الفئة النهائية العامة الثابتة DeviceAttributes.Builder
نوع Protobuf tensorflow.DeviceAttributes
الأساليب العامة
سمات الجهاز.Builder | addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن) |
سمات الجهاز | يبني () |
سمات الجهاز | بناء جزئي () |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | واضح () |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | نوع الجهاز الواضح () String representation of device_type. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | ClearField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | تجسد واضح () A device is assigned a global unique number each time it is initialized. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | المنطقة الواضحة () Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | كليرميموري ليميت () Memory capacity of device in bytes. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | اسم واضح () Fully specified name of the device within a cluster. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | ClearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | ClearPhysicalDeviceDesc () String representation of the physical device that this device maps to. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | استنساخ () |
سمات الجهاز | |
النهائي الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
خيط | الحصول على نوع الجهاز () String representation of device_type. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | الحصول علىDeviceTypeBytes () String representation of device_type. |
طويل | الحصول على التجسد () A device is assigned a global unique number each time it is initialized. |
موقع الجهاز | الحصول على المنطقة المحلية () Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers. |
DeviceLocality.Builder | الحصول على LocalityBuilder () Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers. |
DeviceLocalityOrBuilder | الحصول على LocalityOrBuilder () Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers. |
طويل | الحصول علىMemoryLimit () Memory capacity of device in bytes. |
خيط | الحصول على الاسم () Fully specified name of the device within a cluster. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | الحصول على اسم بايت () Fully specified name of the device within a cluster. |
خيط | الحصول على PhysicalDeviceDesc () String representation of the physical device that this device maps to. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | الحصول على PhysicalDeviceDescBytes () String representation of the physical device that this device maps to. |
منطقية | hasLocality () Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers. |
منطقية نهائية | تمت التهيئة () |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | دمج من (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry) |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | دمج من (com.google.protobuf.Message أخرى) |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | mergeLocality (قيمة DeviceLocality ) Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers. |
سمات الجهاز النهائية.Builder | دمجUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setDeviceType (قيمة السلسلة) String representation of device_type. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setDeviceTypeBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString) String representation of device_type. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن) |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setIncarnation (قيمة طويلة) A device is assigned a global unique number each time it is initialized. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setLocality (قيمة DeviceLocality ) Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setLocality ( DeviceLocality.Builder builderForValue) Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setMemoryLimit (قيمة طويلة) Memory capacity of device in bytes. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setName (قيمة السلسلة) Fully specified name of the device within a cluster. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setNameBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString) Fully specified name of the device within a cluster. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setPhysicalDeviceDesc (قيمة السلسلة) String representation of the physical device that this device maps to. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setPhysicalDeviceDescBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString) String representation of the physical device that this device maps to. |
سمات الجهاز.Builder | setRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، مؤشر int، قيمة الكائن) |
سمات الجهاز النهائية.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet UnknownFields) |
الطرق الموروثة
الأساليب العامة
DeviceAttributes.Builder العام addRepeatedField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
سمات الجهاز العامة. Builder ClearDeviceType ()
String representation of device_type.
string device_type = 2;
سمات الجهاز العامة. Builder ClearIncarnation ()
A device is assigned a global unique number each time it is initialized. "incarnation" should never be 0.
fixed64 incarnation = 6;
سمات الجهاز العامة. Builder ClearLocality ()
Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers.
.tensorflow.DeviceLocality locality = 5;
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة ClearMemoryLimit ()
Memory capacity of device in bytes.
int64 memory_limit = 4;
سمات الجهاز العامة. Builder اسم واضح ()
Fully specified name of the device within a cluster.
string name = 1;
سمات الجهاز العامة. Builder ClearPhysicalDeviceDesc ()
String representation of the physical device that this device maps to.
string physical_device_desc = 7;
النهائي العام الثابت com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType () العام
سلسلة getDeviceType العامة ()
String representation of device_type.
string device_type = 2;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString العامة getDeviceTypeBytes ()
String representation of device_type.
string device_type = 2;
التجسد الطويل العام ()
A device is assigned a global unique number each time it is initialized. "incarnation" should never be 0.
fixed64 incarnation = 6;
getLocality الجهاز العام getLocality ()
Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers.
.tensorflow.DeviceLocality locality = 5;
DeviceLocality.Builder العام getLocalityBuilder ()
Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers.
.tensorflow.DeviceLocality locality = 5;
DeviceLocalityOrBuilder العام getLocalityOrBuilder ()
Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers.
.tensorflow.DeviceLocality locality = 5;
getMemoryLimit العامة الطويلة ()
Memory capacity of device in bytes.
int64 memory_limit = 4;
سلسلة getName العامة ()
Fully specified name of the device within a cluster.
string name = 1;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes () العام
Fully specified name of the device within a cluster.
string name = 1;
سلسلة عامة getPhysicalDeviceDesc ()
String representation of the physical device that this device maps to.
string physical_device_desc = 7;
com.google.protobuf.ByteString العامة getPhysicalDeviceDescBytes ()
String representation of the physical device that this device maps to.
string physical_device_desc = 7;
المنطق المنطقي العام hasLocality ()
Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers.
.tensorflow.DeviceLocality locality = 5;
تمت تهيئة القيمة المنطقية النهائية العامة ()
DeviceAttributes.Builder العام mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite ExtensionRegistry)
IOEException |
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة mergeLocality (قيمة DeviceLocality )
Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers.
.tensorflow.DeviceLocality locality = 5;
العام النهائي DeviceAttributes.Builder mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetUnknownFields)
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة setDeviceType (قيمة السلسلة)
String representation of device_type.
string device_type = 2;
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة setDeviceTypeBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
String representation of device_type.
string device_type = 2;
DeviceAttributes.Builder العام setField (حقل com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، قيمة الكائن)
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة setIncarnation (قيمة طويلة)
A device is assigned a global unique number each time it is initialized. "incarnation" should never be 0.
fixed64 incarnation = 6;
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة setLocality (قيمة DeviceLocality )
Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers.
.tensorflow.DeviceLocality locality = 5;
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة setLocality ( DeviceLocality.Builder builderForValue)
Platform-specific data about device that may be useful for supporting efficient data transfers.
.tensorflow.DeviceLocality locality = 5;
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة setMemoryLimit (قيمة طويلة)
Memory capacity of device in bytes.
int64 memory_limit = 4;
اسم مجموعة DeviceAttributes.Builder العام (قيمة السلسلة)
Fully specified name of the device within a cluster.
string name = 1;
DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة setNameBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
Fully specified name of the device within a cluster.
string name = 1;
مجموعة DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة PhysicalDeviceDesc (قيمة السلسلة)
String representation of the physical device that this device maps to.
string physical_device_desc = 7;
مجموعة DeviceAttributes.Builder العامة PhysicalDeviceDescBytes (قيمة com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
String representation of the physical device that this device maps to.
string physical_device_desc = 7;