공개 정적 최종 클래스 GraphDebugInfo.Builder
Protobuf 유형 tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo
공개 방법
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | addAllFiles (Iterable<String> 값) This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | addFiles (문자열 값) This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | addFilesBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값) This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드, 개체 값) |
그래프디버그정보 | 짓다 () |
그래프디버그정보 | 빌드부분 () |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | 분명한 () |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | ClearField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드) |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | 클리어파일 () This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | 클리어트레이스 () |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | 클론 () |
부울 | containTraces (문자열 키) This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. |
그래프디버그정보 | |
최종 정적 com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
끈 | getFiles (정수 인덱스) This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getFilesBytes (정수 인덱스) This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
정수 | getFilesCount () This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList | getFilesList () This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
맵<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace > | getMutableTraces () 대신 대체 돌연변이 접근자를 사용하세요. |
맵<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace > | getTrace () 대신 getTracesMap() 사용하세요. |
정수 | getTracesCount () This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. |
맵<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace > | getTracesMap () This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. |
GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace | getTracesOrDefault (문자열 키, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace defaultValue) This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. |
GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace | getTracesOrThrow (문자열 키) This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. |
최종 부울 | 초기화됨 () |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream 입력, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.다른 메시지 보내기) |
최종 GraphDebugInfo.Builder | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet 알려지지 않은Fields) |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | putAllTraces (Map<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace > 값) This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | putTraces (문자열 키, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace 값) This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | RemoveTraces (문자열 키) This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | setField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드, 개체 값) |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | setFiles (int 인덱스, 문자열 값) This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`. |
GraphDebugInfo.Builder | setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값) |
최종 GraphDebugInfo.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
상속된 메서드
공개 방법
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder addAllFiles (Iterable<String> 값)
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder addFiles (문자열 값)
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder addFilesBytes (com.google.protobuf.ByteString 값)
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor 필드, 개체 값)
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder 클리어파일 ()
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;
공개 부울 containTraces (문자열 키)
This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with syntax: op.name '@' func_name For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string. Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function names accept a much wider set of characters. It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (op.name, func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;
공개 정적 최종 com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
공개 com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
공개 문자열 getFiles (int 인덱스)
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;
공개 com.google.protobuf.ByteString getFilesBytes (int 인덱스)
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;
공개 int getFilesCount ()
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;
공개 com.google.protobuf.ProtocolStringList getFilesList ()
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;
공개 int getTracesCount ()
This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with syntax: op.name '@' func_name For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string. Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function names accept a much wider set of characters. It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (op.name, func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;
공개 맵<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace > getTracesMap ()
This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with syntax: op.name '@' func_name For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string. Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function names accept a much wider set of characters. It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (op.name, func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;
공개 GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace getTracesOrDefault (문자열 키, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace defaultValue)
This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with syntax: op.name '@' func_name For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string. Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function names accept a much wider set of characters. It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (op.name, func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;
공개 GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace getTracesOrThrow (문자열 키)
This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with syntax: op.name '@' func_name For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string. Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function names accept a much wider set of characters. It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (op.name, func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;
공개 최종 부울 isInitialized ()
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream 입력, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IO예외 |
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder putAllTraces (Map<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace > 값)
This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with syntax: op.name '@' func_name For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string. Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function names accept a much wider set of characters. It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (op.name, func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder putTraces (문자열 키, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace 값)
This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with syntax: op.name '@' func_name For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string. Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function names accept a much wider set of characters. It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (op.name, func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder RemoveTraces (문자열 키)
This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code. The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with syntax: op.name '@' func_name For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string. Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function names accept a much wider set of characters. It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (op.name, func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;
공개 GraphDebugInfo.Builder setFiles (int 인덱스, 문자열 값)
This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the `file_index`.
repeated string files = 1;