публичный статический конечный класс SavedTensorSlices.Builder
Each record in a v3 checkpoint file is a serialized SavedTensorSlices message.
Публичные методы
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | addRepeatedField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, значение объекта) |
СохраненоTensorSlices | строить () |
СохраненоTensorSlices | |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | прозрачный () |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | ОчиститьДанные () This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file. |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | ClearField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | ОчиститьМета () This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file. |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | клон () |
СохраненоСрез | получить данные () This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file. |
SaveSlice.Builder | получитьДанныеБилдер () This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file. |
СохраненоSliceOrBuilder | getDataOrBuilder () This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file. |
СохраненоTensorSlices | |
окончательный статический com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
СохраненоTensorSliceMeta | получитьМета () This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file. |
SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder | получитьМетаБилдер () This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file. |
СохраненоTensorSliceMetaOrBuilder | получитьМетаОрБилдер () This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file. |
логическое значение | имеетДанные () This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file. |
логическое значение | имеетМета () This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file. |
последнее логическое значение | |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | mergeFrom (ввод com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message другое) |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | mergeMeta (значение SavedTensorSliceMeta ) This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file. |
окончательный SavedTensorSlices.Builder | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields) |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | setData ( SavedSlice.Builder builderForValue) This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file. |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | setField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, значение объекта) |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | setMeta (значение SavedTensorSliceMeta ) This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file. |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | setMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder builderForValue) This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file. |
SavedTensorSlices.Builder | setRepeatedField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, индекс int, значение объекта) |
окончательный SavedTensorSlices.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields) |
Унаследованные методы
Публичные методы
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder addRepeatedField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, значение объекта)
общедоступный SavedTensorSlices.Builder ClearData ()
This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;
общедоступный SavedTensorSlices.Builder ClearMeta ()
This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;
общедоступный SavedSlice getData ()
This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;
общедоступный SavedSlice.Builder getDataBuilder ()
This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;
общедоступный SavedSliceOrBuilder getDataOrBuilder ()
This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;
общедоступный статический окончательный com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
общедоступный com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
public SavedTensorSliceMeta getMeta ()
This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;
public SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder getMetaBuilder ()
This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;
public SavedTensorSliceMetaOrBuilder getMetaOrBuilder ()
This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;
общедоступное логическое значение hasData ()
This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;
общедоступное логическое значение hasMeta ()
This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;
публичное финальное логическое значение isInitialized ()
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeData (значение SavedSlice )
This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeFrom (вход com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
Исключение IO |
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeMeta (значение SavedTensorSliceMeta )
This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;
общедоступный финал SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder setData (значение SavedSlice )
This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder setData ( SavedSlice.Builder builderForValue)
This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder setField (поле com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, значение объекта)
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder setMeta (значение SavedTensorSliceMeta )
This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;
public SavedTensorSlices.Builder setMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder builderForValue)
This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;