Gets unique elements and their counts from the input dataset.

This method returns a tuple of elements and counts, where elements are the unique elements in the dataset, and counts is the number of times each one appears.

The input dataset must yield batched rank-1 tensors. This function reads each coordinate of the tensor as an individual element and caps the total number of elements to return.

dataset A to elements from. Element type must be tf.string.
string_max_bytes The maximum length (in bytes) of strings in the dataset. Strings longer than string_max_bytes will be truncated. Defaults to None, which means there is no limit of the string length.

elements A rank-1 Tensor containing all the unique elements of the input dataset.
counts A rank-1 Tensor containing the counts for each of the elements in elements.

ValueError -- If the shape of elements in dataset is not rank 1 -- If string_max_bytes is not None and is less than 1.
TypeError If dataset.element_spec.dtype must be tf.string is not tf.string.