
ממשק ציבורי SavedObjectGraphOrBuilder
תת-מחלקות עקיפות ידועות

שיטות ציבוריות

בוליאני מופשט
containsConcreteFunctions (מפתח מחרוזת)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
מפה מופשטת<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
getConcreteFunctions ()
השתמש ב- getConcreteFunctionsMap() במקום זאת.
מופשט int
getConcreteFunctionsCount ()
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
מפה מופשטת<String, SavedConcreteFunction >
getConcreteFunctionsMap ()
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
תקציר SavedConcreteFunction
getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (מפתח מחרוזת, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
תקציר SavedConcreteFunction
getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (מפתח מחרוזת)
 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
תקציר SavedObject
getNodes (int index)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
מופשט int
getNodesCount ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
רשימת תקציר< SavedObject >
getNodesList ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
תקציר SavedObjectOrBuilder
getNodesOrBuilder (int index)
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
רשימה מופשטת<? מרחיב את SavedObjectOrBuilder >
getNodesOrBuilderList ()
 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.

שיטות ציבוריות

תקציר ציבורי בוליאני מכילConcreteFunctions (מפתח מחרוזת)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

תקציר ציבורי מפה<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctions ()

השתמש ב- getConcreteFunctionsMap() במקום זאת.

תקציר ציבורי int getConcreteFunctionsCount ()

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

מפה תקציר ציבורי<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctionsMap ()

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

תקציר ציבורי SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (מפתח מחרוזת, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

תקציר ציבורי SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (מפתח מחרוזת)

 Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions.
 Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;

תקציר ציבורי SavedObject getNodes (int index)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

תקציר ציבורי int getNodesCount ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

רשימת תקציר ציבורית< SavedObject > getNodesList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

תקציר ציבורי SavedObjectOrBuilder getNodesOrBuilder (int index)

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;

רשימת תקציר ציבורית<? מרחיב את SavedObjectOrBuilder > getNodesOrBuilderList ()

 Flattened list of objects in the object graph.
 The position of the object in this list indicates its id.
 Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;