A container of parallel XPlanes, generated by one or more profiling sources. Next ID: 5
Métodos públicos
XSpace.Constructor | addAllErrors (valores Iterable<String>) Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
XSpace.Constructor | addAllHostnames (valores Iterable<String>) List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
XSpace.Constructor | addAllPlanes (Iterable<? extiende los valores de XPlane >) repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XSpace.Constructor | addAllWarnings (valores Iterable<String>) Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
XSpace.Constructor | addErrors (valor de cadena) Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
XSpace.Constructor | addErrorsBytes (valor com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
XSpace.Constructor | addHostnames (valor de cadena) List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
XSpace.Constructor | addHostnamesBytes (valor com.google.protobuf.ByteString) List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
XSpace.Constructor | |
XSpace.Constructor | |
XSpace.Constructor | addPlanes (índice int, XPlane.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XSpace.Constructor | |
XPlane.Constructor | agregarPlanesBuilder () repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XPlane.Constructor | addPlanesBuilder (índice int) repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XSpace.Constructor | addRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valor del objeto) |
XSpace.Constructor | addWarnings (valor de cadena) Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
XSpace.Constructor | addWarningsBytes (valor com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
Espacio XS | construir () |
Espacio XS | |
XSpace.Constructor | claro () |
XSpace.Constructor | borrar errores () Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
XSpace.Constructor | clearField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
XSpace.Constructor | borrar nombres de host () List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
XSpace.Constructor | clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor uno de) |
XSpace.Constructor | borrarPlanos () repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XSpace.Constructor | borrarAdvertencias () Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
XSpace.Constructor | clonar () |
Espacio XS | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor estático final | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
Cadena | getErrors (índice int) Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getErrorsBytes (índice int) Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
entero | getErrorsCount () Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | obtener lista de errores () Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
Cadena | getHostnames (índice int) List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getHostnamesBytes (índice int) List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
entero | getHostnamesCount () List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | obtener lista de nombres de host () List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
XPlane | getPlanes (índice int) repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XPlane.Constructor | getPlanesBuilder (índice int) repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
Lista< XPlane.Builder > | getPlanesBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
entero | getPlanesCount () repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
Lista <XPlano> | getPlanesList () repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XPlaneOrBuilder | getPlanesOrBuilder (índice int) repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
Lista<? extiende XPlaneOrBuilder > | getPlanesOrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
Cadena | getWarnings (índice int) Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getWarningsBytes (índice int) Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
entero | getWarningsCount () Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | obtener lista de advertencias () Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
booleano final | |
XSpace.Constructor | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message otro) |
XSpace.Constructor | mergeFrom (entrada com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensiónRegistry) |
XSpace.Builder final | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet desconocidoFields) |
XSpace.Constructor | eliminarPlanos (índice int) repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XSpace.Constructor | setErrors (índice int, valor de cadena) Errors (if any) in the generation of planes. |
XSpace.Constructor | setField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valor del objeto) |
XSpace.Constructor | setHostnames (índice int, valor de cadena) List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from. |
XSpace.Constructor | setPlanes (índice int, XPlane.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1; |
XSpace.Constructor | |
XSpace.Constructor | setRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, índice int, valor del objeto) |
XSpace.Builder final | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet desconocidoFields) |
XSpace.Constructor | setWarnings (índice int, valor de cadena) Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes; repeated string warnings = 3; |
Métodos heredados
Métodos públicos
public XSpace.Builder addAllErrors (valores Iterable<String>)
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
public XSpace.Builder addAllHostnames (valores Iterable<String>)
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
public XSpace.Builder addAllPlanes (Iterable<? extiende los valores de XPlane >)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
público XSpace.Builder addAllWarnings (valores Iterable<String>)
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
addErrors públicos XSpace.Builder (valor de cadena)
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
público XSpace.Builder addErrorsBytes (valor com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
public XSpace.Builder addHostnames (valor de cadena)
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
público XSpace.Builder addHostnamesBytes (valor com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
addPlanes público XSpace.Builder ( XPlane.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
público XSpace.Builder addPlanes (índice int, valor XPlane )
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
addPlanes público XSpace.Builder (índice int, XPlane.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
público XPlane.Builder addPlanesBuilder (índice int)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
público XSpace.Builder addRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valor del objeto)
addWarnings público XSpace.Builder (valor de cadena)
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
público XSpace.Builder addWarningsBytes (valor com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
público XSpace.Builder clearErrors ()
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
public XSpace.Builder clearHostnames ()
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
public XSpace.Builder clearWarnings ()
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
público estático final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
público com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
getErrors de cadena pública (índice int)
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getErrorsBytes (índice int)
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
público int getErrorsCount ()
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
público com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getErrorsList ()
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
cadena pública getHostnames (índice int)
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getHostnamesBytes (índice int)
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
public int getHostnamesCount ()
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
público com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getHostnamesList ()
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
público XPlane.Builder getPlanesBuilder (índice int)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
Lista pública< XPlane.Builder > getPlanesBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
public int getPlanesCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
público XPlaneOrBuilder getPlanesOrBuilder (índice int)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
Lista pública<? extiende XPlaneOrBuilder > getPlanesOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
cadena pública getWarnings (índice int)
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
público com.google.protobuf.ByteString getWarningsBytes (índice int)
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
público int getWarningsCount ()
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
público com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getWarningsList ()
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;
público final booleano isInitialized ()
XSpace.Builder público mergeFrom (entrada com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensiónRegistry)
IOExcepción |
XSpace.Builder final público mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet desconocidoFields)
public XSpace.Builder setErrors (índice int, valor de cadena)
Errors (if any) in the generation of planes.
repeated string errors = 2;
público XSpace.Builder setField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, valor del objeto)
público XSpace.Builder setHostnames (índice int, valor de cadena)
List of hostnames that XPlanes are generated from.
repeated string hostnames = 4;
público XSpace.Builder setPlanes (índice int, XPlane.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
público XSpace.Builder setPlanes (índice int, valor XPlane )
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XPlane planes = 1;
público XSpace.Builder setRepeatedField (campo com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, índice int, valor del objeto)
público final XSpace.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet desconocidoFields)
público XSpace.Builder setWarnings (índice int, valor de cadena)
Warnings (if any) in the generation of planes;
repeated string warnings = 3;