
publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa XSspace.Builder

 A container of parallel XPlanes, generated by one or more profiling sources.
 Next ID: 5
Protobuf typu tensorflow.profiler.XSpace

Metody publiczne

addAllErrors (wartości Iterable<String>)
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
addAllHostnames (wartości Iterable<String>)
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
addAllPlanes (Iterable<? rozszerza XPlane > wartości)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
addAllWarnings (wartości Iterable<String>)
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
addErrors (wartość ciągu)
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
addErrorsBytes (wartość com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
addHostnames (wartość ciągu)
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
addHostnamesBytes (wartość com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
addPlanes ( XPlane.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
addPlanes (indeks int, wartość XPlane )
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
addPlanes (indeks int, XPlane.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
addPlanes (wartość XPlane )
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
addPlanesBuilder ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
addPlanesBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
addRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)
addWarnings (wartość ciągu)
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
addWarningsBytes (wartość com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
jasne ()
wyczyść błędy ()
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
clearField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
wyczyść nazwy hostów ()
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
jasnePlanety ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
wyczyśćOstrzeżenia ()
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
klon ()
końcowy statyczny com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor
getErrors (indeks int)
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
getErrorsBytes (indeks int)
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
getErrorsCount ()
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
getErrorsList ()
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
getHostnames (indeks int)
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
getHostnamesBytes (indeks int)
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
pobierz liczbę hostów ()
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
pobierz listę nazw hostów ()
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
getPlanes (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
getPlanesBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
Lista< XPlane.Builder >
getPlanesBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
pobierzPlanesCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
Lista <Xplane>
getPlanesList ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
getPlanesOrBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
Lista<? rozszerza XPlaneOrBuilder >
getPlanesOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
getWarnings (indeks int)
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
getWarningsBytes (indeks int)
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
getWarningsCount ()
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
getWarningsList ()
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
końcowa wartość logiczna
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Wiadomość inna)
mergeFrom (wejście com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
końcowy XSspace.Builder
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldUstaw nieznane pola)
usuńPlanety (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
setErrors (indeks int, wartość ciągu)
 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
setField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)
setHostnames (indeks int, wartość ciągu)
 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
setPlanes (indeks int, XPlane.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
setPlanes (indeks int, wartość XPlane )
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
setRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
końcowy XSspace.Builder
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldUstaw nieznane pola)
setWarnings (indeks int, wartość ciągu)
 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

Metody dziedziczone

Metody publiczne

public XSspace.Builder addAllErrors (wartości Iterable<String>)

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

public XSspace.Builder addAllHostnames (wartości Iterable<String>)

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

public XSspace.Builder addAllPlanes (Iterable<? rozszerza XPlane > wartości)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XSspace.Builder addAllWarnings (wartości Iterable<String>)

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

public XSspace.Builder addErrors (wartość ciągu)

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

public XSspace.Builder addErrorsBytes (wartość com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

public XSspace.Builder addHostnames (wartość ciągu)

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

public XSspace.Builder addHostnamesBytes (wartość com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

public XSspace.Builder addPlanes ( XPlane.Builder builderForValue)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XSspace.Builder addPlanes (indeks int, wartość XPlane )

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XSspace.Builder addPlanes (indeks int, XPlane.Builder builderForValue)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XSspace.Builder addPlanes (wartość XPlane )

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

publiczny XPlane.Builder addPlanesBuilder ()

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XPlane.Builder addPlanesBuilder (indeks int)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XSspace.Builder addRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)

public XSspace.Builder addWarnings (wartość ciągu)

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

public XSspace.Builder addWarningsBytes (wartość com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

publiczna kompilacja XSspace ()

publiczna kompilacja XSspaceCzęściowa ()

publiczny XSspace.Builder wyczyść ()

publiczny XSspace.Builder clearErrors ()

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

public XSspace.Builder clearField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

public XSspace.Builder clearHostnames ()

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

publiczny XSspace.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

publiczny XSspace.Builder clearPlanes ()

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

publiczna XSspace.Builder wyczyśćOstrzeżenia ()

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

publiczny klon XSspace.Builder ()

publiczny XSspace getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()

public String getErrors (indeks int)

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getErrorsBytes (indeks int)

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

publiczny int getErrorsCount ()

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

public com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getErrorsList ()

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

public String getHostnames (indeks int)

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getHostnamesBytes (indeks int)

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

public int getHostnamesCount ()

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

public com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getHostnamesList ()

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

publiczne XPlane getPlanes (indeks int)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

publiczny XPlane.Builder getPlanesBuilder (indeks int)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

lista publiczna< XPlane.Builder > getPlanesBuilderList ()

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public int getPlanesCount ()

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

lista publiczna< XPlane > getPlanesList ()

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

publiczny XPlaneOrBuilder getPlanesOrBuilder (indeks int)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

lista publiczna<? rozszerza XPlaneOrBuilder > getPlanesOrBuilderList ()

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public String getWarnings (indeks int)

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getWarningsBytes (indeks int)

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

public int getWarningsCount ()

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

public com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getWarningsList ()

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;

publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()

publiczne połączenie XSspace.BuilderFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other)

publiczny XSpace.Builder mergeFrom (wejście com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite rozszerzenieRegistry)

Wyjątek IO

publiczny końcowy XSspace.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields)

public XSspace.Builder usuńPlanes (indeks int)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XSspace.Builder setErrors (indeks int, wartość ciągu)

 Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;

public XSspace.Builder setField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, wartość obiektu)

public XSspace.Builder setHostnames (indeks int, wartość ciągu)

 List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;

public XSspace.Builder setPlanes (indeks int, XPlane.Builder builderForValue)

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XSspace.Builder setPlanes (indeks int, wartość XPlane )

repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;

public XSspace.Builder setRepeatedField (pole com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, wartość obiektu)

publiczny końcowy zestaw XSspace.BuilderUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet nieznanyFields)

public XSspace.Builder setWarnings (indeks int, wartość ciągu)

 Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;