Tipo de protobuf tensorflow.SavedObject
Classes aninhadas
aula | SavedObject.Builder | Tipo de protobuf tensorflow.SavedObject | |
enumeração | SavedObject.KindCase |
interno | ASSET_FIELD_NUMBER | |
Métodos Públicos
booleano | contémSaveableObjects (chave String) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
booleano | é igual (objeto obj) |
Ativo salvo | getAsset () .tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5; |
SavedAssetOrBuilder | getAssetOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5; |
Função SavedBareConcrete | getBareConcreteFunction () .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
SalvoBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder | getBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference | getChildren (índice interno) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
interno | getChildrenCount () Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
Lista< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference > | getChildrenList () Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder | getChildrenOrBuilder (índice interno) Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
Lista<? estende TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder > | getChildrenOrBuilderList () Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. |
SalvoConstante | getConstante () .tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9; |
SavedConstantOrBuilder | getConstantOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9; |
objeto salvo estático | |
Objeto salvo | |
final estático com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
Função salva | getFunction () .tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6; |
SavedFunctionOrBuilder | getFunctionOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6; |
SavedObject.KindCase | getKindCase () |
Recurso salvo | obterRecurso () .tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10; |
SavedResourceOrBuilder | getResourceOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10; |
Mapa<String, SaveableObject > | getSaveableObjects () Use getSaveableObjectsMap() em vez disso. |
interno | getSaveableObjectsCount () map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
Mapa<String, SaveableObject > | getSaveableObjectsMap () map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
Objeto Salvável | getSaveableObjectsOrDefault (chave de string, SaveableObject defaultValue) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
Objeto Salvável | getSaveableObjectsOrThrow (chave de string) map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11; |
interno | |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference | getSlotVariables (índice interno) Slot variables owned by this object. |
interno | getSlotVariablesCount () Slot variables owned by this object. |
Lista< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference > | getSlotVariablesList () Slot variables owned by this object. |
TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder | getSlotVariablesOrBuilder (índice interno) Slot variables owned by this object. |
Lista<? estende TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder > | getSlotVariablesOrBuilderList () Slot variables owned by this object. |
final com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet | |
ObjetoSalvoUsuário | getUserObject () .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
SavedUserObjectOrBuilder | getUserObjectOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
Variável salva | obterVariável () .tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7; |
SavedVariableOrBuilder | getVariableOrBuilder () .tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7; |
booleano | temAtivo () .tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5; |
booleano | hasBareConcreteFunction () .tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8; |
booleano | temConstante () .tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9; |
booleano | temFunção () .tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6; |
booleano | temRecurso () .tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10; |
booleano | hasUserObject () .tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4; |
booleano | temVariável () .tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7; |
interno | código hash () |
booleano final | |
SavedObject.Builder estático | newBuilder (protótipo SavedObject ) |
SavedObject.Builder estático | |
SavedObject.Builder | |
objeto salvo estático | parseDelimitedFrom (entrada InputStream) |
objeto salvo estático | parseDelimitedFrom (entrada InputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
objeto salvo estático | parseFrom (dados de ByteBuffer, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
objeto salvo estático | parseFrom (entrada com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream) |
objeto salvo estático | parseFrom (byte[] dados, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
objeto salvo estático | parseFrom (dados de ByteBuffer) |
objeto salvo estático | parseFrom (entrada com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
objeto salvo estático | parseFrom (dados com.google.protobuf.ByteString) |
objeto salvo estático | parseFrom (entrada InputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
objeto salvo estático | parseFrom (dados com.google.protobuf.ByteString, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
estático | analisador () |
SavedObject.Builder | |
vazio | writeTo (saída com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream) |
Métodos herdados
público estático final int ASSET_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int BARE_CONCRETE_FUNCTION_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int CHILDREN_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int CONSTANT_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int FUNCTION_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int RESOURCE_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int SAVEABLE_OBJECTS_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int SLOT_VARIABLES_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int USER_OBJECT_FIELD_NUMBER
público estático final int VARIABLE_FIELD_NUMBER
Métodos Públicos
booleano público contémSaveableObjects (chave String)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
booleano público é igual (Object obj)
public SavedBareConcreteFunction getBareConcreteFunction ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public SavedBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder getBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference getChildren (índice int)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
público int getChildrenCount ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
Lista pública< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference > getChildrenList ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder getChildrenOrBuilder (índice int)
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
Lista pública<? estende TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReferenceOrBuilder > getChildrenOrBuilderList ()
Objects which this object depends on: named edges in the dependency graph. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.ObjectReference children = 1;
final estático público com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
público getParserForType ()
mapa público<String, SaveableObject > getSaveableObjects ()
Use getSaveableObjectsMap()
em vez disso.
público int getSaveableObjectsCount ()
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public Map<String, SaveableObject > getSaveableObjectsMap ()
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public SaveableObject getSaveableObjectsOrDefault (chave String, SaveableObject defaultValue)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
public SaveableObject getSaveableObjectsOrThrow (chave de string)
map<string, .tensorflow.SaveableObject> saveable_objects = 11;
público int getSerializedSize ()
público TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference getSlotVariables (índice int)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
público int getSlotVariablesCount ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
Lista pública< TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference > getSlotVariablesList ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
public TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder getSlotVariablesOrBuilder (índice int)
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
Lista pública<? estende TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReferenceOrBuilder > getSlotVariablesOrBuilderList ()
Slot variables owned by this object. This describes the three-way (optimizer, variable, slot variable) relationship; none of the three depend on the others directly. Note: currently only valid if kind == "user_object".
repeated .tensorflow.TrackableObjectGraph.TrackableObject.SlotVariableReference slot_variables = 3;
final público com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet getUnknownFields ()
public SavedUserObjectOrBuildergetUserObjectOrBuilder ( )
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
hasAsset booleano público ()
.tensorflow.SavedAsset asset = 5;
hasBareConcreteFunction booleano público ()
.tensorflow.SavedBareConcreteFunction bare_concrete_function = 8;
hasConstant booleano público ()
.tensorflow.SavedConstant constant = 9;
hasFunction booleano público ()
.tensorflow.SavedFunction function = 6;
hasResource booleano público ()
.tensorflow.SavedResource resource = 10;
hasUserObject booleano público ()
.tensorflow.SavedUserObject user_object = 4;
hasVariable booleano público ()
.tensorflow.SavedVariable variable = 7;
hashCode int público ()
público final booleano isInitialized ()
public static SavedObject parseDelimitedFrom (entrada InputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
IOException |
public static SavedObject parseFrom (dados ByteBuffer, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
public static SavedObject parseFrom (entrada com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream)
IOException |
public static SavedObject parseFrom (byte[] dados, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
public static SavedObject parseFrom (entrada com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
IOException |
public static SavedObject parseFrom (dados com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
public static SavedObject parseFrom (entrada InputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
IOException |
public static SavedObject parseFrom (dados com.google.protobuf.ByteString, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
InvalidProtocolBufferException |
estática pública analisador ()
public void writeTo (saída com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream)
IOException |