
Represents Docker-related configuration for the run API.

run API uses Docker for containerizing your code and its dependencies.

A new Docker image is built every time run is called. For this image, you can configure:

  1. The URI (name+tag) of the image using the image parameter.
  2. The parent Docker image using the parent_image parameter. A parent image is the image that your image is based on. It refers to the contents of the FROM directive in the Dockerfile.
  3. The Docker image to be used as a cache when building the new image, using the cache_from parameter.
  4. An option to use Google Cloud Build for building the Docker image instead of using a local Docker daemon process. This can be done by providing a GCS bucket for storing your code as a tarball using the image_build_bucket parameter.

Usage examples:

1. All defaults.


Use this configuration when you have a local Docker process and are experimenting with

A new Docker image will be built using the local Docker daemon with a newly generated image URI, and TensorFlow Docker image will be used as the parent_image. There will be no Docker cache used here.

2. With parent_image.


Use this configuration when you want to use your own custom docker image, which contains TensorFlow, as the parent Docker image. This can be combined with the other parameters as required.

A new Docker image will be built using the local Docker daemon with a newly generated image URI, with the given parent_image as the Docker parent image. There will be no cache used.

3. With cache_from.


Using cache_from will speed up the docker build process. Use this when you want to build a new image in the call but want to start from an existing image. This can be combined with the other parameters as required.

A new Docker image will be built using the local Docker daemon with a newly generated image URI, TensorFlow Docker image will be used as the parent_image. cache_from will be used as the Docker cache image.

4. With image_build_bucket.


Use this configuration if you do not have a local docker installation.

A new Docker image will be built using the Google Cloud Build Docker with a newly generated image URI, TensorFlow Docker image will be used as the parent_image. There will be no cache used.

5. With image.


Use this configuration when you want to provide a custom image URI for the Docker image created. Note that if you have not provided cache_from parameter explicitly, then this image will also be used as the cache image. This is useful when you have called once and received an image URI, you can iteratively cache from and rebuild the same image using this parameter. This can be combined with the other parameters as required.

  1. All custom values.

Here, we are combining all the above configs.

A new Docker image will be built using the Google Cloud Build Docker with the given image URI, with the given parent_image as the Docker parent image. cache_from will be used as the Docker cache image.

image Optional Docker image URI for the Docker image being built. If this is not specified, a new URI is generated.
parent_image Optional parent Docker image to use. Example value - '' If a parent Docker image is not provided here, we will use a TensorFlow Docker image as the parent image. The version of TensorFlow and Python in that case will match your local environment. If both parent_image and a local TF installation are not available, the latest stable TF Docker image will be used. Example - 'tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu'.
cache_from Optional Docker image URI to be used as a cache when building the new Docker image. This is especially useful if you are iteratively improving your model architecture/training code. If this parameter is not provided, then we will use image URI as cache.
image_build_bucket Optional GCS bucket name to be used for building a Docker image via Google Cloud Build. If it is not specified, then your local Docker daemon will be used for Docker build. If a GCS bucket name is provided, then we will upload your code as a tarfile to this bucket, which is then used by Google Cloud Build for remote Docker containization. Note - This parameter is required when using run API from within an iPython notebook.