CollectionDef should cover most collections. To add a user-defined collection, do one of the following: 1. For simple data types, such as string, int, float: tf.add_to_collection("your_collection_name", your_simple_value) strings will be stored as bytes_list. 2. For Protobuf types, there are three ways to add them: 1) tf.add_to_collection("your_collection_name", your_proto.SerializeToString()) collection_def { key: "user_defined_bytes_collection" value { bytes_list { value: "queue_name: \"test_queue\"\n" } } } or 2) tf.add_to_collection("your_collection_name", str(your_proto)) collection_def { key: "user_defined_string_collection" value { bytes_list { value: "\n\ntest_queue" } } } or 3) any_buf = any_pb2.Any() tf.add_to_collection("your_collection_name", any_buf.Pack(your_proto)) collection_def { key: "user_defined_any_collection" value { any_list { value { type_url: "" value: "\n\ntest_queue" } } } } 3. For Python objects, implement to_proto() and from_proto(), and register them in the following manner: ops.register_proto_function("your_collection_name", proto_type, to_proto=YourPythonObject.to_proto, from_proto=YourPythonObject.from_proto) These functions will be invoked to serialize and de-serialize the collection. For example, ops.register_proto_function(ops.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, proto_type=variable_pb2.VariableDef, to_proto=Variable.to_proto, from_proto=Variable.from_proto)
Métodos públicos
ColecciónDef.Builder | addRepeatedField (campo, valor del objeto) |
ColecciónDef | construir () |
ColecciónDef | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | claro () |
ColecciónDef.Builder | borrarCualquierLista () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | borrarBytesList () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | clearField (campo |
ColecciónDef.Builder | borrar lista flotante () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | clearInt64List () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | tipo claro () |
ColecciónDef.Builder | borrar lista de nodos () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | clearOneof ( uno de) |
ColecciónDef.Builder | clonar () |
ColecciónDef.AnyList | obtenerCualquierLista () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5; |
ColecciónDef.AnyList.Builder | obtenerAnyListBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5; |
ColecciónDef.AnyListOrBuilder | getAnyListOrBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5; |
ColecciónDef.BytesList | obtener lista de bytes () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2; |
ColecciónDef.BytesList.Builder | getBytesListBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2; |
ColecciónDef.BytesListOrBuilder | getBytesListOrBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2; |
ColecciónDef | | estático final | | | |
ColecciónDef.FloatList | obtener lista flotante () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4; |
ColecciónDef.FloatList.Builder | obtenerFloatListBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4; |
ColecciónDef.FloatListOrBuilder | getFloatListOrBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4; |
ColecciónDef.Int64List | obtenerInt64List () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3; |
ColecciónDef.Int64List.Builder | getInt64ListBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3; |
ColecciónDef.Int64ListOrBuilder | getInt64ListOrBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3; |
ColecciónDef.KindCase | |
ColecciónDef.NodeList | obtener lista de nodos () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1; |
ColecciónDef.NodeList.Builder | getNodeListBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1; |
ColecciónDef.NodeListOrBuilder | getNodeListOrBuilder () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1; |
booleano | tieneAnyList () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5; |
booleano | tieneBytesList () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2; |
booleano | tieneFloatList () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4; |
booleano | hasInt64List () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3; |
booleano | tiene lista de nodos () .tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1; |
booleano final | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | mergeFrom ( otro) |
ColecciónDef.Builder | mergeFrom (entrada, extensiónRegistry) |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
Colección finalDef.Builder | mergeUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields) |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | setAnyList ( CollectionDef.AnyList.Builder constructorForValue) .tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | setBytesList ( CollectionDef.BytesList.Builder constructorForValue) .tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | setField (campo, valor del objeto) |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | setFloatList ( CollectionDef.FloatList.Builder constructorForValue) .tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | setInt64List ( CollectionDef.Int64List.Builder constructorForValue) .tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | setNodeList ( CollectionDef.NodeList.Builder constructorForValue) .tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1; |
ColecciónDef.Builder | |
ColecciónDef.Builder | setRepeatedField (campo, índice int, valor del objeto) |
Colección finalDef.Builder | setUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields) |
Métodos heredados
Métodos públicos
public CollectionDef.Builder addRepeatedField (campo, valor del objeto)
Colección públicaDef.AnyList.Builder getAnyListBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5;
Colección públicaDef.AnyListOrBuilder getAnyListOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5;
Colección públicaDef.BytesList.Builder getBytesListBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2;
Colección públicaDef.BytesListOrBuilder getBytesListOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2;
público estático final getDescriptor ()
público getDescriptorForType ()
Colección públicaDef.FloatList.Builder getFloatListBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4;
Colección públicaDef.FloatListOrBuilder getFloatListOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4;
Colección públicaDef.Int64List.Builder getInt64ListBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3;
Colección públicaDef.Int64ListOrBuilder getInt64ListOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3;
Colección públicaDef.NodeList.Builder getNodeListBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1;
Colección públicaDef.NodeListOrBuilder getNodeListOrBuilder ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1;
hasAnyList público booleano ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5;
hasBytesList público booleano ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2;
hasFloatList público booleano ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4;
hasInt64List booleano público ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3;
hasNodeList público booleano ()
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1;
público final booleano isInitialized ()
public CollectionDef.Builder mergeAnyList (valor CollectionDef.AnyList )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5;
public CollectionDef.Builder mergeBytesList (valor CollectionDef.BytesList )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2;
public CollectionDef.Builder mergeFloatList (valor CollectionDef.FloatList )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4;
public CollectionDef.Builder mergeFrom (entrada, extensionRegistry)
IOExcepción |
CollectionDef.Builder público mergeInt64List (valor CollectionDef.Int64List )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3;
public CollectionDef.Builder mergeNodeList (valor CollectionDef.NodeList )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1;
CollectionDef.Builder final público mergeUnknownFields ( desconocidoFields)
public CollectionDef.Builder setAnyList (valor CollectionDef.AnyList )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5;
public CollectionDef.Builder setAnyList ( CollectionDef.AnyList.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.AnyList any_list = 5;
public CollectionDef.Builder setBytesList ( CollectionDef.BytesList.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2;
public CollectionDef.Builder setBytesList (valor CollectionDef.BytesList )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.BytesList bytes_list = 2;
public CollectionDef.Builder setField (campo, valor del objeto)
public CollectionDef.Builder setFloatList (valor CollectionDef.FloatList )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4;
public CollectionDef.Builder setFloatList ( CollectionDef.FloatList.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.FloatList float_list = 4;
public CollectionDef.Builder setInt64List (valor CollectionDef.Int64List )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3;
public CollectionDef.Builder setInt64List ( CollectionDef.Int64List.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.Int64List int64_list = 3;
public CollectionDef.Builder setNodeList ( CollectionDef.NodeList.Builder builderForValue)
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1;
public CollectionDef.Builder setNodeList (valor CollectionDef.NodeList )
.tensorflow.CollectionDef.NodeList node_list = 1;