
Creates a dataset that caches elements from input_dataset.

Compat aliases for migration

See Migration guide for more details.


A CacheDataset will iterate over the input_dataset, and store tensors. If the cache already exists, the cache will be used. If the cache is inappropriate (e.g. cannot be opened, contains tensors of the wrong shape / size), an error will the returned when used.

input_dataset A Tensor of type variant.
filename A Tensor of type string. A path on the filesystem where we should cache the dataset. Note: this will be a directory.
output_types A list of tf.DTypes that has length >= 1.
output_shapes A list of shapes (each a tf.TensorShape or list of ints) that has length >= 1.
metadata An optional string. Defaults to "".
name A name for the operation (optional).

A Tensor of type variant.