publiczna statyczna klasa końcowa ValuesDef.Builder
Protocol buffer representing the values in ControlFlowContext.
Metody publiczne
WartościDef.Builder | addAllValues (wartości Iterable<String>) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
WartościDef.Builder | addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu) |
WartościDef.Builder | addValues (wartość ciągu) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
WartościDef.Builder | addValuesBytes (wartość Value names that have been seen in this context. |
WartościDef | zbudować () |
WartościDef | |
WartościDef.Builder | jasne () |
WartościDef.Builder | |
WartościDef.Builder | clearField (pole |
WartościDef.Builder | clearOneof ( oneof) |
WartościDef.Builder | wyczyśćWartości () Value names that have been seen in this context. |
WartościDef.Builder | klon () |
wartość logiczna | zawieraExternalValues (klucz ciągu) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
WartościDef | |
końcowy statyczny | | | |
Mapa<String, String> | pobierz wartości zewnętrzne () Zamiast tego użyj getExternalValuesMap() . |
wew | getExternalValuesCount () Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Mapa<String, String> | getExternalValuesMap () Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Smyczkowy | getExternalValuesOrDefault (klucz ciągu, ciąg znaków defaultValue) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Smyczkowy | getExternalValuesOrThrow (klawisz ciągu) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
Mapa<String, String> | getMutableExternalValues () Zamiast tego użyj alternatywnych akcesorów mutacji. |
Smyczkowy | getValues (indeks int) Value names that have been seen in this context. | | getValuesBytes (indeks int) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
wew | getValuesCount () Value names that have been seen in this context. | | getValuesList () Value names that have been seen in this context. |
końcowa wartość logiczna | |
WartościDef.Builder | mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry) |
WartościDef.Builder | mergeFrom (ść inna) |
wartości końcoweDef.Builder | mergeUnknownFields ( nieznane pola) |
WartościDef.Builder | putAllExternalValues (wartości Map<String, String>) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
WartościDef.Builder | putExternalValues (klucz ciągu, wartość ciągu) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
WartościDef.Builder | usuńExternalValues (klucz ciągu) Value names referenced by but external to this context. |
WartościDef.Builder | setField (pole, wartość obiektu) |
WartościDef.Builder | setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu) |
wartości końcoweDef.Builder | setUnknownFields ( nieznane pola) |
WartościDef.Builder | setValues (indeks int, wartość ciągu) Value names that have been seen in this context. |
Metody dziedziczone
Metody publiczne
publiczne ValuesDef.Builder addAllValues (wartości Iterable<String>)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
public ValuesDef.Builder addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)
public ValuesDef.Builder addValues (wartość ciągu)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
public ValuesDef.Builder addValuesBytes (wartość
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
public ValuesDef.Builder clearValues ()
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
publiczna wartość logiczna zawieraExternalValues (klucz ciąg)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public static final getDescriptor ()
public getDescriptorForType ()
public int getExternalValuesCount ()
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public Map<String, String> getExternalValuesMap ()
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public String getExternalValuesOrDefault (klucz ciągu, ciąg domyślna wartość)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public String getExternalValuesOrThrow (klucz ciągu)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public Map<String, String> getMutableExternalValues ()
Zamiast tego użyj alternatywnych akcesorów mutacji.
public String getValues (indeks int)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
public getValuesBytes (indeks int)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
publiczny int getValuesCount ()
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
public getValuesList ()
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;
publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()
public ValuesDef.Builder mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry)
Wyjątek IO |
publiczne wartości końcoweDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields (
public ValuesDef.Builder putAllExternalValues (wartości Map<String, String>)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public ValuesDef.Builder putExternalValues (klucz ciągu, wartość ciągu)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public ValuesDef.Builder usuńExternalValues (klucz ciąg)
Value names referenced by but external to this context.
map<string, string> external_values = 2;
public ValuesDef.Builder setField (pole, wartość obiektu)
public ValuesDef.Builder setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
publiczne wartości końcoweDef.Builder setUnknownFields (
public ValuesDef.Builder setValues (indeks int, wartość ciągu)
Value names that have been seen in this context.
repeated string values = 1;