Used to specify and override the default API & behavior in the generated code for client languages, from what you would get from the OpDef alone. There will be a set of ApiDefs that are common to all client languages, and another set per client language. The per-client-language ApiDefs will inherit values from the common ApiDefs which it can either replace or modify. We separate the API definition from the OpDef so we can evolve the API while remaining backwards compatible when interpretting old graphs. Overrides go in an "api_def.pbtxt" file with a text-format ApiDefs message. WARNING: Be *very* careful changing the API for any existing op -- you can change the semantics of existing code. These changes may need to wait until a major release of TensorFlow to avoid breaking our compatibility promises.
Metody publiczne
Konstruktor ApiDef | addAllArgOrder (wartości Iterable<String>) List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addAllEndpoint (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości ApiDef.Endpoint >) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addAllInArg (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości ApiDef.Arg >) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addAllOutArg (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości ApiDef.Arg >) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addArgOrder (wartość ciągu) List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addArgOrderBytes (wartość List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addAttr (indeks int, ApiDef.Attr.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Attr | addAttrBuilder () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Attr | addAttrBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addEndpoint (indeks int, ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addEndpoint (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Endpoint ) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addEndpoint ( ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder | addEndpointBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder | addEndpointBuilder () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addInArg (indeks int, ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Arg | addInArgBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Arg | addInArgBuilder () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addOutArg (indeks int, ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Arg | addOutArgBuilder () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Arg | addOutArgBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu) |
ApiDef | zbudować () |
ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | jasne () |
Konstruktor ApiDef | wyczyśćArgZamówienie () List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | wyczyśćAttr () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | wyczyść wiadomość o wycofaniu () If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | wyczyść wersję wyprzedzenia () Major version when the op will be deleted. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | jasneOpis () Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | jasneOpisPrzedrostek () Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | jasneOpisPrzyrostek () string description_suffix = 10; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | wyczyśćpunkt końcowy () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | clearField (pole |
Konstruktor ApiDef | clearGraphOpName () Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | wyczyśćInArg () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | clearOneof ( oneof) |
Konstruktor ApiDef | wyczyśćOutArg () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | jasnePodsumowanie () One-line human-readable description of what the Op does. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | wyczyśćWidoczność () .tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | klon () |
Smyczkowy | getArgOrder (indeks int) List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. | | getArgOrderBytes (indeks int) List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. |
wew | getArgOrderCount () List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. | | getArgOrderList () List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. |
ApiDef.Attr | getAttr (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Attr | getAttrBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Lista< ApiDef.Attr.Builder > | getAttrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
wew | getAttrCount () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Lista< ApiDef.Attr > | getAttrList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
ApiDef.AttrOrBuilder | getAttrOrBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Lista<? rozszerza ApiDef.AttrOrBuilder > | getAttrOrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
ApiDef | |
Smyczkowy | pobierz wiadomość o wycofaniu () If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. | | getDeprecationMessageBytes () If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. |
wew | getDeprecationVersion () Major version when the op will be deleted. |
Smyczkowy | pobierz opis () Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does. | | getDescriptionBytes () Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does. |
Smyczkowy | pobierzPrefiksOpisu () Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end. | | getDescriptionPrefixBytes () Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end. |
Smyczkowy | getDescriptionSuffix () string description_suffix = 10; | | getDescriptionSuffixBytes () string description_suffix = 10; |
końcowy statyczny | | | |
Punkt końcowy ApiDef | getEndpoint (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder | getEndpointBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Lista< ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder > | getEndpointBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
wew | pobierz liczbę punktów końcowych () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Lista< ApiDef.Endpoint > | getEndpointList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
ApiDef.EndpointOrBuilder | getEndpointOrBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Lista<? rozszerza ApiDef.EndpointOrBuilder > | getEndpointOrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Smyczkowy | getGraphOpName () Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for. | | getGraphOpNameBytes () Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for. |
ApiDef.Arg | getInArg (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Arg | getInArgBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Lista< ApiDef.Arg.Builder > | getInArgBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
wew | getInArgCount () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Lista< ApiDef.Arg > | getInArgList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder | getInArgOrBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Lista<? rozszerza ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder > | getInArgOrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
ApiDef.Arg | getOutArg (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Konstruktor ApiDef.Arg | getOutArgBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Lista< ApiDef.Arg.Builder > | getOutArgBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
wew | getOutArgCount () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Lista< ApiDef.Arg > | getOutArgList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder | getOutArgOrBuilder (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Lista<? rozszerza ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder > | getOutArgOrBuilderList () repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Smyczkowy | pobierz podsumowanie () One-line human-readable description of what the Op does. | | getSummaryBytes () One-line human-readable description of what the Op does. |
Widoczność ApiDef | uzyskaj widoczność () .tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2; |
wew | getVisibilityValue () .tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2; |
końcowa wartość logiczna | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | mergeFrom (ść inna) |
Konstruktor ApiDef | mergeFrom (wejście, ExtensionRegistry) |
końcowy ApiDef.Builder | mergeUnknownFields ( nieznane pola) |
Konstruktor ApiDef | usuńAttr (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | usuń punkt końcowy (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | usuńInArg (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | usuńOutArg (indeks int) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setArgOrder (indeks int, wartość ciągu) List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setAttr (indeks int, ApiDef.Attr.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDeprecationMessage (wartość ciągu) If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDeprecationMessageBytes (wartość If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDeprecationVersion (wartość int) Major version when the op will be deleted. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDescription (wartość ciągu) Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDescriptionBytes (wartość Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDescriptionPrefix (wartość ciągu) Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDescriptionPrefixBytes (wartość Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDescriptionSuffix (wartość ciągu) string description_suffix = 10; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setDescriptionSuffixBytes (wartość string description_suffix = 10; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setEndpoint (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Endpoint ) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setEndpoint (indeks int, ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setField (pole, wartość obiektu) |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setGraphOpName (wartość ciągu) Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setGraphOpNameBytes (wartość Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setInArg (indeks int, ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setOutArg (indeks int, ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue) repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5; |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu) |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setSummary (wartość ciągu) One-line human-readable description of what the Op does. |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setSummaryBytes (wartość One-line human-readable description of what the Op does. |
końcowy ApiDef.Builder | setUnknownFields ( nieznane pola) |
Konstruktor ApiDef | |
Konstruktor ApiDef | setVisibilityValue (wartość int) .tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2; |
Metody dziedziczone
Metody publiczne
public ApiDef.Builder addAllArgOrder (wartości Iterable<String>)
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
public ApiDef.Builder addAllAttr (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości ApiDef.Attr >)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
public ApiDef.Builder addAllEndpoint (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości ApiDef.Endpoint >)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Builder addAllInArg (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości ApiDef.Arg >)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
public ApiDef.Builder addAllOutArg (Iterable<? rozszerza wartości ApiDef.Arg >)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
public ApiDef.Builder addArgOrder (wartość ciągu)
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
public ApiDef.Builder addArgOrderBytes (wartość
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
public ApiDef.Builder addAttr (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Attr )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
public ApiDef.Builder addAttr (indeks int, ApiDef.Attr.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
public ApiDef.Builder addAttr ( ApiDef.Attr.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
public ApiDef.Builder addEndpoint (indeks int, ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Builder addEndpoint (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Endpoint )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder addEndpoint ( ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Builder addEndpoint (wartość ApiDef.Endpoint )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder addEndpointBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder addEndpointBuilder ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Builder addInArg (indeks int, ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
publiczny dodatek ApiDef.BuilderInArg ( ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
public ApiDef.Builder addInArg (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Arg )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
public ApiDef.Builder addOutArg (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Arg )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder addOutArg (indeks int, ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
public ApiDef.Builder addOutArg ( ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
public ApiDef.Arg.Builder addOutArgBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
public ApiDef.Builder addRepeatedField (pole, wartość obiektu)
publiczny ApiDef.Builder clearArgOrder ()
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder clearDeprecationMessage ()
If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. The message should indicate alternative op to use, if any.
string deprecation_message = 12;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder clearDeprecationVersion ()
Major version when the op will be deleted. For e.g. set this value to 2 if op API should be removed in TensorFlow 2.0 and deprecated in versions before that.
int32 deprecation_version = 13;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder clearDescription ()
Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
string description = 8;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder clearDescriptionPrefix ()
Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end.
string description_prefix = 9;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder clearGraphOpName ()
Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for.
string graph_op_name = 1;
public ApiDef.Builder clearSummary ()
One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
string summary = 7;
public String getArgOrder (indeks int)
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
public getArgOrderBytes (indeks int)
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
publiczny int getArgOrderCount ()
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
public getArgOrderList ()
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
publiczny int getAttrCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
public ApiDef.AttrOrBuilder getAttrOrBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
lista publiczna<? rozszerza ApiDef.AttrOrBuilder > getAttrOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
publiczny ciąg getDeprecationMessage ()
If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. The message should indicate alternative op to use, if any.
string deprecation_message = 12;
public getDeprecationMessageBytes ()
If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. The message should indicate alternative op to use, if any.
string deprecation_message = 12;
public int getDeprecationVersion ()
Major version when the op will be deleted. For e.g. set this value to 2 if op API should be removed in TensorFlow 2.0 and deprecated in versions before that.
int32 deprecation_version = 13;
public String getDescription ()
Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
string description = 8;
public getDescriptionBytes ()
Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
string description = 8;
public String getDescriptionPrefix ()
Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end.
string description_prefix = 9;
public getDescriptionPrefixBytes ()
Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end.
string description_prefix = 9;
public String getDescriptionSuffix ()
string description_suffix = 10;
public getDescriptionSuffixBytes ()
string description_suffix = 10;
public static final getDescriptor ()
publiczny getDescriptorForType ()
public ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder getEndpointBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public List< ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder > getEndpointBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
publiczny int getEndpointCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public List< ApiDef.Endpoint > getEndpointList ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.EndpointOrBuilder getEndpointOrBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
lista publiczna<? rozszerza ApiDef.EndpointOrBuilder > getEndpointOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
publiczny ciąg getGraphOpName ()
Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for.
string graph_op_name = 1;
public getGraphOpNameBytes ()
Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for.
string graph_op_name = 1;
publiczny ApiDef.Arg.Builder getInArgBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
lista publiczna< ApiDef.Arg.Builder > getInArgBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
publiczny int getInArgCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
public ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder getInArgOrBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
lista publiczna<? rozszerza ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder > getInArgOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
public ApiDef.Arg.Builder getOutArgBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
lista publiczna< ApiDef.Arg.Builder > getOutArgBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
publiczny int getOutArgCount ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
public ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder getOutArgOrBuilder (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
lista publiczna<? rozszerza ApiDef.ArgOrBuilder > getOutArgOrBuilderList ()
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
public String getSummary ()
One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
string summary = 7;
public getSummaryBytes ()
One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
string summary = 7;
public int getVisibilityValue ()
.tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2;
publiczna końcowa wartość logiczna isInitialized ()
publiczne połączenie ApiDef.BuilderFrom (wejście, rozszerzenieRegistry)
Wyjątek IO |
publiczny końcowy ApiDef.Builder mergeUnknownFields (
publiczny ApiDef.Builder usuńEndpoint (indeks int)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Builder setArgOrder (indeks int, wartość ciągu)
List of original in_arg names to specify new argument order. Length of arg_order should be either empty to keep current order or match size of in_arg.
repeated string arg_order = 11;
public ApiDef.Builder setAttr (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Attr )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
public ApiDef.Builder setAttr (indeks int, ApiDef.Attr.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Attr attr = 6;
public ApiDef.Builder setDeprecationMessage (wartość ciągu)
If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. The message should indicate alternative op to use, if any.
string deprecation_message = 12;
publiczny zestaw ApiDef.BuilderDeprecationMessageBytes (wartość
If this op is deprecated, set deprecation message to the message that should be logged when this op is used. The message should indicate alternative op to use, if any.
string deprecation_message = 12;
public ApiDef.Builder setDeprecationVersion (wartość int)
Major version when the op will be deleted. For e.g. set this value to 2 if op API should be removed in TensorFlow 2.0 and deprecated in versions before that.
int32 deprecation_version = 13;
public ApiDef.Builder setDescription (wartość ciągu)
Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
string description = 8;
public ApiDef.Builder setDescriptionBytes (wartość
Additional, longer human-readable description of what the Op does.
string description = 8;
public ApiDef.Builder setDescriptionPrefix (wartość ciągu)
Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end.
string description_prefix = 9;
publiczny zestaw ApiDef.BuilderDescriptionPrefixBytes (wartość
Modify an existing/inherited description by adding text to the beginning or end.
string description_prefix = 9;
public ApiDef.Builder setDescriptionSuffixBytes (wartość
string description_suffix = 10;
public ApiDef.Builder setEndpoint (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Endpoint )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Builder setEndpoint (indeks int, ApiDef.Endpoint.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Endpoint endpoint = 3;
public ApiDef.Builder setField (pole, wartość obiektu)
public ApiDef.Builder setGraphOpName (wartość ciągu)
Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for.
string graph_op_name = 1;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder setGraphOpNameBytes (wartość
Name of the op (in the OpDef) to specify the API for.
string graph_op_name = 1;
public ApiDef.Builder setInArg (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Arg )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
public ApiDef.Builder setInArg (indeks int, ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg in_arg = 4;
publiczny ApiDef.Builder setOutArg (indeks int, wartość ApiDef.Arg )
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
public ApiDef.Builder setOutArg (indeks int, ApiDef.Arg.Builder builderForValue)
repeated .tensorflow.ApiDef.Arg out_arg = 5;
public ApiDef.Builder setRepeatedField (pole, indeks int, wartość obiektu)
public ApiDef.Builder setSummary (wartość ciągu)
One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
string summary = 7;
public ApiDef.Builder setSummaryBytes (wartość
One-line human-readable description of what the Op does.
string summary = 7;
publiczny końcowy zestaw ApiDef.BuilderUnknownFields (
public ApiDef.Builder setVisibility (wartość ApiDef.Visibility )
.tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2;
public ApiDef.Builder setVisibilityValue (wartość int)
.tensorflow.ApiDef.Visibility visibility = 2;