lớp cuối cùng tĩnh công khai CodeLocation.Builder
Code location information: A stack trace with host-name information. Instead of encoding the detailed stack trace, this proto refers to IDs of stack frames stored as `StackFrameWithId` protos.
Phương pháp công khai
CodeLocation.Builder | addAllStackFrameIds (giá trị Iterable<String>) ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
CodeLocation.Builder | addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng) |
CodeLocation.Builder | addStackFrameIds (Giá trị chuỗi) ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
CodeLocation.Builder | addStackFrameIdsBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString) ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
MãVị trí | xây dựng () |
MãVị trí | |
CodeLocation.Builder | thông thoáng () |
CodeLocation.Builder | ClearField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
CodeLocation.Builder | clearHostName () Host name on which the source files are located. |
CodeLocation.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
CodeLocation.Builder | ClearStackFrameIds () ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
CodeLocation.Builder | dòng vô tính () |
MãVị trí | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor tĩnh cuối cùng | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
Sợi dây | getHostName () Host name on which the source files are located. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getHostNameBytes () Host name on which the source files are located. |
Sợi dây | getStackFrameIds (chỉ mục int) ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getStackFrameIdsBytes (chỉ mục int) ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
int | getStackFrameIdsCount () ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | getStackFrameIdsList () ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
boolean cuối cùng | |
CodeLocation.Builder | mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
CodeLocation.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other) |
CodeLocation.Builder cuối cùng | hợp nhấtUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields) |
CodeLocation.Builder | setField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng) |
CodeLocation.Builder | setHostName (Giá trị chuỗi) Host name on which the source files are located. |
CodeLocation.Builder | setHostNameBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Host name on which the source files are located. |
CodeLocation.Builder | setRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng) |
CodeLocation.Builder | setStackFrameIds (chỉ mục int, giá trị chuỗi) ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. |
CodeLocation.Builder cuối cùng | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields) |
Phương pháp kế thừa
Phương pháp công khai
public CodeLocation.Builder addAllStackFrameIds (giá trị Iterable<String>)
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;
công khai CodeLocation.Builder addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng)
public CodeLocation.Builder addStackFrameIds (Giá trị chuỗi)
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;
CodeLocation.Builder công khai addStackFrameIdsBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;
CodeLocation.Builder clearHostName công khai ()
Host name on which the source files are located.
string host_name = 1;
CodeLocation.Builder clearStackFrameIds công khai ()
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;
công khai tĩnh cuối cùng com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor công khai getDescriptorForType ()
Chuỗi công khai getHostName ()
Host name on which the source files are located.
string host_name = 1;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getHostNameBytes công khai ()
Host name on which the source files are located.
string host_name = 1;
Chuỗi công khai getStackFrameIds (chỉ mục int)
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;
công khai com.google.protobuf.ByteString getStackFrameIdsBytes (chỉ mục int)
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;
int công khai getStackFrameIdsCount ()
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList công khai getStackFrameIdsList ()
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;
boolean cuối cùng công khai được khởi tạo ()
công khai CodeLocation.Builder mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOException |
bản cuối cùng công khai CodeLocation.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)
công khai CodeLocation.Builder setField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, giá trị đối tượng)
public CodeLocation.Builder setHostName (Giá trị chuỗi)
Host name on which the source files are located.
string host_name = 1;
công khai CodeLocation.Builder setHostNameBytes (giá trị com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Host name on which the source files are located.
string host_name = 1;
công khai CodeLocation.Builder setRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng)
public CodeLocation.Builder setStackFrameIds (chỉ mục int, giá trị chuỗi)
ID to a stack frame, each of which is pointed to by a unique ID. The ordering of the frames is consistent with Python's `traceback.extract_tb()`.
repeated string stack_frame_ids = 2;