BytesList | Containers to hold repeated fundamental values. |
BytesList.Builder | Containers to hold repeated fundamental values. |
Ejemplo | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.Example |
Ejemplo Constructor | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.Example |
ExampleParserConfiguration | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.ExampleParserConfiguration |
ExampleParserConfiguration.Builder | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.ExampleParserConfiguration |
EjemploParserConfigurationProtos | |
EjemploProtos | |
Característica | Containers for non-sequential data. |
Feature.Builder | Containers for non-sequential data. |
CaracterísticaConfiguración | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.FeatureConfiguration |
FeatureConfiguration.Builder | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.FeatureConfiguration |
Lista de características | Containers for sequential data. |
FeatureList.Builder | Containers for sequential data. |
FeatureLists | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.FeatureLists |
FeatureLists.Builder | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.FeatureLists |
CaracterísticaProtos | |
Características | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.Features |
Características Constructor | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.Features |
FixedLenFeatureProto | Protobuf tipo tensorflow.FixedLenFeatureProto |
FixedLenFeatureProto.Builder | Protobuf tipo tensorflow.FixedLenFeatureProto |
FloatList | Tipo de tensorflow.FloatList |
FloatList.Builder | Tipo de tensorflow.FloatList |
Int64List | Tipo de tensorflow.Int64List |
Int64List.Builder | Tipo de tensorflow.Int64List |
SecuenciaEjemplo | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.SequenceExample |
SequenceExample.Builder | Tensorflow de tipo tensorflow.SequenceExample |
VarLenFeatureProto | Protobuf tipo tensorflow.VarLenFeatureProto |
VarLenFeatureProto.Builder | Protobuf tipo tensorflow.VarLenFeatureProto |