
public final class ParseSequenceExample

Transforms a vector of protos (as strings) into typed tensors.

Nested Classes

class ParseSequenceExample.Options Optional attributes for ParseSequenceExample  


String OP_NAME The name of this op, as known by TensorFlow core engine

Public Methods

static ParseSequenceExample.Options
NcontextSparse(Long NcontextSparse)
static ParseSequenceExample.Options
NfeatureListDense(Long NfeatureListDense)
static ParseSequenceExample.Options
NfeatureListSparse(Long NfeatureListSparse)
static ParseSequenceExample.Options
contextDenseShapes(List<Shape> contextDenseShapes)
static ParseSequenceExample
create(Scope scope, Operand<TString> serialized, Operand<TString> debugName, Operand<TString> contextSparseKeys, Operand<TString> contextDenseKeys, Operand<TString> contextRaggedKeys, Operand<TString> featureListSparseKeys, Operand<TString> featureListDenseKeys, Operand<TString> featureListRaggedKeys, Operand<TBool> featureListDenseMissingAssumedEmpty, Iterable<Operand<?>> contextDenseDefaults, List<Class<? extends TType>> contextSparseTypes, List<Class<? extends TType>> contextRaggedValueTypes, List<Class<? extends TNumber>> contextRaggedSplitTypes, List<Class<? extends TType>> featureListDenseTypes, List<Class<? extends TType>> featureListSparseTypes, List<Class<? extends TType>> featureListRaggedValueTypes, List<Class<? extends TNumber>> featureListRaggedSplitTypes, Options... options)
Factory method to create a class wrapping a new ParseSequenceExample operation.
static ParseSequenceExample.Options
featureListDenseShapes(List<Shape> featureListDenseShapes)

Inherited Methods


public static final String OP_NAME

The name of this op, as known by TensorFlow core engine

Constant Value: "ParseSequenceExampleV2"

Public Methods

public static ParseSequenceExample.Options NcontextSparse (Long NcontextSparse)

public static ParseSequenceExample.Options NfeatureListDense (Long NfeatureListDense)

public static ParseSequenceExample.Options NfeatureListSparse (Long NfeatureListSparse)

public static ParseSequenceExample.Options contextDenseShapes (List<Shape> contextDenseShapes)

contextDenseShapes A list of Ncontext_dense shapes; the shapes of data in each context Feature given in context_dense_keys. The number of elements in the Feature corresponding to context_dense_key[j] must always equal context_dense_shapes[j].NumEntries(). The shape of context_dense_values[j] will match context_dense_shapes[j].

public List<Output<?>> contextDenseValues ()

public List<Output<?>> contextRaggedRowSplits ()

public List<Output<?>> contextRaggedValues ()

public List<Output<TInt64>> contextSparseIndices ()

public List<Output<TInt64>> contextSparseShapes ()

public List<Output<?>> contextSparseValues ()

public static ParseSequenceExample create (Scope scope, Operand<TString> serialized, Operand<TString> debugName, Operand<TString> contextSparseKeys, Operand<TString> contextDenseKeys, Operand<TString> contextRaggedKeys, Operand<TString> featureListSparseKeys, Operand<TString> featureListDenseKeys, Operand<TString> featureListRaggedKeys, Operand<TBool> featureListDenseMissingAssumedEmpty, Iterable<Operand<?>> contextDenseDefaults, List<Class<? extends TType>> contextSparseTypes, List<Class<? extends TType>> contextRaggedValueTypes, List<Class<? extends TNumber>> contextRaggedSplitTypes, List<Class<? extends TType>> featureListDenseTypes, List<Class<? extends TType>> featureListSparseTypes, List<Class<? extends TType>> featureListRaggedValueTypes, List<Class<? extends TNumber>> featureListRaggedSplitTypes, Options... options)

Factory method to create a class wrapping a new ParseSequenceExample operation.

scope current scope
serialized A scalar or vector containing binary serialized SequenceExample protos.
debugName A scalar or vector containing the names of the serialized protos. May contain, for example, table key (descriptive) name for the corresponding serialized proto. This is purely useful for debugging purposes, and the presence of values here has no effect on the output. May also be an empty vector if no name is available.
contextSparseKeys The keys expected in the Examples' features associated with context_sparse values.
contextDenseKeys The keys expected in the SequenceExamples' context features associated with dense values.
contextRaggedKeys The keys expected in the Examples' features associated with context_ragged values.
featureListSparseKeys The keys expected in the FeatureLists associated with sparse values.
featureListDenseKeys The keys expected in the SequenceExamples' feature_lists associated with lists of dense values.
featureListRaggedKeys The keys expected in the FeatureLists associated with ragged values.
featureListDenseMissingAssumedEmpty A vector corresponding 1:1 with feature_list_dense_keys, indicating which features may be missing from the SequenceExamples. If the associated FeatureList is missing, it is treated as empty.
contextDenseDefaults A list of Ncontext_dense Tensors (some may be empty). context_dense_defaults[j] provides default values when the SequenceExample's context map lacks context_dense_key[j]. If an empty Tensor is provided for context_dense_defaults[j], then the Feature context_dense_keys[j] is required. The input type is inferred from context_dense_defaults[j], even when it's empty. If context_dense_defaults[j] is not empty, its shape must match context_dense_shapes[j].
contextSparseTypes A list of Ncontext_sparse types; the data types of data in each context Feature given in context_sparse_keys. Currently the ParseSingleSequenceExample supports DT_FLOAT (FloatList), DT_INT64 (Int64List), and DT_STRING (BytesList).
contextRaggedValueTypes RaggedTensor.value dtypes for the ragged context features.
contextRaggedSplitTypes RaggedTensor.row_split dtypes for the ragged context features.
featureListSparseTypes A list of Nfeature_list_sparse types; the data types of data in each FeatureList given in feature_list_sparse_keys. Currently the ParseSingleSequenceExample supports DT_FLOAT (FloatList), DT_INT64 (Int64List), and DT_STRING (BytesList).
featureListRaggedValueTypes RaggedTensor.value dtypes for the ragged FeatureList features.
featureListRaggedSplitTypes RaggedTensor.row_split dtypes for the ragged FeatureList features.
options carries optional attributes values
  • a new instance of ParseSequenceExample

public List<Output<TInt64>> featureListDenseLengths ()

public static ParseSequenceExample.Options featureListDenseShapes (List<Shape> featureListDenseShapes)

featureListDenseShapes A list of Nfeature_list_dense shapes; the shapes of data in each FeatureList given in feature_list_dense_keys. The shape of each Feature in the FeatureList corresponding to feature_list_dense_key[j] must always equal feature_list_dense_shapes[j].NumEntries().

public List<Output<?>> featureListDenseValues ()

public List<Output<?>> featureListRaggedInnerSplits ()

public List<Output<?>> featureListRaggedOuterSplits ()

public List<Output<?>> featureListRaggedValues ()

public List<Output<TInt64>> featureListSparseIndices ()

public List<Output<TInt64>> featureListSparseShapes ()

public List<Output<?>> featureListSparseValues ()