interface publique ValuesDefOrBuilder
Sous-classes indirectes connues |
Méthodes publiques
booléen abstrait | contient des valeurs externes (clé de chaîne) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Carte abstraite<String, String> | getExternalValues () Utilisez plutôt getExternalValuesMap() . |
entier abstrait | getExternalValuesCount () Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Carte abstraite<String, String> | getExternalValuesMap () Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Chaîne abstraite | getExternalValuesOrDefault (clé de chaîne, chaîne valeur par défaut) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Chaîne abstraite | getExternalValuesOrThrow (clé de chaîne) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Chaîne abstraite | getValues (index entier) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
résumé | getValuesBytes (index int) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
entier abstrait | getValuesCount () Value names that have been seen in this context. |
Liste abstraite<String> | getValuesList () Value names that have been seen in this context. |
Méthodes publiques
public abstract boolean containExternalValues (clé de chaîne)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public abstrait int getExternalValuesCount ()
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public abstrait Map<String, String> getExternalValuesMap ()
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public abstract String getExternalValuesOrDefault (clé de chaîne, chaîne defaultValue)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
chaîne abstraite publique getExternalValuesOrThrow (clé de chaîne)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
chaîne abstraite publique getValues (index int)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
résumé public getValuesBytes (index int)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
public abstrait int getValuesCount ()
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
liste abstraite publique<String> getValuesList ()
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;