lớp cuối cùng tĩnh công khai XEvent.Builder
An XEvent is a trace event, optionally annotated with XStats. Next ID: 6
Phương pháp công khai
XEvent.Builder | |
XEvent.Builder | addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng) |
XEvent.Builder | |
XEvent.Builder | |
XEvent.Builder | |
XEvent.Builder | |
XStat.Builder | addStatsBuilder (chỉ mục int) XStats associated with the event. |
XStat.Builder | addStatsBuilder () XStats associated with the event. |
XEsự kiện | xây dựng () |
XEsự kiện | |
XEvent.Builder | thông thoáng () |
XEvent.Builder | |
XEvent.Builder | clearDurationPs () Duration of the event in picoseconds. |
XEvent.Builder | ClearField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
XEvent.Builder | ClearMetadataId () XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata. |
XEvent.Builder | ClearNumOccurences () Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated. |
XEvent.Builder | clearOffsetPs () Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from XLine.timestamp_ns(). |
XEvent.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
XEvent.Builder | ClearStats () XStats associated with the event. |
XEvent.Builder | dòng vô tính () |
XEvent.DataCase | getDataCase () |
XEsự kiện | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor tĩnh cuối cùng | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
dài | getDurationPs () Duration of the event in picoseconds. |
dài | getMetadataId () XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata. |
dài | getNumOccurences () Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated. |
dài | getOffsetPs () Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from XLine.timestamp_ns(). |
XStat | getStats (chỉ số int) XStats associated with the event. |
XStat.Builder | getStatsBuilder (chỉ mục int) XStats associated with the event. |
Danh sách< XStat.Builder > | getStatsBuilderList () XStats associated with the event. |
int | getStatsCount () XStats associated with the event. |
Danh sách< XStat > | getStatsList () XStats associated with the event. |
XStatOrBuilder | getStatsOrBuilder (chỉ mục int) XStats associated with the event. |
Danh sách<? mở rộng XStatOrBuilder > | getStatsOrBuilderList () XStats associated with the event. |
boolean cuối cùng | |
XEvent.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other) |
XEvent.Builder | mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
XEvent.Builder cuối cùng | hợp nhấtUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields) |
XEvent.Builder | RemoveStats (chỉ số int) XStats associated with the event. |
XEvent.Builder | setDurationPs (giá trị dài) Duration of the event in picoseconds. |
XEvent.Builder | setField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng) |
XEvent.Builder | setMetadataId (giá trị dài) XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata. |
XEvent.Builder | setNumOccurrences (giá trị dài) Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated. |
XEvent.Builder | setOffsetPs (giá trị dài) Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from XLine.timestamp_ns(). |
XEvent.Builder | setRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng) |
XEvent.Builder | |
XEvent.Builder | |
XEvent.Builder cuối cùng | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields) |
Phương pháp kế thừa
Phương pháp công khai
public XEvent.Builder addAllStats (Có thể lặp lại các giá trị XStat >)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
public XEvent.Builder addRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Giá trị đối tượng)
public XEvent.Builder addStats (giá trị XStat )
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
công khai XEvent.Builder addStats ( XStat.Builder builderForValue)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
public XEvent.Builder addStats (chỉ mục int, giá trị XStat )
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
public XEvent.Builder addStats (chỉ mục int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
public XStat.Builder addStatsBuilder (chỉ mục int)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
XStat.Builder công khai addStatsBuilder ()
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
public XEvent.Builder clearDurationPs ()
Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;
công khai XEvent.Builder clearMetadataId ()
XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;
public XEvent.Builder clearNumOccurrences ()
Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;
công khai XEvent.Builder clearOffsetPs ()
Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from XLine.timestamp_ns().
int64 offset_ps = 2;
công khai XEvent.Builder clearStats ()
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
công khai tĩnh cuối cùng com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor công khai getDescriptorForType ()
getDurationPs dài công khai ()
Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;
getMetadataId công khai dài ()
XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;
công khai long getNumOccurrences ()
Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;
getOffsetPs dài công khai ()
Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from XLine.timestamp_ns().
int64 offset_ps = 2;
getStats XStat công khai (chỉ mục int)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
công khai XStat.Builder getStatsBuilder (chỉ mục int)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
Danh sách công khai< XStat.Builder > getStatsBuilderList ()
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
int công khai getStatsCount ()
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
Danh sách công khai< XStat > getStatsList ()
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
XStatOrBuilder công khai getStatsOrBuilder (chỉ mục int)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
Danh sách công khai<? mở rộng XStatOrBuilder > getStatsOrBuilderList ()
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
boolean cuối cùng công khai được khởi tạo ()
công khai XEvent.Builder mergeFrom (đầu vào com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOException |
trận chung kết công khai XEvent.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet knownFields)
public XEvent.Builder RemoveStats (chỉ mục int)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
public XEvent.Builder setDurationPs (giá trị dài)
Duration of the event in picoseconds. Can be zero for an instant event.
int64 duration_ps = 3;
public XEvent.Builder setField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, giá trị đối tượng)
XEvent.Builder setMetadataId công khai (giá trị dài)
XEventMetadata.id of corresponding metadata.
int64 metadata_id = 1;
public XEvent.Builder setNumOccurrences (giá trị dài)
Number of occurrences of the event, if aggregated.
int64 num_occurrences = 5;
XEvent.Builder setOffsetPs công khai (giá trị dài)
Start time of the event in picoseconds, as offset from XLine.timestamp_ns().
int64 offset_ps = 2;
public XEvent.Builder setRepeatedField (trường com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng)
XEvent.Builder setStats công khai (chỉ mục int, XStat.Builder builderForValue)
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;
public XEvent.Builder setStats (chỉ mục int, giá trị XStat )
XStats associated with the event. Each of these XStats should have a different metadata_id.
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XStat stats = 4;