
giao diện công cộng TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder
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Phương pháp công cộng

trừu tượng TensorSliceProto.Extent
getExtent (chỉ số int)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
int trừu tượng
getExtentCount ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
Danh sách trừu tượng< TensorSliceProto.Extent >
getExtentList ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
trừu tượng TensorSliceProto.ExtentOrBuilder
getExtentOrBuilder (chỉ mục int)
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
Danh sách trừu tượng<? mở rộng TensorSliceProto.ExtentOrBuilder >
getExtentOrBuilderList ()
 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.

Phương pháp công cộng

tóm tắt công khai TensorSliceProto.Extent getExtent (int chỉ mục)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

tóm tắt công khai int getExtentCount ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

Danh sách tóm tắt công khai< TensorSliceProto.Extent > getExtentList ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

tóm tắt công khai TensorSliceProto.ExtentOrBuilder getExtentOrBuilder (chỉ mục int)

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;

Danh sách tóm tắt công khai<? mở rộng TensorSliceProto.ExtentOrBuilder > getExtentOrBuilderList ()

 Extent of the slice in all tensor dimensions.
 Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the tensor that this
 slice belongs to.  The order of sizes is the same as the order of
 dimensions in the TensorShape.
repeated .tensorflow.TensorSliceProto.Extent extent = 1;