
A stateful process for finalization of a round of training.

Inherits From: MeasuredProcess, IterativeProcess

A FinalizerProcess is a tff.templates.MeasuredProcess that formalizes the type signature of initialize_fn and next_fn for the work performed by server in a learning process after aggregating model updates from clients.

initialize_fn A tff.Computation matching the criteria above.
next_fn A tff.Computation matching the criteria above.
get_hparams_fn An optional tff.Computation matching the criteria above. If not provided, this defaults to a computation that returns an empty ordred dictionary, regardless of the contents of the state.
set_hparams_fn An optional tff.Computation matching the criteria above. If not provided, this defaults to a pass-through computation, that returns the input state regardless of the hparams passed in.

TemplateNotFederatedError If any of the federated computations provided do not return a federated type.
TemplateNextFnNumArgsError If the next_fn has an incorrect number of arguments.
TemplatePlacementError If any of the federated computations have an incorrect placement.
FinalizerResultTypeError If the second output of next_fn does not meet the criteria outlined above.
GetHparamsTypeError If the type signature of get_hparams_fn does not meet the criteria above.
SetHparamsTypeError If the type signature of set_hparams_fn does not meet the criteria above.


initialize A no-arg tff.Computation that returns the initial state.
next A tff.Computation that produces the next state.

Its first argument should always be the current state (originally produced by tff.templates.IterativeProcess.initialize), and the first (or only) returned value is the updated state.


state_type The tff.Type of the state of the process.