classe finale statique publique HistogramProto.Builder
Serialization format for histogram module in core/lib/histogram/histogram.h
de type Protobuf.HistogramProto Méthodes publiques
HistogrammeProto.Builder | addAllBucket (Iterable<? extends Double> valeurs) repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true]; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | addAllBucketLimit (Iterable<? extends Double> valeurs) Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | addBucket (valeur double) repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true]; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | addBucketLimit (valeur double) Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | addRepeatedField (champ, valeur de l'objet) |
HistogrammeProto | construire () |
HistogrammeProto | buildPartial () |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | clair () |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | clearBucket () repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true]; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | clearBucketLimit () Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | clearField (champ |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | effacerMax () double max = 2; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | clairMin () double min = 1; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | clearNum () double num = 3; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | clearOneof ( oneof) |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | Somme claire () double sum = 4; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | clearSommeCarrés () double sum_squares = 5; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | cloner () |
double | getBucket (index entier) repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true]; |
int | getBucketCount () repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true]; |
double | getBucketLimit (index int) Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. |
int | getBucketLimitCount () Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. |
Liste<Double> | getBucketLimitList () Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. |
Liste<Double> | getBucketList () repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true]; |
HistogrammeProto | |
final statique | | | |
double | obtenirMax () double max = 2; |
double | obtenirMin () double min = 1; |
double | obtenirNum () double num = 3; |
double | getSomme () double sum = 4; |
double | getSumSquares () double sum_squares = 5; |
booléen final | |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | mergeFrom (entrée, extensionRegistry) |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | mergeFrom ( autre) |
HistogramProto.Builder final | mergeUnknownFields ( inconnuFields) |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setBucket (index int, valeur double) repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true]; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setBucketLimit (index int, valeur double) Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setField (champ, valeur de l'objet) |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setMax (valeur double) double max = 2; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setMin (valeur double) double min = 1; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setNum (valeur double) double num = 3; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setRepeatedField (champ, index int, valeur de l'objet) |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setSum (valeur double) double sum = 4; |
HistogrammeProto.Builder | setSumSquares (valeur double) double sum_squares = 5; |
HistogramProto.Builder final | setUnknownFields ( inconnuFields) |
Méthodes héritées
Méthodes publiques
public HistogramProto.Builder addAllBucket (Iterable<? extends Double> valeurs)
repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
public HistogramProto.Builder addAllBucketLimit (Iterable<? extends Double> valeurs)
Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i. The range for a bucket is: i == 0: -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0) i != 0: bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];
public HistogramProto.Builder addBucketLimit (valeur double)
Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i. The range for a bucket is: i == 0: -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0) i != 0: bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];
public HistogramProto.Builder addRepeatedField (champ, valeur de l'objet)
public HistogramProto.Builder clearBucketLimit ()
Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i. The range for a bucket is: i == 0: -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0) i != 0: bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];
public double getBucket (index int)
repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
public int getBucketCount ()
repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
public double getBucketLimit (index int)
Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i. The range for a bucket is: i == 0: -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0) i != 0: bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];
public int getBucketLimitCount ()
Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i. The range for a bucket is: i == 0: -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0) i != 0: bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];
liste publique<Double> getBucketLimitList ()
Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i. The range for a bucket is: i == 0: -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0) i != 0: bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];
liste publique<Double> getBucketList ()
repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
public statique final getDescriptor ()
public getDescriptorForType ()
public double getMax ()
double max = 2;
public double getMin ()
double min = 1;
public double getNum ()
double num = 3;
public double getSum ()
double sum = 4;
public double getSumSquares ()
double sum_squares = 5;
public final booléen isInitialized ()
public HistogramProto.Builder mergeFrom (entrée, extensionRegistry)
IOException |
public final HistogramProto.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)
public HistogramProto.Builder setBucket (index int, valeur double)
repeated double bucket = 7 [packed = true];
public HistogramProto.Builder setBucketLimit (index int, valeur double)
Parallel arrays encoding the bucket boundaries and the bucket values. bucket(i) is the count for the bucket i. The range for a bucket is: i == 0: -DBL_MAX .. bucket_limit(0) i != 0: bucket_limit(i-1) .. bucket_limit(i)
repeated double bucket_limit = 6 [packed = true];