
antarmuka publik SavedSliceMetaOrBuilder
Subkelas Tidak Langsung yang Diketahui

Metode Publik

Tali abstrak
dapatkan Nama ()
 Name of the tensor.
dapatkanNamaBytes ()
 Name of the tensor.
TensorShapeProto abstrak
dapatkanBentuk ()
 Shape of the tensor
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder abstrak
dapatkanBentukOrBuilder ()
 Shape of the tensor
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;
TensorSliceProto abstrak
getSlice (indeks int)
 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
abstrak ke dalam
dapatkanSliceCount ()
 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
Daftar abstrak< TensorSliceProto >
dapatkanDaftar Irisan ()
 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
abstrak TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder
getSliceOrBuilder (indeks int)
 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
Daftar abstrak<? memperluas TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder >
dapatkanSliceOrBuilderList ()
 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
Tipe Data abstrak
dapatkan Tipe ()
 Type of the tensor
.tensorflow.DataType type = 3;
abstrak ke dalam
dapatkanTypeValue ()
 Type of the tensor
.tensorflow.DataType type = 3;
boolean abstrak
memilikiBentuk ()
 Shape of the tensor
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

Metode Publik

abstrak publik String getName ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

abstrak publik getNameBytes ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

TensorShapeProto getShape abstrak publik ()

 Shape of the tensor
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

abstrak publik TensorShapeProtoOrBuilder getShapeOrBuilder ()

 Shape of the tensor
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;

abstrak publik TensorSliceProto getSlice (int indeks)

 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 4;

abstrak publik int getSliceCount ()

 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 4;

Daftar abstrak publik< TensorSliceProto > getSliceList ()

 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 4;

abstrak publik TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder getSliceOrBuilder (indeks int)

 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 4;

Daftar abstrak publik<? memperluas TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder > getSliceOrBuilderList ()

 Explicit list of slices saved in the checkpoint file.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 4;

Tipe Data abstrak publik getType ()

 Type of the tensor
.tensorflow.DataType type = 3;

abstrak publik int getTypeValue ()

 Type of the tensor
.tensorflow.DataType type = 3;

boolean abstrak publik hasShape ()

 Shape of the tensor
.tensorflow.TensorShapeProto shape = 2;