Opis alokacji | Protobuf typu tensorflow.AllocationDescription |
Opis alokacji.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.AllocationDescription |
AlokacjaOpisProtos | |
Rekord alokacji |
An allocation/de-allocation operation performed by the allocator. |
AllocationRecord.Builder |
An allocation/de-allocation operation performed by the allocator. |
Używana pamięć alokatora | Protobuf typu tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed |
AllocatorMemoryUsed.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.AllocatorMemoryUsed |
ApiDef |
Used to specify and override the default API & behavior in the
generated code for client languages, from what you would get from
the OpDef alone. |
ApiDef.Arg | Protobuf typu tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Arg | Protobuf typu tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg |
ApiDef.Attr |
Description of the graph-construction-time configuration of this
Op. |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Attr |
Description of the graph-construction-time configuration of this
Op. |
Konstruktor ApiDef |
Used to specify and override the default API & behavior in the
generated code for client languages, from what you would get from
the OpDef alone. |
Punkt końcowy ApiDef |
If you specify any endpoint, this will replace all of the
inherited endpoints. |
ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder |
If you specify any endpoint, this will replace all of the
inherited endpoints. |
ApiDefProtos | |
ApiDefs | Protobuf typu tensorflow.ApiDefs |
Konstruktor ApiDefs | Protobuf typu tensorflow.ApiDefs |
Wartość pliku zasobów |
An asset file def for a single file or a set of sharded files with the same
name. |
AssetFileDef.Builder |
An asset file def for a single file or a set of sharded files with the same
name. |
Wartość atr |
Protocol buffer representing the value for an attr used to configure an Op. |
Konstruktor wartości atr |
Protocol buffer representing the value for an attr used to configure an Op. |
Wartość atr.ListValue |
Protobuf typu tensorflow.AttrValue.ListValue |
AttrValue.ListValue.Builder |
Protobuf typu tensorflow.AttrValue.ListValue |
AttrValueProtos | |
Opcje AutoParallel | Protobuf typu tensorflow.AutoParallelOptions |
AutoParallelOptions.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.AutoParallelOptions |
Specyfikacja BoundedTensorProto |
A protobuf to represent tf.BoundedTensorSpec. |
BoundedTensorSpecProto.Builder |
A protobuf to represent tf.BoundedTensorSpec. |
Opcje wywoływalne |
Defines a subgraph in another `GraphDef` as a set of feed points and nodes
to be fetched or executed. |
CallableOptions.Builder |
Defines a subgraph in another `GraphDef` as a set of feed points and nodes
to be fetched or executed. |
Kolekcja Def |
CollectionDef should cover most collections. |
KolekcjaDef.AnyList |
AnyList is used for collecting Any protos. |
KolekcjaDef.AnyList.Builder |
AnyList is used for collecting Any protos. |
KolekcjaDef.Builder |
CollectionDef should cover most collections. |
KolekcjaDef.BytesList |
BytesList is used for collecting strings and serialized protobufs. |
KolekcjaDef.BytesList.Builder |
BytesList is used for collecting strings and serialized protobufs. |
KolekcjaDef.FloatList |
FloatList is used for collecting float values. |
KolekcjaDef.FloatList.Builder |
FloatList is used for collecting float values. |
KolekcjaDef.Int64List |
Int64List is used for collecting int, int64 and long values. |
KolekcjaDef.Int64List.Builder |
Int64List is used for collecting int, int64 and long values. |
KolekcjaDef.NodeList |
NodeList is used for collecting nodes in graph. |
KolekcjaDef.NodeList.Builder |
NodeList is used for collecting nodes in graph. |
CondContextDef |
Protocol buffer representing a CondContext object. |
Konstruktor CondContextDef |
Protocol buffer representing a CondContext object. |
KonfiguracjaProto |
Session configuration parameters. |
ConfigProto.Builder |
Session configuration parameters. |
ConfigProto.Eksperymentalne |
Everything inside Experimental is subject to change and is not subject
to API stability guarantees in
https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/version_compat. |
ConfigProto.Experimental.Builder |
Everything inside Experimental is subject to change and is not subject
to API stability guarantees in
https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/version_compat. |
KonfiguracjaProtos | |
ControlFlowContextDef |
Container for any kind of control flow context. |
Konstruktor ControlFlowContextDef |
Container for any kind of control flow context. |
ControlFlowProtos | |
Wykres kosztówDef | Protobuf typu tensorflow.CostGraphDef |
CostGraphDef.Aggregated Cost |
Total cost of this graph, typically used for balancing decisions. |
CostGraphDef.AggregatedCost.Builder |
Total cost of this graph, typically used for balancing decisions. |
CostGraphDef.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.CostGraphDef |
CostGraphDef.Node | Protobuf typu tensorflow.CostGraphDef.Node |
CostGraphDef.Node.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.CostGraphDef.Node |
CostGraphDef.Node.InputInfo |
Inputs of this node. |
CostGraphDef.Node.InputInfo.Builder |
Inputs of this node. |
CostGraphDef.Node.OutputInfo |
Outputs of this node. |
CostGraphDef.Node.OutputInfo.Builder |
Outputs of this node. |
Wykres kosztówProtos | |
Debugowany plik źródłowy | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DebuggedSourceFile |
Debugowany plik źródłowy.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DebuggedSourceFile |
Debugowane pliki źródłowe | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DebuggedSourceFiles |
Debugowany plik źródłowy.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DebuggedSourceFiles |
Opcje debugowania |
Options for initializing DebuggerState in TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg). |
Opcje debugowania.Builder |
Options for initializing DebuggerState in TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg). |
DebugujProtos | |
Debuguj TensorWatch |
Option for watching a node in TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg). |
DebugTensorWatch.Builder |
Option for watching a node in TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg). |
Atrybuty urządzenia | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DeviceAttributes |
DeviceAttributes.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DeviceAttributes |
Atrybuty urządzeniaProtos | |
Lokalizacja urządzenia | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DeviceLocality |
DeviceLocality.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DeviceLocality |
Właściwości urządzenia | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DeviceProperties |
Właściwości urządzenia.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DeviceProperties |
Właściwości urządzeniaProtos | |
Statystyki kroków urządzenia | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DeviceStepStats |
DeviceStepStats.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.DeviceStepStats |
Wartość dyktowana |
Represents a Python dict keyed by `str`. |
DictValue.Builder |
Represents a Python dict keyed by `str`. |
Kody błędów | |
Kody błędówProtos | |
FunkcjaDef |
A function can be instantiated when the runtime can bind every attr
with a value. |
FunkcjaDef.ArgAttrs |
Attributes for function arguments. |
FunkcjaDef.ArgAttrs.Builder |
Attributes for function arguments. |
Funkcja Def.Builder |
A function can be instantiated when the runtime can bind every attr
with a value. |
FunkcjaDefBiblioteka |
A library is a set of named functions. |
FunctionDefLibrary.Builder |
A library is a set of named functions. |
FunkcjaProtos | |
Specyfikacja funkcji |
Represents `FunctionSpec` used in `Function`. |
Kreator specyfikacji funkcji |
Represents `FunctionSpec` used in `Function`. |
Opcje GPU | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GPUOptions |
Opcje GPU. Kreator | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GPUOptions |
Opcje GPU. Eksperymentalne | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GPUOptions.Experimental |
Opcje GPU. Eksperymentalne. Konstruktor | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GPUOptions.Experimental |
Opcje GPU. Eksperymentalne. Urządzenia wirtualne |
Configuration for breaking down a visible GPU into multiple "virtual"
devices. |
GPUOptions.Experimental.VirtualDevices.Builder |
Configuration for breaking down a visible GPU into multiple "virtual"
devices. |
GradientDef |
GradientDef defines the gradient function of a function defined in
a function library. |
Kreator GradientDef |
GradientDef defines the gradient function of a function defined in
a function library. |
Informacje o debugowaniu wykresu | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo |
GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol |
This represents a file/line location in the source code. |
GraphDebugInfo.FileLineCol.Builder |
This represents a file/line location in the source code. |
GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace |
This represents a stack trace which is a ordered list of `FileLineCol`. |
GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace.Builder |
This represents a stack trace which is a ordered list of `FileLineCol`. |
GraphDebugInfoProtos | |
WykresDef |
Represents the graph of operations
Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphDef |
Konstruktor GraphDef |
Represents the graph of operations
Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphDef |
Opcje wykresu | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphOptions |
GraphOptions.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphOptions |
WykresProtos | |
Informacje o węźle GraphTransferConstNode | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferConstNodeInfo |
GraphTransferConstNodeInfo.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferConstNodeInfo |
GraphTransferGraphInputNodeInfo | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferGraphInputNodeInfo |
GraphTransferGraphInputNodeInfo.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferGraphInputNodeInfo |
GraphTransferGraphOutputNodeInfo | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferGraphOutputNodeInfo |
GraphTransferGraphOutputNodeInfo.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferGraphOutputNodeInfo |
Wykres informacji o transferze |
Protocol buffer representing a handle to a tensorflow resource. |
Kreator GraphTransferInfo.Builder |
Protocol buffer representing a handle to a tensorflow resource. |
WykresInformacje o transferzeProto | |
Informacje o węźle transferu wykresu | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferNodeInfo |
GraphTransferNodeInfo.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferNodeInfo |
Dane wejściowe GraphTransferNode | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferNodeInput |
GraphTransferNodeInput.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferNodeInput |
Informacje wejściowe GraphTransferNode | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferNodeInputInfo |
GraphTransferNodeInputInfo.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferNodeInputInfo |
Informacje wyjściowe GraphTransferNode | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferNodeOutputInfo |
GraphTransferNodeOutputInfo.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.GraphTransferNodeOutputInfo |
HistogramProto |
Serialization format for histogram module in
Protobuf typu tensorflow.HistogramProto |
HistogramProto.Builder |
Serialization format for histogram module in
Protobuf typu tensorflow.HistogramProto |
Połączenie wzajemneLink | Protobuf typu tensorflow.InterconnectLink |
InterconnectLink.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.InterconnectLink |
JądroDef | Protobuf typu tensorflow.KernelDef |
KernelDef.AttrConstraint | Protobuf typu tensorflow.KernelDef.AttrConstraint |
KernelDef.AttrConstraint.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.KernelDef.AttrConstraint |
KernelDef.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.KernelDef |
KernelDefProtos | |
Lista jądra |
A collection of KernelDefs
Protobuf typu tensorflow.KernelList |
KernelList.Builder |
A collection of KernelDefs
Protobuf typu tensorflow.KernelList |
ListaWartości |
Represents a Python list. |
Konstruktor wartości listy |
Represents a Python list. |
Linki lokalne | Protobuf typu tensorflow.LocalLinks |
Kreator linków lokalnych | Protobuf typu tensorflow.LocalLinks |
LogMemoryProtos | |
MemoryLogRawAllocation | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogRawAllocation |
MemoryLogRawAllocation.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogRawAllocation |
MemoryLogRawDeallocation | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogRawDeallocation |
MemoryLogRawDeallocation.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogRawDeallocation |
Krok dziennika pamięci | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogStep |
MemoryLogStep.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogStep |
MemoryLogTensorAllocation | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogTensorAllocation |
MemoryLogTensorAllocation.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogTensorAllocation |
MemoryLogTensorDeallokacja | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogTensorDeallocation |
MemoryLogTensorDeallocation.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogTensorDeallocation |
Dane wyjściowe MemoryLogTensor | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogTensorOutput |
MemoryLogTensorOutput.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.MemoryLogTensorOutput |
Statystyki pamięci |
For memory tracking. |
MemoryStats.Builder |
For memory tracking. |
MetaGraphDef |
NOTE: This protocol buffer is evolving, and will go through revisions in the
coming months. |
Kreator MetaGraphDef |
NOTE: This protocol buffer is evolving, and will go through revisions in the
coming months. |
MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef |
Meta information regarding the graph to be exported. |
MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef.Builder |
Meta information regarding the graph to be exported. |
MetaGraphProtos | |
NazwaAttrLista |
A list of attr names and their values. |
NazwaAttrList.Builder |
A list of attr names and their values. |
Nazwane urządzenie | Protobuf typu tensorflow.NamedDevice |
NazwanyDevice.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.NamedDevice |
Nazwany TensorProto |
A pair of tensor name and tensor values. |
NazwanyTensorProto.Builder |
A pair of tensor name and tensor values. |
Nazwany TensorProtos | |
NazwanaTupleValue |
Represents Python's namedtuple. |
NamedTupleValue.Builder |
Represents Python's namedtuple. |
Wartość węzła | Protobuf typu tensorflow.NodeDef |
Konstruktor NodeDef | Protobuf typu tensorflow.NodeDef |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo | Protobuf typu tensorflow.NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo |
NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.NodeDef.ExperimentalDebugInfo |
Statystyki NodeExec |
Time/size stats recorded for a single execution of a graph node. |
Konstruktor NodeExecStats |
Time/size stats recorded for a single execution of a graph node. |
Wyjście węzła |
Output sizes recorded for a single execution of a graph node. |
Konstruktor NodeOutput |
Output sizes recorded for a single execution of a graph node. |
WęzełProto | |
BrakWartość |
Represents None. |
BrakWartość.Builder |
Represents None. |
OpDef |
Defines an operation. |
OpDef.ArgDef |
For describing inputs and outputs. |
OpDef.ArgDef.Builder |
For describing inputs and outputs. |
OpDef.AttrDef |
Description of the graph-construction-time configuration of this
Op. |
Konstruktor OpDef.AttrDef |
Description of the graph-construction-time configuration of this
Op. |
Konstruktor OpDef |
Defines an operation. |
OpDefProtos | |
OpDeprecjacja |
Information about version-dependent deprecation of an op
Protobuf typu tensorflow.OpDeprecation |
OpDeprecation.Builder |
Information about version-dependent deprecation of an op
Protobuf typu tensorflow.OpDeprecation |
Lista op |
A collection of OpDefs
Protobuf typu tensorflow.OpList |
Konstruktor OpList |
A collection of OpDefs
Protobuf typu tensorflow.OpList |
Opcje Optymalizatora |
Options passed to the graph optimizer
Protobuf typu tensorflow.OptimizerOptions |
Opcje optymalizatora. Konstruktor |
Options passed to the graph optimizer
Protobuf typu tensorflow.OptimizerOptions |
Wartość pary |
Represents a (key, value) pair. |
Konstruktor wartości pary |
Represents a (key, value) pair. |
QueueRunnerDef |
Protocol buffer representing a QueueRunner. |
Konstruktor QueueRunnerDef |
Protocol buffer representing a QueueRunner. |
QueueRunnerProtos | |
ReaderBaseProtos | |
Stan bazowy czytnika |
For serializing and restoring the state of ReaderBase, see
reader_base.h for details. |
ReaderBaseState.Builder |
For serializing and restoring the state of ReaderBase, see
reader_base.h for details. |
RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo |
Protocol buffer representing a handle to a tensorflow resource. |
RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder |
Protocol buffer representing a handle to a tensorflow resource. |
RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto | Typ protokołu tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto |
RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder | Typ protokołu tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto |
RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfoProto | |
Uchwyt RemoteTensor | Protobuf typu tensorflow.eager.RemoteTensorHandle |
RemoteTensorHandle.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.eager.RemoteTensorHandle |
RemoteTensorHandleProtos | |
ZasóbDtypeAndShape | Protobuf typu tensorflow.eager.ResourceDtypeAndShape |
ResourceDtypeAndShape.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.eager.ResourceDtypeAndShape |
Uchwyt zasobów | |
ResourceHandleProto |
Protocol buffer representing a handle to a tensorflow resource. |
ResourceHandleProto.Builder |
Protocol buffer representing a handle to a tensorflow resource. |
ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape |
Protocol buffer representing a pair of (data type, tensor shape). |
ResourceHandleProto.DtypeAndShape.Builder |
Protocol buffer representing a pair of (data type, tensor shape). |
Konfiguracja przepisywania |
Graph rewriting is experimental and subject to change, not covered by any
API stability guarantees. |
RewriterConfig.Builder |
Graph rewriting is experimental and subject to change, not covered by any
API stability guarantees. |
RewriterConfig.CustomGraphOptimizer |
Message to describe custom graph optimizer and its parameters
Protobuf typu tensorflow.RewriterConfig.CustomGraphOptimizer |
RewriterConfig.CustomGraphOptimizer.Builder |
Message to describe custom graph optimizer and its parameters
Protobuf typu tensorflow.RewriterConfig.CustomGraphOptimizer |
RewriterConfigProtos | |
Opcje RPC | Protobuf typu tensorflow.RPCOptions |
Konstruktor RPCOptions.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.RPCOptions |
UruchomMetadane |
Metadata output (i.e., non-Tensor) for a single Run() call. |
UruchomMetadata.Builder |
Metadata output (i.e., non-Tensor) for a single Run() call. |
RunMetadata.FunctionGraphs | Protobuf typu tensorflow.RunMetadata.FunctionGraphs |
RunMetadata.FunctionGraphs.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.RunMetadata.FunctionGraphs |
Opcje uruchamiania |
Options for a single Run() call. |
UruchomOpcje.Builder |
Options for a single Run() call. |
RunOptions.Eksperymentalne |
Everything inside Experimental is subject to change and is not subject
to API stability guarantees in
https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/version_compat. |
RunOptions.Experimental.Builder |
Everything inside Experimental is subject to change and is not subject
to API stability guarantees in
https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/version_compat. |
RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions |
Options for run handler thread pool. |
RunOptions.Experimental.RunHandlerPoolOptions.Builder |
Options for run handler thread pool. |
Obiekt możliwy do zapisania | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SaveableObject |
SaveableObject.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SaveableObject |
Zapisano zasób |
A SavedAsset points to an asset in the MetaGraph. |
SavedAsset.Builder |
A SavedAsset points to an asset in the MetaGraph. |
Funkcja SavedBareConcrete | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction |
SavedBareConcreteFunction.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction |
Funkcja SavedConcrete |
Stores low-level information about a concrete function. |
SavedConcreteFunction.Builder |
Stores low-level information about a concrete function. |
ZapisanoStałe | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SavedConstant |
ZapisanoConstant.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SavedConstant |
Zapisana funkcja |
A function with multiple signatures, possibly with non-Tensor arguments. |
SavedFunction.Builder |
A function with multiple signatures, possibly with non-Tensor arguments. |
ZapisanyModel |
SavedModel is the high level serialization format for TensorFlow Models. |
ZapisanoModel.Builder |
SavedModel is the high level serialization format for TensorFlow Models. |
ZapisaneProtosModelu | |
Zapisany obiekt | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SavedObject |
SavedObject.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SavedObject |
Wykres zapisanego obiektu | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph |
SavedObjectGraphProtos | |
Zapisany zasób |
A SavedResource represents a TF object that holds state during its lifetime. |
SavedResource.Builder |
A SavedResource represents a TF object that holds state during its lifetime. |
Zapisano obiekt użytkownika |
A SavedUserObject is an object (in the object-oriented language of the
TensorFlow program) of some user- or framework-defined class other than
those handled specifically by the other kinds of SavedObjects. |
SavedUserObject.Builder |
A SavedUserObject is an object (in the object-oriented language of the
TensorFlow program) of some user- or framework-defined class other than
those handled specifically by the other kinds of SavedObjects. |
Zapisana zmienna |
Represents a Variable that is initialized by loading the contents from the
checkpoint. |
Zapisana zmienna.Builder |
Represents a Variable that is initialized by loading the contents from the
checkpoint. |
ZapiszSliceInfoDef | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SaveSliceInfoDef |
SaveSliceInfoDef.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SaveSliceInfoDef |
Opcje alokatora o określonym zakresie | Protobuf typu tensorflow.ScopedAllocatorOptions |
ScopedAllocatorOptions.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.ScopedAllocatorOptions |
Metadane sesji |
Metadata about the session. |
SessionMetadata.Builder |
Metadata about the session. |
PodpisDef |
SignatureDef defines the signature of a computation supported by a TensorFlow
graph. |
PodpisDef.Builder |
SignatureDef defines the signature of a computation supported by a TensorFlow
graph. |
Statystyki kroków | Protobuf typu tensorflow.StepStats |
StepStats.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.StepStats |
StepStatsProtos | |
StructProtos | |
Wartość strukturalna |
`StructuredValue` represents a dynamically typed value representing various
data structures that are inspired by Python data structures typically used in
TensorFlow functions as inputs and outputs. |
StructuredValue.Builder |
`StructuredValue` represents a dynamically typed value representing various
data structures that are inspired by Python data structures typically used in
TensorFlow functions as inputs and outputs. |
Streszczenie |
A Summary is a set of named values to be displayed by the
visualizer. |
Podsumowanie. Dźwięk | Protobuf typu tensorflow.Summary.Audio |
Podsumowanie.Audio.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.Summary.Audio |
Podsumowanie.Konstruktor |
A Summary is a set of named values to be displayed by the
visualizer. |
Podsumowanie.Obraz | Protobuf typu tensorflow.Summary.Image |
Podsumowanie.Image.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.Summary.Image |
Podsumowanie.Wartość | Protobuf typu tensorflow.Summary.Value |
Podsumowanie.Kreator wartości | Protobuf typu tensorflow.Summary.Value |
PodsumowanieOpis |
Metadata associated with a series of Summary data
Protobuf typu tensorflow.SummaryDescription |
PodsumowanieOpis.Builder |
Metadata associated with a series of Summary data
Protobuf typu tensorflow.SummaryDescription |
PodsumowanieMetadane |
A SummaryMetadata encapsulates information on which plugins are able to make
use of a certain summary value. |
PodsumowanieMetadata.Builder |
A SummaryMetadata encapsulates information on which plugins are able to make
use of a certain summary value. |
PodsumowanieMetadane.PluginData | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SummaryMetadata.PluginData |
PodsumowanieMetadata.PluginData.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.SummaryMetadata.PluginData |
PodsumowanieProtos | |
Połączenie Tensora |
Defines a connection between two tensors in a `GraphDef`. |
TensorConnection.Builder |
Defines a connection between two tensors in a `GraphDef`. |
Opis Tensora | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TensorDescription |
TensorDescription.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TensorDescription |
TensorOpisProtos | |
Informacje o Tensorze |
Information about a Tensor necessary for feeding or retrieval. |
TensorInfo.Builder |
Information about a Tensor necessary for feeding or retrieval. |
TensorInfo.CompositeTensor |
Generic encoding for composite tensors. |
TensorInfo.CompositeTensor.Builder |
Generic encoding for composite tensors. |
TensorInfo.CooSparse |
For sparse tensors, The COO encoding stores a triple of values, indices,
and shape. |
TensorInfo.CooSparse.Builder |
For sparse tensors, The COO encoding stores a triple of values, indices,
and shape. |
TensorProto |
Protocol buffer representing a tensor. |
TensorProto.Builder |
Protocol buffer representing a tensor. |
TensorProtos | |
TensorShapeProto |
Dimensions of a tensor. |
TensorShapeProto.Builder |
Dimensions of a tensor. |
TensorShapeProto.Dim |
One dimension of the tensor. |
TensorShapeProto.Dim.Builder |
One dimension of the tensor. |
TensorShapeProtos | |
TensorSliceProto |
Can only be interpreted if you know the corresponding TensorShape. |
TensorSliceProto.Builder |
Can only be interpreted if you know the corresponding TensorShape. |
TensorSliceProto.Zakres |
Extent of the slice in one dimension. |
TensorSliceProto.Extent.Builder |
Extent of the slice in one dimension. |
TensorSliceProtos | |
TensorSpecProto |
A protobuf to represent tf.TensorSpec. |
TensorSpecProto.Builder |
A protobuf to represent tf.TensorSpec. |
ThreadPoolOpcjaProto | Protobuf typu tensorflow.ThreadPoolOptionProto |
ThreadPoolOptionProto.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.ThreadPoolOptionProto |
Wykres obiektów śledzonych | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph |
TrackableObjectGraph.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SerializedTensor | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SerializedTensor |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SerializedTensor.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SerializedTensor |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference.Builder | Protobuf typu tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference |
TrackableObjectGraphProtos | |
Wartość krotki |
Represents a Python tuple. |
Kreator wartości krotki |
Represents a Python tuple. |
TypSpecProto |
Represents a tf.TypeSpec
Protobuf typu tensorflow.TypeSpecProto |
TypSpecProto.Builder |
Represents a tf.TypeSpec
Protobuf typu tensorflow.TypeSpecProto |
TypyProtos | |
WartościDef |
Protocol buffer representing the values in ControlFlowContext. |
WartościDef.Builder |
Protocol buffer representing the values in ControlFlowContext. |
ZmiennaDef |
Protocol buffer representing a Variable. |
Konstruktor ustawień zmiennych |
Protocol buffer representing a Variable. |
ZmienneProtos | |
VariantTensorDataProto |
Protocol buffer representing the serialization format of DT_VARIANT tensors. |
VariantTensorDataProto.Builder |
Protocol buffer representing the serialization format of DT_VARIANT tensors. |
Konfiguracja weryfikatora |
The config for graph verifiers. |
VerifierConfig.Builder |
The config for graph verifiers. |
VerifierConfigProtos | |
WersjaDef |
Version information for a piece of serialized data
There are different types of versions for each type of data
(GraphDef, etc.), but they all have the same common shape
described here. |
WersjaDef.Builder |
Version information for a piece of serialized data
There are different types of versions for each type of data
(GraphDef, etc.), but they all have the same common shape
described here. |
WersjeProtos | |
Podczas gdyContextDef |
Protocol buffer representing a WhileContext object. |
WhileContextDef.Builder |
Protocol buffer representing a WhileContext object. |