training.
float keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours = 6;

publiczny SaverDef.Builder clearMaxToKeep ()

 Maximum number of checkpoints to keep.  If 0, no checkpoints are deleted.
int32 max_to_keep = 4;

public SaverDef.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

public SaverDef.Builder clearRestoreOpName ()

 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
string restore_op_name = 3;

public SaverDef.Builder clearSaveTensorName ()

 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
string save_tensor_name = 2;

public SaverDef.Builder clearSharded ()

 Shard the save files, one per device that has Variable nodes.
bool sharded = 5;

publiczny SaverDef.Builder clearVersion ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;

publiczny klon SaverDef.Builder ()

publiczny SaverDef getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

public getDescriptorForType ()

public String getFilenameTensorName ()

 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
string filename_tensor_name = 1;

public getFilenameTensorNameBytes ()

 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
string filename_tensor_name = 1;

public float getKeepCheckpointEveryNHours ()

 How often to keep an additional checkpoint. If not specified, only the last
 "max_to_keep" checkpoints are kept; if specified, in addition to keeping
 the last "max_to_keep" checkpoints, an additional checkpoint will be kept
 for every n hours of training.
float keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours = 6;

publiczny int getMaxToKeep ()

 Maximum number of checkpoints to keep.  If 0, no checkpoints are deleted.
int32 max_to_keep = 4;

publiczny ciąg getRestoreOpName ()

 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
string restore_op_name = 3;

public getRestoreOpNameBytes ()

 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
string restore_op_name = 3;

publiczny ciąg getSaveTensorName ()

 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
string save_tensor_name = 2;

public getSaveTensorNameBytes ()

 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
string save_tensor_name = 2;

publiczna wartość logiczna getSharded ()

 Shard the save files, one per device that has Variable nodes.
bool sharded = 5;

public SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion getVersion ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;

publiczny int getVersionValue ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;

publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()

public SaverDef.Builder mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry)

Wyjątek IO

public SaverDef.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

publiczny końcowy SaverDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields (

public SaverDef.Builder setField (pole, wartość obiektu)

public SaverDef.Builder setFilenameTensorName (wartość ciągu)

 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
string filename_tensor_name = 1;

public SaverDef.Builder setFilenameTensorNameBytes (wartość

 The name of the tensor in which to specify the filename when saving or
 restoring a model checkpoint.
string filename_tensor_name = 1;

public SaverDef.Builder setKeepCheckpointEveryNHours (wartość zmiennoprzecinkowa)

 How often to keep an additional checkpoint. If not specified, only the last
 "max_to_keep" checkpoints are kept; if specified, in addition to keeping
 the last "max_to_keep" checkpoints, an additional checkpoint will be kept
 for every n hours of training.
float keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours = 6;

public SaverDef.Builder setMaxToKeep (wartość int)

 Maximum number of checkpoints to keep.  If 0, no checkpoints are deleted.
int32 max_to_keep = 4;

public SaverDef.Builder setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)

public SaverDef.Builder setRestoreOpName (wartość ciągu)

 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
string restore_op_name = 3;

public SaverDef.Builder setRestoreOpNameBytes (wartość

 The operation to run when restoring a model checkpoint.
string restore_op_name = 3;

public SaverDef.Builder setSaveTensorName (wartość ciągu)

 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
string save_tensor_name = 2;

public SaverDef.Builder setSaveTensorNameBytes (wartość

 The operation to run when saving a model checkpoint.
string save_tensor_name = 2;

public SaverDef.Builder setSharded (wartość logiczna)

 Shard the save files, one per device that has Variable nodes.
bool sharded = 5;

publiczny końcowy SaverDef.Builder setUnknownFields (

public SaverDef.Builder setVersion (wartość SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion )

.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;

public SaverDef.Builder setVersionValue (wartość int)

.tensorflow.SaverDef.CheckpointFormatVersion version = 7;