
kelas akhir statis publik ServerDef.Builder

 Defines the configuration of a single TensorFlow server.
Tipe protobuf tensorflow.ServerDef

Metode Publik

addRepeatedField (bidang, Nilai objek)
jernih ()
hapusCluster ()
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
hapusClusterDeviceFilters ()
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
clearDefaultSessionConfig ()
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
clearField (bidang
jelasNamaPekerjaan ()
 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
clearOneof ( oneof)
bersihkanPort ()
 The server port.
jelasProtokol ()
 The protocol to be used by this server.
jelasTaskIndex ()
 The task index of this server in its job.
klon ()
dapatkanCluster ()
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
dapatkanClusterBuilder ()
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
Filter Perangkat Cluster
dapatkanClusterDeviceFilters ()
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
getClusterDeviceFiltersBuilder ()
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
dapatkanClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder ()
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
dapatkanClusterOrBuilder ()
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
dapatkanDefaultSessionConfig ()
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
getDefaultSessionConfigBuilder ()
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
getDefaultSessionConfigOrBuilder ()
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server. statis terakhir
dapatkan Nama Pekerjaan ()
 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
dapatkanJobNameBytes ()
 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
ke dalam
dapatkanPort ()
 The server port.
dapatkanProtokol ()
 The protocol to be used by this server.
dapatkanProtocolBytes ()
 The protocol to be used by this server.
ke dalam
dapatkan Indeks Tugas ()
 The task index of this server in its job.
memilikiCluster ()
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
hasClusterDeviceFilters ()
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
hasDefaultSessionConfig ()
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
boolean terakhir
mergeCluster (nilai ClusterDef )
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
mergeClusterDeviceFilters (nilai ClusterDeviceFilters )
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
mergeDefaultSessionConfig (nilai ConfigProto )
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
mergeFrom ( lainnya)
mergeFrom ( masukan, extensionRegistry)
ServerDef.Builder terakhir
mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)
setCluster (nilai ClusterDef )
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
setCluster ( ClusterDef.Builder pembangunForValue)
 The cluster of which this server is a member.
setClusterDeviceFilters ( ClusterDeviceFilters.Pembuat pembangunForValue)
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
setClusterDeviceFilters (nilai ClusterDeviceFilters )
 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
setDefaultSessionConfig (nilai ConfigProto )
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
setDefaultSessionConfig ( ConfigProto.Pembuat pembangunForValue)
 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
setField (bidang, Nilai objek)
setJobName (Nilai string)
 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
setJobNameBytes (nilai
 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
setPort (nilai int)
 The server port.
setProtocol (Nilai string)
 The protocol to be used by this server.
setProtocolBytes (nilai
 The protocol to be used by this server.
setRepeatedField (bidang, indeks int, Nilai objek)
setTaskIndex (nilai int)
 The task index of this server in its job.
ServerDef.Builder terakhir
setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

Metode Warisan

Metode Publik

public ServerDef.Builder addRepeatedField (bidang, Nilai objek)

build ServerDef publik ()

buildPartial ServerDef publik ()

ServerDef.Builder publik jelas ()

ServerDef.Builder publik clearCluster ()

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

ServerDef.Builder publik clearClusterDeviceFilters ()

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

ServerDef.Builder publik clearDefaultSessionConfig ()

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

ServerDef.Builder clearField publik (bidang

ServerDef.Builder publik clearJobName ()

 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
 NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field
 that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;

ServerDef.Builder publik clearOneof ( oneof)

ServerDef.Builder publik clearPort ()

 The server port. If not set, then we identify the port from the job_name.
int32 port = 6;

ServerDef.Builder publik clearProtocol ()

 The protocol to be used by this server.
 Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;

ServerDef.Builder publik clearTaskIndex ()

 The task index of this server in its job.
 NOTE: The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a matching `name`
 and a mapping in its `tasks` field for this index.
int32 task_index = 3;

klon ServerDef.Builder publik ()

getCluster ClusterDef publik ()

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

ClusterDef.Builder publik getClusterBuilder ()

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

ClusterDeviceFilters publik getClusterDeviceFilters ()

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

ClusterDeviceFilters.Builder publik getClusterDeviceFiltersBuilder ()

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

ClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder publik getClusterDeviceFiltersOrBuilder ()

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

publik ClusterDefOrBuilder getClusterOrBuilder ()

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

ServerDef publik getDefaultInstanceForType ()

ConfigProto publik getDefaultSessionConfig ()

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

ConfigProto.Builder publik getDefaultSessionConfigBuilder ()

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

ConfigProtoOrBuilder publik getDefaultSessionConfigOrBuilder ()

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

public static final getDescriptor () publik getDescriptorForType ()

String publik getJobName ()

 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
 NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field
 that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;

publik getJobNameBytes ()

 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
 NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field
 that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;

int publik getPort ()

 The server port. If not set, then we identify the port from the job_name.
int32 port = 6;

String publik getProtokol ()

 The protocol to be used by this server.
 Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;

publik getProtocolBytes ()

 The protocol to be used by this server.
 Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;

int publik getTaskIndex ()

 The task index of this server in its job.
 NOTE: The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a matching `name`
 and a mapping in its `tasks` field for this index.
int32 task_index = 3;

hasCluster boolean publik ()

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

boolean publik hasClusterDeviceFilters ()

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

boolean publik hasDefaultSessionConfig ()

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

boolean akhir publik diinisialisasi ()

ServerDef.Builder mergeCluster publik (nilai ClusterDef )

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

ServerDef.Builder mergeClusterDeviceFilters publik (nilai ClusterDeviceFilters )

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

ServerDef.Builder mergeDefaultSessionConfig publik (nilai ConfigProto )

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

ServerDef.Builder mergeFrom publik ( lainnya)

public ServerDef.Builder mergeFrom ( input, extensionRegistry)

Pengecualian IO

ServerDef.Builder akhir publik menggabungkanUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

ServerDef.Builder setCluster publik (nilai ClusterDef )

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

ServerDef.Builder setCluster publik ( ClusterDef.Builder builderForValue)

 The cluster of which this server is a member.
.tensorflow.ClusterDef cluster = 1;

ServerDef.Builder setClusterDeviceFilters publik ( ClusterDeviceFilters.Builder builderForValue)

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

ServerDef.Builder setClusterDeviceFilters publik (nilai ClusterDeviceFilters )

 Device filters for remote tasks in the cluster.
 NOTE: This is an experimental feature and only effective in TensorFlow 2.x.
.tensorflow.ClusterDeviceFilters cluster_device_filters = 7;

ServerDef.Builder publik setDefaultSessionConfig (nilai ConfigProto )

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

ServerDef.Builder publik setDefaultSessionConfig ( ConfigProto.Builder builderForValue)

 The default configuration for sessions that run on this server.
.tensorflow.ConfigProto default_session_config = 4;

public ServerDef.Builder setField (bidang, Nilai objek)

ServerDef.Builder publik setJobName (Nilai string)

 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
 NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field
 that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;

ServerDef.Builder publik setJobNameBytes (nilai

 The name of the job of which this server is a member.
 NOTE(mrry): The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a `name` field
 that matches this name.
string job_name = 2;

ServerDef.Builder setPort publik (nilai int)

 The server port. If not set, then we identify the port from the job_name.
int32 port = 6;

public ServerDef.Builder setProtocol (Nilai string)

 The protocol to be used by this server.
 Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;

ServerDef.Builder setProtocolBytes publik (nilai

 The protocol to be used by this server.
 Acceptable values include: "grpc", "grpc+verbs".
string protocol = 5;

public ServerDef.Builder setRepeatedField (bidang, indeks int, Nilai objek)

ServerDef.Builder publik setTaskIndex (nilai int)

 The task index of this server in its job.
 NOTE: The `cluster` field must contain a `JobDef` with a matching `name`
 and a mapping in its `tasks` field for this index.
int32 task_index = 3;

set ServerDef.Builder final publikUnknownFields ( unknownFields)