
interfaccia pubblica CodeLocationOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

stringa astratta
getNomeHost ()
 Host name on which the source files are located.
getNomeHostBytes ()
 Host name on which the source files are located.
stringa astratta
getStackFrameIds (indice int)
 ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to
 by a unique ID.
getStackFrameIdsBytes (indice int)
 ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to
 by a unique ID.
astratto int
getStackFrameIdsCount ()
 ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to
 by a unique ID.
Elenco astratto<String>
getStackFrameIdsList ()
 ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to
 by a unique ID.

Metodi pubblici

stringa astratta pubblica getHostName ()

 Host name on which the source files are located.
string host_name = 1;

estratto pubblico getHostNameBytes ()

 Host name on which the source files are located.
string host_name = 1;

public abstract String getStackFrameIds (indice int)

 ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to
 by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;

public abstract getStackFrameIdsBytes (indice int)

 ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to
 by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;

public abstract int getStackFrameIdsCount ()

 ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to
 by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;

public abstract List<String> getStackFrameIdsList ()

 ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to
 by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;