מחלקה סופית סטטית ציבורית SavedObjectGraph.Builder
סוג Protobuf tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph
שיטות ציבוריות
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | addAllNodes (Iterable<? מרחיב את SavedObject > ערכים) Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | addNodes (int index, SavedObject.Builder builderForValue) Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObject.Builder | addNodesBuilder (int index) Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObject.Builder | addNodesBuilder () Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | addRepeatedField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, ערך אובייקט) |
SavedObjectGraph | לבנות () |
SavedObjectGraph | buildPartial () |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | ברור () |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | clearField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | clearNodes () Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | שיבוט () |
בוליאני | containsConcreteFunctions (מפתח מחרוזת) Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. |
מפה<String, SavedConcreteFunction > | getConcreteFunctions () השתמש ב- getConcreteFunctionsMap() במקום זאת. |
int | getConcreteFunctionsCount () Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. |
מפה<String, SavedConcreteFunction > | getConcreteFunctionsMap () Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. |
SavedConcreteFunction | getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (מפתח מחרוזת, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue) Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. |
SavedConcreteFunction | getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (מפתח מחרוזת) Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. |
SavedObjectGraph | |
final static com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
מפה<String, SavedConcreteFunction > | getMutableConcreteFunctions () השתמש במקום זאת באביזרי מוטציה חלופיים. |
SavedObject | getNodes (int index) Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObject.Builder | getNodesBuilder (int index) Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
רשימה< SavedObject.Builder > | getNodesBuilderList () Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
int | getNodesCount () Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
רשימה< SavedObject > | getNodesList () Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObjectOrBuilder | getNodesOrBuilder (int index) Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
רשימה<? מרחיב את SavedObjectOrBuilder > | getNodesOrBuilderList () Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
בוליאנית סופית | |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | mergeFrom (קלט com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message אחר) |
final SavedObjectGraph.Builder | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | putAllConcreteFunctions (מפה<String, SavedConcreteFunction > ערכים) Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | putConcreteFunctions (מפתח מחרוזת, ערך SavedConcreteFunction ) Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | removeConcreteFunctions (מפתח מחרוזת) Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | removeNodes (int index) Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | setField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, ערך אובייקט) |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | setNodes (int index, SavedObject.Builder builderForValue) Flattened list of objects in the object graph. |
SavedObjectGraph.Builder | setRepeatedField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, אינדקס אינט, ערך אובייקט) |
final SavedObjectGraph.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) |
שיטות בירושה
שיטות ציבוריות
public SavedObjectGraph.Builder addAllNodes (Iterable<? מרחיב את SavedObject > ערכים)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
Public SavedObjectGraph.Builder addNodes (אינדקס int, ערך SavedObject )
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
Public SavedObjectGraph.Builder addNodes (ערך SavedObject )
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
Public SavedObjectGraph.Builder addNodes ( SavedObject.Builder builderForValue)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
Public SavedObjectGraph.Builder addNodes (int index, SavedObject.Builder builderForValue)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder addNodesBuilder (int index)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder addNodesBuilder ()
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
Public SavedObjectGraph.Builder addRepeatedField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, ערך אובייקט)
public SavedObjectGraph.Builder clearNodes ()
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
בוליאני ציבורי מכיל ConcreteFunctions (מפתח מחרוזת)
Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;
מפה ציבורית<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctions ()
השתמש ב- getConcreteFunctionsMap()
במקום זאת.
public int getConcreteFunctionsCount ()
Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;
מפה ציבורית<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getConcreteFunctionsMap ()
Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;
Public SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrDefault (מפתח מחרוזת, SavedConcreteFunction defaultValue)
Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;
public SavedConcreteFunction getConcreteFunctionsOrThrow (מפתח מחרוזת)
Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;
public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
מפה ציבורית<String, SavedConcreteFunction > getMutableConcreteFunctions ()
השתמש במקום זאת באביזרי מוטציה חלופיים.
public SavedObject getNodes (int index)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
public SavedObject.Builder getNodesBuilder (int index)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
רשימה ציבורית< SavedObject.Builder > getNodesBuilderList ()
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
public int getNodesCount ()
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
רשימה ציבורית< SavedObject > getNodesList ()
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
public SavedObjectOrBuilder getNodesOrBuilder (int index)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
רשימה ציבורית<? מרחיב את SavedObjectOrBuilder > getNodesOrBuilderList ()
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
בוליאני הסופי הציבורי הוא אתחול ()
public SavedObjectGraph.Builder mergeFrom (קלט com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
IOException |
public final SavedObjectGraph.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
public SavedObjectGraph.Builder putAllConcreteFunctions (מפה<String, SavedConcreteFunction > ערכים)
Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;
public SavedObjectGraph.Builder putConcreteFunctions (מפתח מחרוזת, ערך SavedConcreteFunction )
Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;
public SavedObjectGraph.Builder removeConcreteFunctions (מפתח מחרוזת)
Information about captures and output structures in concrete functions. Referenced from SavedBareConcreteFunction and SavedFunction.
map<string, .tensorflow.SavedConcreteFunction> concrete_functions = 2;
public SavedObjectGraph.Builder removeNodes (int index)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
Public SavedObjectGraph.Builder setField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, ערך אובייקט)
public SavedObjectGraph.Builder setNodes (int index, SavedObject ערך)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;
Public SavedObjectGraph.Builder setNodes (int index, SavedObject.Builder builderForValue)
Flattened list of objects in the object graph. The position of the object in this list indicates its id. Nodes[0] is considered the root node.
repeated .tensorflow.SavedObject nodes = 1;