
genel statik arayüz RunMetadata.FunctionGraphsOrBuilder
Bilinen Dolaylı Alt Sınıflar

Genel Yöntemler

soyut GrafikDef
getPartitionGraphs (int dizini)
 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;
soyut int
getPartitionGraphsCount ()
 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;
özet Listesi< GraphDef >
getPartitionGraphsList ()
 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;
soyut GraphDefOrBuilder
getPartitionGraphsOrBuilder (int dizini)
 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;
özet Liste<? GraphDefOrBuilder'ı genişletiyor >
getPartitionGraphsOrBuilderList ()
 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;
soyut GrafikDef
getPostOptimizationGraph ()
.tensorflow.GraphDef post_optimization_graph = 3;
soyut GraphDefOrBuilder
getPostOptimizationGraphOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.GraphDef post_optimization_graph = 3;
soyut GrafikDef
getPreOptimizationGraph ()
.tensorflow.GraphDef pre_optimization_graph = 2;
soyut GraphDefOrBuilder
getPreOptimizationGraphOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.GraphDef pre_optimization_graph = 2;
soyut boole
hasPostOptimizationGraph ()
.tensorflow.GraphDef post_optimization_graph = 3;
soyut boole
hasPreOptimizationGraph ()
.tensorflow.GraphDef pre_optimization_graph = 2;

Genel Yöntemler

genel özet GraphDef getPartitionGraphs (int dizini)

 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;

genel özet int getPartitionGraphsCount ()

 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;

genel özet Listesi< GraphDef > getPartitionGraphsList ()

 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;

genel özet GraphDefOrBuilder getPartitionGraphsOrBuilder (int dizini)

 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;

genel özet listesi<? GraphDefOrBuilder'ı genişletir > getPartitionGraphsOrBuilderList ()

 TODO(nareshmodi): Include some sort of function/cache-key identifier?
repeated .tensorflow.GraphDef partition_graphs = 1;

genel özet GraphDef getPostOptimizationGraph ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef post_optimization_graph = 3;

genel özet GraphDefOrBuilder getPostOptimizationGraphOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef post_optimization_graph = 3;

genel özet GraphDef getPreOptimizationGraph ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef pre_optimization_graph = 2;

genel özet GraphDefOrBuilder getPreOptimizationGraphOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef pre_optimization_graph = 2;

genel soyut boolean hasPostOptimizationGraph ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef post_optimization_graph = 3;

genel soyut boolean hasPreOptimizationGraph ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef pre_optimization_graph = 2;