genel arayüz GraphExecutionTraceOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar |
Genel Yöntemler
soyut Dize | getDeviceName () Name of the device that the op belongs to. |
abstract | getDeviceNameBytes () Name of the device that the op belongs to. |
soyut Dize | getOpName () Name of the op (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace level). |
abstract | getOpNameBytes () Name of the op (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace level). |
soyut int | getOutputSlot () Output slot of the tensor (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace level). |
soyut TensorDebugMode | getTensorDebugMode () Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto. |
soyut int | getTensorDebugModeValue () Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto. |
soyut TensorProto | getTensorProto () Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`. |
soyut TensorProtoOrBuilder | getTensorProtoOrBuilder () Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`. |
soyut Dize | getTfdbgContextId () Unique ID of the context that the executed op(s) belong to (e.g., a compiled concrete tf.function). |
abstract | getTfdbgContextIdBytes () Unique ID of the context that the executed op(s) belong to (e.g., a compiled concrete tf.function). |
soyut boole | hasTensorProto () Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`. |
Genel Yöntemler
genel özet Dize getDeviceName ()
Name of the device that the op belongs to.
string device_name = 6;
genel özet getDeviceNameBytes ()
Name of the device that the op belongs to.
string device_name = 6;
genel özet Dize getOpName ()
Name of the op (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace level).
string op_name = 2;
genel özet getOpNameBytes ()
Name of the op (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace level).
string op_name = 2;
genel soyut int getOutputSlot ()
Output slot of the tensor (applicable only in the case of the `FULL_TENSOR` trace level).
int32 output_slot = 3;
genel özet TensorDebugMode getTensorDebugMode ()
Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 4;
genel soyut int getTensorDebugModeValue ()
Type of the tensor value encapsulated in this proto.
.tensorflow.TensorDebugMode tensor_debug_mode = 4;
genel özet TensorProto getTensorProto ()
Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`. This tensor may summarize the value of a single intermediate op of the graph, or those of multiple intermediate tensors.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_proto = 5;
genel özet TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorProtoOrBuilder ()
Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`. This tensor may summarize the value of a single intermediate op of the graph, or those of multiple intermediate tensors.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_proto = 5;
genel özet Dize getTfdbgContextId ()
Unique ID of the context that the executed op(s) belong to (e.g., a compiled concrete tf.function).
string tfdbg_context_id = 1;
genel özet getTfdbgContextIdBytes ()
Unique ID of the context that the executed op(s) belong to (e.g., a compiled concrete tf.function).
string tfdbg_context_id = 1;
genel soyut boolean hasTensorProto ()
Tensor value in the type described by `tensor_value_type`. This tensor may summarize the value of a single intermediate op of the graph, or those of multiple intermediate tensors.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor_proto = 5;