
interfaccia pubblica SignatureDefOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

booleano astratto
contieneInputs (tasto String)
 Named input parameters.
booleano astratto
contieneOutputs (chiave String)
 Named output parameters.
Mappa astratta<String, TensorInfo >
getInputs ()
Utilizzare invece getInputsMap() .
astratto int
getInputsCount ()
 Named input parameters.
Mappa astratta<String, TensorInfo >
getInputsMap ()
 Named input parameters.
TensorInfo astratto
getInputsOrDefault (chiave String, TensorInfo defaultValue)
 Named input parameters.
TensorInfo astratto
getInputsOrThrow (chiave String)
 Named input parameters.
stringa astratta
getMethodName ()
 Extensible method_name information enabling third-party users to mark a
 SignatureDef as supporting a particular method.
getMethodNameBytes ()
 Extensible method_name information enabling third-party users to mark a
 SignatureDef as supporting a particular method.
Mappa astratta<String, TensorInfo >
getOutputs ()
Utilizzare invece getOutputsMap() .
astratto int
getOutputsCount ()
 Named output parameters.
Mappa astratta<String, TensorInfo >
getOutputsMap ()
 Named output parameters.
TensorInfo astratto
getOutputsOrDefault (chiave String, TensorInfo defaultValue)
 Named output parameters.
TensorInfo astratto
getOutputsOrThrow (chiave String)
 Named output parameters.

Metodi pubblici

booleano astratto pubblico contieneInputs (chiave String)

 Named input parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> inputs = 1;

booleano astratto pubblico contieneOutputs (chiave String)

 Named output parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> outputs = 2;

public abstract Map<String, TensorInfo > getInputs ()

Utilizzare invece getInputsMap() .

public abstract int getInputsCount ()

 Named input parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> inputs = 1;

public abstract Map<String, TensorInfo > getInputsMap ()

 Named input parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> inputs = 1;

public abstract TensorInfo getInputsOrDefault (chiave String, TensorInfo defaultValue)

 Named input parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> inputs = 1;

public abstract TensorInfo getInputsOrThrow (chiave String)

 Named input parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> inputs = 1;

public abstract String getMethodName ()

 Extensible method_name information enabling third-party users to mark a
 SignatureDef as supporting a particular method. This enables producers and
 consumers of SignatureDefs, e.g. a model definition library and a serving
 library to have a clear hand-off regarding the semantics of a computation.
 Note that multiple SignatureDefs in a single MetaGraphDef may have the same
 method_name. This is commonly used to support multi-headed computation,
 where a single graph computation may return multiple results.
string method_name = 3;

estratto pubblico getMethodNameBytes ()

 Extensible method_name information enabling third-party users to mark a
 SignatureDef as supporting a particular method. This enables producers and
 consumers of SignatureDefs, e.g. a model definition library and a serving
 library to have a clear hand-off regarding the semantics of a computation.
 Note that multiple SignatureDefs in a single MetaGraphDef may have the same
 method_name. This is commonly used to support multi-headed computation,
 where a single graph computation may return multiple results.
string method_name = 3;

public abstract Map<String, TensorInfo > getOutputs ()

Utilizzare invece getOutputsMap() .

public abstract int getOutputsCount ()

 Named output parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> outputs = 2;

public abstract Map<String, TensorInfo > getOutputsMap ()

 Named output parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> outputs = 2;

public abstract TensorInfo getOutputsOrDefault (chiave String, TensorInfo defaultValue)

 Named output parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> outputs = 2;

public abstract TensorInfo getOutputsOrThrow (chiave String)

 Named output parameters.
map<string, .tensorflow.TensorInfo> outputs = 2;