
공개 정적 최종 클래스 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder

 Configuration for a service DispatchServer.
Protobuf 유형

공개 방법

addRepeatedField ( 필드, 개체 값)
짓다 ()
ClearFaultTolerantMode ()
 Whether to run in fault tolerant mode, where dispatcher state is saved
 across restarts.
ClearField ( 필드)
ClearJobGcCheckIntervalMs ()
 How often the dispatcher should scan through to delete old and unused jobs.
ClearJobGcTimeoutMs ()
 How long a job needs to be unused before it becomes a candidate for garbage
ClearOneof ( oneof)
클리어포트 ()
 The port for the dispatcher to bind to.
클리어프로토콜 ()
 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
클리어워크디렉터 ()
 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts.
클론 ()
최종 정적
getFaultTolerantMode ()
 Whether to run in fault tolerant mode, where dispatcher state is saved
 across restarts.
getJobGcCheckIntervalMs ()
 How often the dispatcher should scan through to delete old and unused jobs.
getJobGcTimeoutMs ()
 How long a job needs to be unused before it becomes a candidate for garbage
getPort ()
 The port for the dispatcher to bind to.
get프로토콜 ()
 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
getProtocolBytes ()
 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
getWorkDir ()
 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts.
getWorkDirBytes ()
 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts.
최종 부울
mergeFrom ( 입력, ExtensionRegistry)
mergeFrom (다른 메시지 보내기)
최종 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( 알려지지 않은Fields)
setFaultTolerantMode (부울 값)
 Whether to run in fault tolerant mode, where dispatcher state is saved
 across restarts.
setField ( 필드, 개체 값)
setJobGcCheckIntervalMs (긴 값)
 How often the dispatcher should scan through to delete old and unused jobs.
setJobGcTimeoutMs (긴 값)
 How long a job needs to be unused before it becomes a candidate for garbage
setPort (긴 값)
 The port for the dispatcher to bind to.
setProtocol (문자열 값)
 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
setProtocolBytes ( 값)
 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
setRepeatedField ( 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값)
최종 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder
setUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)
setWorkDir (문자열 값)
 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts.
setWorkDirBytes ( 값)
 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts.

상속된 메서드

공개 방법

public ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder addRepeatedField ( 필드, 개체 값)

공공 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig buildPartial ()

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder ClearFaultTolerantMode ()

 Whether to run in fault tolerant mode, where dispatcher state is saved
 across restarts. Requires that `work_dir` is nonempty.
bool fault_tolerant_mode = 4;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.BuilderclearField ( 필드 )

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder ClearJobGcCheckIntervalMs ()

 How often the dispatcher should scan through to delete old and unused jobs.
int64 job_gc_check_interval_ms = 5;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder ClearJobGcTimeoutMs ()

 How long a job needs to be unused before it becomes a candidate for garbage
int64 job_gc_timeout_ms = 6;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.BuilderclearOneof (

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder 클리어포트 ()

 The port for the dispatcher to bind to. A value of 0 indicates that the
 dispatcher may bind to any available port.
int64 port = 1;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder 클리어프로토콜 ()

 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
string protocol = 2;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder ClearWorkDir ()

 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts. The empty string indicates not to use any work directory.
string work_dir = 3;

공공 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig getDefaultInstanceForType ()

공개 정적 최종 getDescriptor ()

공개 getDescriptorForType ()

공개 부울 getFaultTolerantMode ()

 Whether to run in fault tolerant mode, where dispatcher state is saved
 across restarts. Requires that `work_dir` is nonempty.
bool fault_tolerant_mode = 4;

공개 긴 getJobGcCheckIntervalMs ()

 How often the dispatcher should scan through to delete old and unused jobs.
int64 job_gc_check_interval_ms = 5;

공개 긴 getJobGcTimeoutMs ()

 How long a job needs to be unused before it becomes a candidate for garbage
int64 job_gc_timeout_ms = 6;

공개 긴 getPort ()

 The port for the dispatcher to bind to. A value of 0 indicates that the
 dispatcher may bind to any available port.
int64 port = 1;

공개 문자열 getProtocol ()

 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
string protocol = 2;

공개 getProtocolBytes ()

 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
string protocol = 2;

공개 문자열 getWorkDir ()

 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts. The empty string indicates not to use any work directory.
string work_dir = 3;

공개 getWorkDirBytes ()

 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts. The empty string indicates not to use any work directory.
string work_dir = 3;

공개 최종 부울 isInitialized ()

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder mergeFrom ( 입력, ExtensionRegistry)


public ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder mergeFrom (다른 메시지)

공개 최종 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setFaultTolerantMode (부울 값)

 Whether to run in fault tolerant mode, where dispatcher state is saved
 across restarts. Requires that `work_dir` is nonempty.
bool fault_tolerant_mode = 4;

public ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setField ( 필드, 개체 값)

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setJobGcCheckIntervalMs (긴 값)

 How often the dispatcher should scan through to delete old and unused jobs.
int64 job_gc_check_interval_ms = 5;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setJobGcTimeoutMs (긴 값)

 How long a job needs to be unused before it becomes a candidate for garbage
int64 job_gc_timeout_ms = 6;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setPort (긴 값)

 The port for the dispatcher to bind to. A value of 0 indicates that the
 dispatcher may bind to any available port.
int64 port = 1;

public ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setProtocol (문자열 값)

 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
string protocol = 2;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setProtocolBytes ( 값)

 The protocol for the dispatcher to use when connecting to workers.
string protocol = 2;

public ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setRepeatedField ( 필드, int 인덱스, 객체 값)

공개 최종 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setUnknownFields (

public ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setWorkDir (문자열 값)

 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts. The empty string indicates not to use any work directory.
string work_dir = 3;

공용 ServiceConfig.DispatcherConfig.Builder setWorkDirBytes ( 값)

 A work directory to use for storing dispatcher state, and for recovering
 during restarts. The empty string indicates not to use any work directory.
string work_dir = 3;