
מחלקה סופית סטטית ציבורית ProfileOptions.Builder

 Next ID: 11
סוג Protobuf tensorflow.ProfileOptions

שיטות ציבוריות

addRepeatedField (שדה, ערך אובייקט)
אפשרויות פרופיל
אפשרויות פרופיל
clearDeviceTracerLevel ()
 Levels of device tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable device traces.
clearDeviceType ()
 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
clearDurationMs ()
 The local profiler collects `duration_ms` milliseconds of data.
clearEnableHloProto ()
 Whether serialize hlo_proto when XLA is used.
clearField (שדה
clearHostTracerLevel ()
 Levels of host tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable host traces.
clearIncludeDatasetOps ()
 We don't collect the dataset ops by default for better trace-viewer
clearOneof ( oneof)
clearPythonTracerLevel ()
 Whether enable python function calls tracing.
clearRepositoryPath ()
 Directory to save profile data to.
clearStartTimestampNs ()
 The local profiler starts profiling at this Unix timestamp in nanoseconds.
clearVersion ()
 Some default value of option are not proto3 default value.
אפשרויות פרופיל
final static
getDeviceTracerLevel ()
 Levels of device tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable device traces.
getDeviceType ()
 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
getDeviceTypeValue ()
 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
getDurationMs ()
 The local profiler collects `duration_ms` milliseconds of data.
getEnableHloProto ()
 Whether serialize hlo_proto when XLA is used.
getHostTracerLevel ()
 Levels of host tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable host traces.
getIncludeDatasetOps ()
 We don't collect the dataset ops by default for better trace-viewer
getPythonTracerLevel ()
 Whether enable python function calls tracing.
getRepositoryPath ()
 Directory to save profile data to.
getRepositoryPathBytes ()
 Directory to save profile data to.
getStartTimestampNs ()
 The local profiler starts profiling at this Unix timestamp in nanoseconds.
getVersion ()
 Some default value of option are not proto3 default value.
בוליאנית סופית
mergeFrom ( אחר)
mergeFrom (קלט, extensionRegistry)
final ProfileOptions.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)
setDeviceTracerLevel (ערך int)
 Levels of device tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable device traces.
setDeviceType (ערך ProfileOptions.DeviceType )
 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
setDeviceTypeValue (ערך int)
 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
setDurationMs (ערך ארוך)
 The local profiler collects `duration_ms` milliseconds of data.
setEnableHloProto (ערך בוליאני)
 Whether serialize hlo_proto when XLA is used.
setField (שדה, ערך אובייקט)
setHostTracerLevel (ערך int)
 Levels of host tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable host traces.
setIncludeDatasetOps (ערך בוליאני)
 We don't collect the dataset ops by default for better trace-viewer
setPythonTracerLevel (ערך int)
 Whether enable python function calls tracing.
setRepeatedField (שדה, אינדקס אינט, ערך אובייקט)
setRepositoryPath (ערך מחרוזת)
 Directory to save profile data to.
setRepositoryPathBytes (ערך
 Directory to save profile data to.
setStartTimestampNs (ערך ארוך)
 The local profiler starts profiling at this Unix timestamp in nanoseconds.
final ProfileOptions.Builder
setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)
setVersion (ערך int)
 Some default value of option are not proto3 default value.

שיטות בירושה

שיטות ציבוריות

public ProfileOptions.Builder addRepeatedField (שדה, ערך אובייקט)

בניית אפשרויות פרופיל ציבורי ()

Public ProfileOptions buildPartial ()

public ProfileOptions.Builder clear ()

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearDeviceTracerLevel ()

 Levels of device tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable device traces.
 - Level 1 is used to enable device traces.
 - More levels might be defined for specific device for controlling the
   verbosity of the trace.
uint32 device_tracer_level = 3;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearDeviceType ()

 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
 DeviceType::CPU: only CPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::GPU: only CPU/GPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::TPU: only CPU/TPU will be profiled.
.tensorflow.ProfileOptions.DeviceType device_type = 6;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearDurationMs ()

 The local profiler collects `duration_ms` milliseconds of data. If the
 value is 0, profiling continues until interrupted.
uint64 duration_ms = 9;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearEnableHloProto ()

 Whether serialize hlo_proto when XLA is used. (version >= 1)
bool enable_hlo_proto = 7;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearField (שדה

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearHostTracerLevel ()

 Levels of host tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable host traces.
 - Level 1 enables tracing of only user instrumented (or default) TraceMe.
 - Level 2 enables tracing of all level 1 TraceMe(s) and instrumented high
           level program execution details (expensive TF ops, XLA ops, etc).
           This is the default.
 - Level 3 enables tracing of all level 2 TraceMe(s) and more verbose
           (low-level) program execution details (cheap TF ops, etc).
uint32 host_tracer_level = 2;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearIncludeDatasetOps ()

 We don't collect the dataset ops by default for better trace-viewer
 scalability. The caller can mannually set this field to include the ops.
bool include_dataset_ops = 1;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearPythonTracerLevel ()

 Whether enable python function calls tracing. Runtime overhead ensues if
 enabled. Default off. (version >= 1)
uint32 python_tracer_level = 4;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearRepositoryPath ()

 Directory to save profile data to. No-op when empty.
string repository_path = 10;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearStartTimestampNs ()

 The local profiler starts profiling at this Unix timestamp in nanoseconds.
uint64 start_timestamp_ns = 8;

public ProfileOptions.Builder clearVersion ()

 Some default value of option are not proto3 default value. Use this version
 to determine if we should use default option value instead of proto3
 default value.
uint32 version = 5;

שיבוט ProfileOptions.Builder public ()

public ProfileOptions getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

public getDescriptorForType ()

public int getDeviceTracerLevel ()

 Levels of device tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable device traces.
 - Level 1 is used to enable device traces.
 - More levels might be defined for specific device for controlling the
   verbosity of the trace.
uint32 device_tracer_level = 3;

public ProfileOptions.DeviceType getDeviceType ()

 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
 DeviceType::CPU: only CPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::GPU: only CPU/GPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::TPU: only CPU/TPU will be profiled.
.tensorflow.ProfileOptions.DeviceType device_type = 6;

public int getDeviceTypeValue ()

 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
 DeviceType::CPU: only CPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::GPU: only CPU/GPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::TPU: only CPU/TPU will be profiled.
.tensorflow.ProfileOptions.DeviceType device_type = 6;

public long getDurationMs ()

 The local profiler collects `duration_ms` milliseconds of data. If the
 value is 0, profiling continues until interrupted.
uint64 duration_ms = 9;

getEnableHloProto ציבורי בוליאני ()

 Whether serialize hlo_proto when XLA is used. (version >= 1)
bool enable_hlo_proto = 7;

public int getHostTracerLevel ()

 Levels of host tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable host traces.
 - Level 1 enables tracing of only user instrumented (or default) TraceMe.
 - Level 2 enables tracing of all level 1 TraceMe(s) and instrumented high
           level program execution details (expensive TF ops, XLA ops, etc).
           This is the default.
 - Level 3 enables tracing of all level 2 TraceMe(s) and more verbose
           (low-level) program execution details (cheap TF ops, etc).
uint32 host_tracer_level = 2;

getIncludeDatasetOps ציבורי בוליאני ()

 We don't collect the dataset ops by default for better trace-viewer
 scalability. The caller can mannually set this field to include the ops.
bool include_dataset_ops = 1;

public int getPythonTracerLevel ()

 Whether enable python function calls tracing. Runtime overhead ensues if
 enabled. Default off. (version >= 1)
uint32 python_tracer_level = 4;

מחרוזת ציבורית getRepositoryPath ()

 Directory to save profile data to. No-op when empty.
string repository_path = 10;

public getRepositoryPathBytes ()

 Directory to save profile data to. No-op when empty.
string repository_path = 10;

public long getStartTimestampNs ()

 The local profiler starts profiling at this Unix timestamp in nanoseconds.
uint64 start_timestamp_ns = 8;

public int getVersion ()

 Some default value of option are not proto3 default value. Use this version
 to determine if we should use default option value instead of proto3
 default value.
uint32 version = 5;

בוליאני הסופי הציבורי הוא אתחול ()

public ProfileOptions.Builder mergeFrom ( אחר)

public ProfileOptions.Builder mergeFrom ( קלט, extensionRegistry)


public final ProfileOptions.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

public ProfileOptions.Builder setDeviceTracerLevel (int value)

 Levels of device tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable device traces.
 - Level 1 is used to enable device traces.
 - More levels might be defined for specific device for controlling the
   verbosity of the trace.
uint32 device_tracer_level = 3;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setDeviceType (ערך ProfileOptions.DeviceType )

 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
 DeviceType::CPU: only CPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::GPU: only CPU/GPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::TPU: only CPU/TPU will be profiled.
.tensorflow.ProfileOptions.DeviceType device_type = 6;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setDeviceTypeValue (ערך int)

 Device type to profile/trace: (version >= 1)
 DeviceType::UNSPECIFIED: All registered device profiler will be enabled.
 DeviceType::CPU: only CPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::GPU: only CPU/GPU will be profiled.
 DeviceType::TPU: only CPU/TPU will be profiled.
.tensorflow.ProfileOptions.DeviceType device_type = 6;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setDurationMs (ערך ארוך)

 The local profiler collects `duration_ms` milliseconds of data. If the
 value is 0, profiling continues until interrupted.
uint64 duration_ms = 9;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setEnableHloProto (ערך בוליאני)

 Whether serialize hlo_proto when XLA is used. (version >= 1)
bool enable_hlo_proto = 7;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setField (שדה, ערך אובייקט)

public ProfileOptions.Builder setHostTracerLevel (ערך int)

 Levels of host tracing: (version >= 1)
 - Level 0 is used to disable host traces.
 - Level 1 enables tracing of only user instrumented (or default) TraceMe.
 - Level 2 enables tracing of all level 1 TraceMe(s) and instrumented high
           level program execution details (expensive TF ops, XLA ops, etc).
           This is the default.
 - Level 3 enables tracing of all level 2 TraceMe(s) and more verbose
           (low-level) program execution details (cheap TF ops, etc).
uint32 host_tracer_level = 2;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setIncludeDatasetOps (ערך בוליאני)

 We don't collect the dataset ops by default for better trace-viewer
 scalability. The caller can mannually set this field to include the ops.
bool include_dataset_ops = 1;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setPythonTracerLevel (ערך int)

 Whether enable python function calls tracing. Runtime overhead ensues if
 enabled. Default off. (version >= 1)
uint32 python_tracer_level = 4;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setRepeatedField (שדה, אינדקס int, ערך אובייקט)

public ProfileOptions.Builder setRepositoryPath (ערך מחרוזת)

 Directory to save profile data to. No-op when empty.
string repository_path = 10;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setRepositoryPathBytes (ערך

 Directory to save profile data to. No-op when empty.
string repository_path = 10;

public ProfileOptions.Builder setStartTimestampNs (ערך ארוך)

 The local profiler starts profiling at this Unix timestamp in nanoseconds.
uint64 start_timestamp_ns = 8;

public final ProfileOptions.Builder setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

public ProfileOptions.Builder setVersion (ערך int)

 Some default value of option are not proto3 default value. Use this version
 to determine if we should use default option value instead of proto3
 default value.
uint32 version = 5;