
מחלקה סופית סטטית ציבורית RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder

 Protocol buffer representing a handle to a tensorflow resource. Handles are
 not valid across executions, but can be serialized back and forth from within
 a single run.
tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo מסוג Protobuf.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo

שיטות ציבוריות

addAllDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (Iterable<? מרחיב את RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto > ערכים)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
addAllDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (Iterable<? מרחיב את RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto > ערכי)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
addAllGraphInputNodeName (ערכי <String> שניתן לבצע)
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
addAllGraphOutputNodeName (ערכי <String> שניתן לבצע)
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
addDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (אינדקס int, ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
addDefaultGraphInputTensorShape ( RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
addDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
addDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (int index, RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
addDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeBuilder ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
addDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeBuilder (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (אינדקס int, ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape ( RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (int index, RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeBuilder (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeBuilder ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
addGraphInputNodeName (ערך מחרוזת)
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
addGraphInputNodeNameBytes (ערך
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
addGraphOutputNodeName (ערך מחרוזת)
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
addGraphOutputNodeNameBytes (ערך
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
addRepeatedField (שדה, ערך אובייקט)
clearDefaultGraphInputTensorShape ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
clearDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
clearExecutorName ()
 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;
clearField (שדה
clearGraphInputNodeName ()
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
clearGraphOutputNodeName ()
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
clearOneof ( oneof)
clearRemoteGraph ()
 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;
clearSerializedExecutorParameters ()
 Optional: Parameters given to the executor
bytes serialized_executor_parameters = 5;
getDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeBuilder (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
רשימה< RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder >
getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeBuilderList ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeCount ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
רשימה< RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto >
getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeList ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeOrBuilder (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
רשימה<? מרחיב את RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProtoOrBuilder >
getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeOrBuilderList ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeBuilder (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
רשימה< RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder >
getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeBuilderList ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeCount ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
רשימה< RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto >
getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeList ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeOrBuilder (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
רשימה<? מרחיב את RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProtoOrBuilder >
getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeOrBuilderList ()
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
final static
getExecutorName ()
 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;
getExecutorNameBytes ()
 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;
getGraphInputNodeName (int index)
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
getGraphInputNodeNameBytes (int index)
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
getGraphInputNodeNameCount ()
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
getGraphInputNodeNameList ()
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
getGraphOutputNodeName (int index)
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
getGraphOutputNodeNameBytes (int index)
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
getGraphOutputNodeNameCount ()
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
getGraphOutputNodeNameList ()
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
getRemoteGraph ()
 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;
getRemoteGraphBuilder ()
 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;
getRemoteGraphOrBuilder ()
 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;
getSerializedExecutorParameters ()
 Optional: Parameters given to the executor
bytes serialized_executor_parameters = 5;
hasRemoteGraph ()
 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;
בוליאנית סופית
mergeFrom ( אחר)
mergeFrom (קלט, extensionRegistry)
mergeRemoteGraph (ערך GraphDef )
 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;
final RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)
removeDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
removeDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (int index)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
setDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (int index, RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
setDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (אינדקס int, ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;
setDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (int index, RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
setDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (אינדקס int, ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )
 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;
setExecutorName (ערך מחרוזת)
 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;
setExecutorNameBytes (ערך
 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;
setField (שדה, ערך אובייקט)
setGraphInputNodeName (אינדקס int, ערך מחרוזת)
 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;
setGraphOutputNodeName (int index, ערך מחרוזת)
 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;
setRemoteGraph ( GraphDef.Builder builderForValue)
 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;
setRemoteGraph (ערך GraphDef )
 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;
setRepeatedField (שדה, אינדקס אינט, ערך אובייקט)
setSerializedExecutorParameters (ערך
 Optional: Parameters given to the executor
bytes serialized_executor_parameters = 5;
final RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder
setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

שיטות בירושה

שיטות ציבוריות

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addAllDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (Iterable<? מרחיב את הערכים של RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto >)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addAllDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (Iterable<? מרחיב את הערכים של RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addAllGraphInputNodeName (ערכי איטרנס<String>)

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addAllGraphOutputNodeName (ערכי <String> שניתן לבצע)

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (אינדקס int, ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addDefaultGraphInputTensorShape ( RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (int index, RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder addDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeBuilder ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder addDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeBuilder (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (אינדקס int, ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape ( RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (int index, RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeBuilder (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder addDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeBuilder ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addGraphInputNodeName (ערך מחרוזת)

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addGraphInputNodeNameBytes (ערך

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addGraphOutputNodeName (ערך מחרוזת)

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addGraphOutputNodeNameBytes (ערך

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder addRepeatedField (שדה, ערך אובייקט)

בניית RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo ציבורית ()

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo buildPartial ()

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearDefaultGraphInputTensorShape ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearExecutorName ()

 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearField (שדה

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearGraphInputNodeName ()

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearGraphOutputNodeName ()

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearRemoteGraph ()

 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder clearSerializedExecutorParameters ()

 Optional: Parameters given to the executor
bytes serialized_executor_parameters = 5;

שיבוט ציבורי RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder ()

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto getDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeBuilder (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

רשימה ציבורית< RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder > getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeBuilderList ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public int getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeCount ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

רשימה ציבורית< RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto > getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeList ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProtoOrBuilder getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeOrBuilder (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

רשימה ציבורית<? מרחיב את RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProtoOrBuilder > getDefaultGraphInputTensorShapeOrBuilderList ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeBuilder (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

רשימה ציבורית< RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder > getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeBuilderList ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public int getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeCount ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

רשימה ציבורית< RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto > getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeList ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProtoOrBuilder getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeOrBuilder (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

רשימה ציבורית<? מרחיב את RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProtoOrBuilder > getDefaultGraphOutputTensorShapeOrBuilderList ()

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

public getDescriptorForType ()

מחרוזת ציבורית getExecutorName ()

 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;

public getExecutorNameBytes ()

 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;

מחרוזת ציבורית getGraphInputNodeName (int index)

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

public getGraphInputNodeNameBytes (int index)

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

public int getGraphInputNodeNameCount ()

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

public getGraphInputNodeNameList ()

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

מחרוזת ציבורית getGraphOutputNodeName (int index)

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public getGraphOutputNodeNameBytes (int index)

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public int getGraphOutputNodeNameCount ()

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public getGraphOutputNodeNameList ()

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public GraphDef getRemoteGraph ()

 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;

public GraphDef.Builder getRemoteGraphBuilder ()

 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;

public GraphDefOrBuilder getRemoteGraphOrBuilder ()

 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;

public getSerializedExecutorParameters ()

 Optional: Parameters given to the executor
bytes serialized_executor_parameters = 5;

hasRemoteGraph בוליאני ציבורי ()

 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;

בוליאני הסופי הציבורי הוא אתחול ()

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder mergeFrom ( אחר)

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder mergeFrom (קלט, extensionRegistry)


public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder mergeRemoteGraph (ערך GraphDef )

 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;

public final RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder removeDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder removeDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (int index)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (int index, RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setDefaultGraphInputTensorShape (אינדקס int, ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_input_tensor_shape = 6;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (int index, RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setDefaultGraphOutputTensorShape (אינדקס int, ערך RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto )

 Optional: Default graph input tensor shape used to allocate memory
 before executing op
 TODO(satok): Remote output tensor shape once shape information is stored
 in NodeDef
repeated .tensorflow.RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.TensorShapeTypeProto default_graph_output_tensor_shape = 7;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setExecutorName (ערך מחרוזת)

 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setExecutorNameBytes (ערך

 Executor's name
string executor_name = 4;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setField (שדה, ערך אובייקט)

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setGraphInputNodeName (אינדקס int, ערך מחרוזת)

 Remote fused graph input node name
repeated string graph_input_node_name = 2;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setGraphOutputNodeName (אינדקס int, ערך מחרוזת)

 Remote fused graph output node name
repeated string graph_output_node_name = 3;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setRemoteGraph ( GraphDef.Builder builderForValue)

 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setRemoteGraph (ערך GraphDef )

 Definition of remote graph
.tensorflow.GraphDef remote_graph = 1;

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setRepeatedField (שדה, אינדקס int, ערך אובייקט)

public RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setSerializedExecutorParameters (ערך

 Optional: Parameters given to the executor
bytes serialized_executor_parameters = 5;

public final RemoteFusedGraphExecuteInfo.Builder setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)