
interfaccia pubblica MetaGraphDefOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

booleano astratto
contieneCollectionDef (chiave String)
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
booleano astratto
contieneSignatureDef (chiave String)
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
astratto AssetFileDef
getAssetFileDef (indice int)
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
astratto int
getAssetFileDefCount ()
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
Elenco astratto< AssetFileDef >
getAssetFileDefList ()
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
astratto AssetFileDefOrBuilder
getAssetFileDefOrBuilder (indice int)
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
Elenco astratto<? estende AssetFileDefOrBuilder >
getAssetFileDefOrBuilderList ()
 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
mappa astratta<String, CollectionDef >
getCollectionDef ()
Utilizzare invece getCollectionDefMap() .
astratto int
getCollectionDefCount ()
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
mappa astratta<String, CollectionDef >
getCollectionDefMap ()
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
Collezione astrattaDef
getCollectionDefOrDefault (chiave String, CollectionDef defaultValue)
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
Collezione astrattaDef
getCollectionDefOrThrow (chiave String)
 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
astratto GraphDef
getGraphDef ()
astratto GraphDefOrBuilder
getGraphDefOrBuilder ()
astratto MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef
getMetaInfoDef ()
.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;
astratto MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDefOrBuilder
getMetaInfoDefOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;
astratto SavedObjectGraph
getObjectGraphDef ()
 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
astratto SavedObjectGraphOrBuilder
getObjectGraphDefOrBuilder ()
 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
astratto SaverDef
getSaverDef ()
abstract SaverDefOrBuilder
getSaverDefOrBuilder ()
mappa astratta<String, SignatureDef >
getSignatureDef ()
Utilizzare invece getSignatureDefMap() .
astratto int
getSignatureDefCount ()
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
mappa astratta<String, SignatureDef >
getSignatureDefMap ()
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
firma astrattaDef
getSignatureDefOrDefault (chiave stringa, SignatureDef defaultValue)
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
firma astrattaDef
getSignatureDefOrThrow (chiave String)
 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
booleano astratto
hasGraphDef ()
booleano astratto
hasMetaInfoDef ()
.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;
booleano astratto
hasObjectGraphDef ()
 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
booleano astratto
hasSaverDef ()

Metodi pubblici

booleano astratto pubblico contieneCollectionDef (chiave String)

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

booleano astratto pubblico contieneSignatureDef (chiave String)

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

public abstract AssetFileDef getAssetFileDef (indice int)

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

public abstract int getAssetFileDefCount ()

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

lista astratta pubblica< AssetFileDef > getAssetFileDefList ()

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

public abstract AssetFileDefOrBuilder getAssetFileDefOrBuilder (indice int)

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

Elenco abstract pubblico<? estende AssetFileDefOrBuilder > getAssetFileDefOrBuilderList ()

 Asset file def to be used with the defined graph.
repeated .tensorflow.AssetFileDef asset_file_def = 6;

public abstract Map<String, CollectionDef > getCollectionDef ()

Utilizzare invece getCollectionDefMap() .

public abstract int getCollectionDefCount ()

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

public abstract Map<String, CollectionDef > getCollectionDefMap ()

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

public abstract CollectionDef getCollectionDefOrDefault (Chiave stringa, CollectionDef defaultValue)

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

public abstract CollectionDef getCollectionDefOrThrow (chiave String)

 collection_def: Map from collection name to collections.
 See CollectionDef section for details.
map<string, .tensorflow.CollectionDef> collection_def = 4;

estratto pubblico GraphDef getGraphDef ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef graph_def = 2;

estratto pubblico GraphDefOrBuilder getGraphDefOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef graph_def = 2;

estratto pubblico MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef getMetaInfoDef ()

.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;

estratto pubblico MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDefOrBuilder getMetaInfoDefOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;

estratto pubblico SavedObjectGraph getObjectGraphDef ()

 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
.tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph object_graph_def = 7;

estratto pubblico SavedObjectGraphOrBuilder getObjectGraphDefOrBuilder ()

 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
.tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph object_graph_def = 7;

estratto pubblico SaverDef getSaverDef ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef saver_def = 3;

abstract pubblico SaverDefOrBuilder getSaverDefOrBuilder ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef saver_def = 3;

public abstract Map<String, SignatureDef > getSignatureDef ()

Utilizzare invece getSignatureDefMap() .

public abstract int getSignatureDefCount ()

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

public abstract Map<String, SignatureDef > getSignatureDefMap ()

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

public abstract SignatureDef getSignatureDefOrDefault (Chiave stringa, SignatureDef defaultValue)

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

public abstract SignatureDef getSignatureDefOrThrow (chiave String)

 signature_def: Map from user supplied key for a signature to a single
map<string, .tensorflow.SignatureDef> signature_def = 5;

hasGraphDef booleano astratto pubblico ()

.tensorflow.GraphDef graph_def = 2;

public abstract booleano hasMetaInfoDef ()

.tensorflow.MetaGraphDef.MetaInfoDef meta_info_def = 1;

pubblico astratto booleano hasObjectGraphDef ()

 Extra information about the structure of functions and stateful objects.
.tensorflow.SavedObjectGraph object_graph_def = 7;

public abstract booleano hasSaverDef ()

.tensorflow.SaverDef saver_def = 3;