کلاس نهایی استاتیک عمومی ClusterDef.Builder
Defines a TensorFlow cluster as a set of jobs.
روش های عمومی
ClusterDef.Builder | |
ClusterDef.Builder | |
ClusterDef.Builder | |
ClusterDef.Builder | |
ClusterDef.Builder | |
JobDef.Builder | addJobBuilder (شاخص int) The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
JobDef.Builder | addJobBuilder () The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
ClusterDef.Builder | addRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor فیلد، مقدار Object) |
ClusterDef | ساختن () |
ClusterDef | ساخت جزئی () |
ClusterDef.Builder | روشن () |
ClusterDef.Builder | clearField (فیلد com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor) |
ClusterDef.Builder | clearJob () The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
ClusterDef.Builder | clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof) |
ClusterDef.Builder | کلون () |
ClusterDef | |
نهایی static com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | |
JobDef | getJob (شاخص int) The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
JobDef.Builder | getJobBuilder (شاخص int) The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
لیست< JobDef.Builder > | getJobBuilderList () The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
بین المللی | getJobCount () The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
لیست < JobDef > | getJobList () The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
JobDefOrBuilder | getJobOrBuilder (شاخص int) The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
لیست<? JobDefOrBuilder > را گسترش می دهد | getJobOrBuilderList () The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
بولی نهایی | |
ClusterDef.Builder | mergeFrom (ورودی com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) |
ClusterDef.Builder | mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message other) |
ClusterDef.Builder نهایی | mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields) |
ClusterDef.Builder | removeJob (int index) The jobs that comprise the cluster. |
ClusterDef.Builder | setField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor فیلد، مقدار Object) |
ClusterDef.Builder | |
ClusterDef.Builder | |
ClusterDef.Builder | setRepeatedField (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، نمایه int، مقدار Object) |
ClusterDef.Builder نهایی | setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSetknownFields) |
روش های ارثی
روش های عمومی
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder addAllJob (Iterable<? مقادیر JobDef > را گسترش می دهد)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder addJob (مقدار JobDef )
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder addJob ( JobDef.Builder builderForValue)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder addJob (int index, JobDef.Builder builderForValue)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder addJob (شاخص int، مقدار JobDef )
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی JobDef.Builder addJobBuilder (int index)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی JobDef.Builder addJobBuilder ()
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder addRepeatedField (فیلد com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor، مقدار Object)
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder clearJob ()
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()
عمومی com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptorForType ()
عمومی JobDef getJob (int index)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی JobDef.Builder getJobBuilder (int index)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
لیست عمومی < JobDef.Builder > getJobBuilderList ()
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی int getJobCount ()
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
فهرست عمومی< JobDef > getJobList ()
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی JobDefOrBuilder getJobOrBuilder (int index)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
لیست عمومی<? توسعه JobDefOrBuilder > getJobOrBuilderList ()
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
بولین نهایی عمومی isInitialized ()
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream ورودی، com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
پرتاب می کند
IOException |
public ClusterDef.Builder removeJob (int index)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
public setField ClusterDef.Builder (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor فیلد، مقدار Object)
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder setJob (int index، JobDef.Builder builderForValue)
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;
عمومی ClusterDef.Builder setJob (شاخص int، مقدار JobDef )
The jobs that comprise the cluster.
repeated .tensorflow.JobDef job = 1;