
public final class SparseCross

Generates sparse cross from a list of sparse and dense tensors.

The op takes two lists, one of 2D `SparseTensor` and one of 2D `Tensor`, each representing features of one feature column. It outputs a 2D `SparseTensor` with the batchwise crosses of these features.

For example, if the inputs are

inputs[0]: SparseTensor with shape = [2, 2] [0, 0]: "a" [1, 0]: "b" [1, 1]: "c"

inputs[1]: SparseTensor with shape = [2, 1] [0, 0]: "d" [1, 0]: "e"

inputs[2]: Tensor [["f"], ["g"]]

then the output will be

shape = [2, 2] [0, 0]: "a_X_d_X_f" [1, 0]: "b_X_e_X_g" [1, 1]: "c_X_e_X_g"

if hashed_output=true then the output will be

shape = [2, 2] [0, 0]: FingerprintCat64( Fingerprint64("f"), FingerprintCat64( Fingerprint64("d"), Fingerprint64("a"))) [1, 0]: FingerprintCat64( Fingerprint64("g"), FingerprintCat64( Fingerprint64("e"), Fingerprint64("b"))) [1, 1]: FingerprintCat64( Fingerprint64("g"), FingerprintCat64( Fingerprint64("e"), Fingerprint64("c")))


String OP_NAME The name of this op, as known by TensorFlow core engine

Public Methods

static SparseCross
create(Scope scope, Iterable<Operand<TInt64>> indices, Iterable<Operand<?>> values, Iterable<Operand<TInt64>> shapes, Iterable<Operand<?>> denseInputs, Operand<TString> sep)
Factory method to create a class wrapping a new SparseCross operation.

Inherited Methods


public static final String OP_NAME

The name of this op, as known by TensorFlow core engine

Constant Value: "SparseCrossV2"

Public Methods

public static SparseCross create (Scope scope, Iterable<Operand<TInt64>> indices, Iterable<Operand<?>> values, Iterable<Operand<TInt64>> shapes, Iterable<Operand<?>> denseInputs, Operand<TString> sep)

Factory method to create a class wrapping a new SparseCross operation.

scope current scope
indices 2-D. Indices of each input `SparseTensor`.
values 1-D. values of each `SparseTensor`.
shapes 1-D. Shapes of each `SparseTensor`.
denseInputs 2-D. Columns represented by dense `Tensor`.
sep string used when joining a list of string inputs, can be used as separator later.
  • a new instance of SparseCross

public Output<TInt64> outputIndices ()

2-D. Indices of the concatenated `SparseTensor`.

public Output<TInt64> outputShape ()

1-D. Shape of the concatenated `SparseTensor`.

public Output<TString> outputValues ()

1-D. Non-empty values of the concatenated or hashed `SparseTensor`.