
giao diện công cộng SavedBareConcreteFunctionOrBuilder
Các lớp con gián tiếp đã biết

Phương pháp công khai

trừu tượng dài
getAllowedPocationalArguments ()
 The prefix of `argument_keywords` which may be identified by position.
chuỗi trừu tượng
getArgumentKeywords (chỉ mục int)
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
tóm tắt
getArgumentKeywordsBytes (chỉ mục int)
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
int trừu tượng
getArgumentKeywordsCount ()
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
Danh sách trừu tượng<String>
getArgumentKeywordsList ()
 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
chuỗi trừu tượng
getConcreteFunctionName ()
 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
tóm tắt
getConcreteFunctionNameBytes ()
 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
thông số chức năng trừu tượng
getFunctionSpec ()
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
trừu tượng FunctionSpecOrBuilder
getFunctionSpecOrBuilder ()
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.
trừu tượng boolean
hasFunctionSpec ()
 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from.

Phương pháp công khai

tóm tắt công khai dài getAllowedPositionalArguments ()

 The prefix of `argument_keywords` which may be identified by position.
int64 allowed_positional_arguments = 3;

Chuỗi trừu tượng công khai getArgumentKeywords (chỉ mục int)

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

tóm tắt công khai getArgumentKeywordsBytes (chỉ mục int)

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

tóm tắt công khai int getArgumentKeywordsCount ()

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

Danh sách tóm tắt công khai<String> getArgumentKeywordsList ()

 A sequence of unique strings, one per Tensor argument.
repeated string argument_keywords = 2;

Chuỗi tóm tắt công khai getConcreteFunctionName ()

 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
string concrete_function_name = 1;

tóm tắt công khai getConcreteFunctionNameBytes ()

 Identifies a SavedConcreteFunction.
string concrete_function_name = 1;

trừu tượng công khai FunctionSpec getFunctionSpec ()

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

trừu tượng công khai FunctionSpecOrBuilder getFunctionSpecOrBuilder ()

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;

boolean trừu tượng công khai hasFunctionSpec ()

 The spec of the function that this ConcreteFunction is traced from. This
 allows the ConcreteFunction to be called with nest structure inputs. This
 field may not be populated. If this field is absent, the concrete function
 can only be called with flat inputs.
 TODO(b/169361281): support calling saved ConcreteFunction with structured
 inputs in C++ SavedModel API.
.tensorflow.FunctionSpec function_spec = 4;