
interfaccia pubblica JobDeviceFiltersOrBuilder
Sottoclassi indirette conosciute

Metodi pubblici

booleano astratto
contieneTasks (tasto int)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
stringa astratta
getNome ()
 The name of this job.
getNomeBytes ()
 The name of this job.
Mappa astratta<Integer, TaskDeviceFilters >
getTasks ()
Utilizzare invece getTasksMap() .
astratto int
getTasksCount ()
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
Mappa astratta<Integer, TaskDeviceFilters >
getTasksMap ()
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
TaskDeviceFilters astratti
getTasksOrDefault (chiave int, TaskDeviceFilters defaultValue)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
TaskDeviceFilters astratti
getTasksOrThrow (tasto int)
 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.

Metodi pubblici

booleano astratto pubblico contieneTasks (chiave int)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

stringa astratta pubblica getName ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

estratto pubblico getNameBytes ()

 The name of this job.
string name = 1;

public abstract Map<Integer, TaskDeviceFilters > getTasks ()

Utilizzare invece getTasksMap() .

public abstract int getTasksCount ()

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

public abstract Map<Integer, TaskDeviceFilters > getTasksMap ()

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

public abstract TaskDeviceFilters getTasksOrDefault (chiave int, TaskDeviceFilters defaultValue)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;

public abstract TaskDeviceFilters getTasksOrThrow (chiave int)

 Mapping from task ID to task device filters.
map<int32, .tensorflow.TaskDeviceFilters> tasks = 2;