מחלקה סופית סטטית ציבורית JobDef.Builder
Defines a single job in a TensorFlow cluster.
מסוג Protobuf.JobDef שיטות ציבוריות
JobDef.Builder | addRepeatedField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, ערך אובייקט) |
JobDef | לבנות () |
JobDef | buildPartial () |
JobDef.Builder | ברור () |
JobDef.Builder | clearField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
JobDef.Builder | clearName () The name of this job. |
JobDef.Builder | clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
JobDef.Builder | clearTasks () |
JobDef.Builder | שיבוט () |
בוליאני | containsTasks (מפתח int) Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. |
JobDef | |
final static com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
מפה<Integer, String> | getMutableTasks () השתמש במקום זאת באביזרי מוטציה חלופיים. |
חוּט | getName () The name of this job. |
com.google.protobuf.ByteString | getNameBytes () The name of this job. |
מפה<Integer, String> | getTasks () השתמש ב- getTasksMap() במקום זאת. |
int | getTasksCount () Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. |
מפה<Integer, String> | getTasksMap () Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. |
חוּט | getTasksOrDefault (מפתח int, String defaultValue) Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. |
חוּט | getTasksOrThrow (מפתח int) Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. |
בוליאנית סופית | |
JobDef.Builder | mergeFrom (קלט com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
JobDef.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message אחר) |
Final JobDef.Builder | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) |
JobDef.Builder | putAllTasks (ערכי מפה<Integer, String>) Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. |
JobDef.Builder | putTasks (מפתח int, ערך מחרוזת) Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. |
JobDef.Builder | removeTasks (מפתח int) Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. |
JobDef.Builder | setField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, ערך אובייקט) |
JobDef.Builder | setName (ערך מחרוזת) The name of this job. |
JobDef.Builder | setNameBytes (ערך com.google.protobuf.ByteString) The name of this job. |
JobDef.Builder | setRepeatedField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, אינדקס אינט, ערך אובייקט) |
Final JobDef.Builder | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) |
שיטות בירושה
שיטות ציבוריות
Public JobDef.Builder addRepeatedField (שדה com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, ערך אובייקט)
Public Boolean containsTasks (מפתח int)
Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a mapping from 7 to "example.org:2222", then the device prefix "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "example.org:2222".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;
public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
public com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
מפה ציבורית<Integer, String> getMutableTasks ()
השתמש במקום זאת באביזרי מוטציה חלופיים.
מחרוזת ציבורית getName ()
The name of this job.
string name = 1;
public com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()
The name of this job.
string name = 1;
public int getTasksCount ()
Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a mapping from 7 to "example.org:2222", then the device prefix "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "example.org:2222".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;
מפה ציבורית<Integer, String> getTasksMap ()
Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a mapping from 7 to "example.org:2222", then the device prefix "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "example.org:2222".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;
מחרוזת ציבורית getTasksOrDefault (מפתח int, String defaultValue)
Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a mapping from 7 to "example.org:2222", then the device prefix "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "example.org:2222".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;
מחרוזת ציבורית getTasksOrThrow (מפתח int)
Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a mapping from 7 to "example.org:2222", then the device prefix "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "example.org:2222".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;
בוליאני הסופי הציבורי הוא אתחול ()
public JobDef.Builder mergeFrom (קלט com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
IOException |
Public JobDef.Builder putAllTasks (ערכי מפה<Integer, String>)
Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a mapping from 7 to "example.org:2222", then the device prefix "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "example.org:2222".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;
public JobDef.Builder putTasks (מפתח int, ערך מחרוזת)
Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a mapping from 7 to "example.org:2222", then the device prefix "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "example.org:2222".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;
public JobDef.Builder removeTasks (מפתח int)
Mapping from task ID to "hostname:port" string. If the `name` field contains "worker", and the `tasks` map contains a mapping from 7 to "example.org:2222", then the device prefix "/job:worker/task:7" will be assigned to "example.org:2222".
map<int32, string> tasks = 2;
Public JobDef.Builder setNameBytes (ערך com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
The name of this job.
string name = 1;